# Dpl Dpl (dee-pee-ell) is a deploy tool made for continuous deployment. Developed and used by Travis CI. ## Supported providers: Dpl supports the following providers: * AppFog * Cloud Foundry * cloudControl * dotCloud (experimental) * Engine Yard * Heroku * Nodejitsu * NPM * Openshift * PyPi * RubyGems * S3 ## Installation: Dpl is published to rubygems. * Dpl requires ruby with a version greater than 1.8.7 * To install: `gem install dpl` ## Usage: ###Security Warning: Running dpl in a terminal that saves history is insecure as your password/api key will be saved as plain text by it. ###Global Flags * `--provider=` sets the provider you want to deploy to. Every provider has slightly different flags, which are documented in the section about your provider following. * Dpl will deploy by default from the latest commit. Use the `--skip_cleanup` flag to deploy from the current file state. Note that many providers deploy by git and could ignore this option. ### Heroku: #### Options: * **api-key**: Heroku API Key * **strategy[git/anvil]**: Deployment strategy for Dpl. Defaults to anvil. * **app**: Heroku app name. Defaults to the name of your git repo. * **username**: heroku username. Not necessary if api-key is used. Requires git strategy. * **password**: heroku password. Not necessary if api-key is used. Requires git strategy. #### Git vs Anvil Deploy: * Anvil will run the [buildpack](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/buildpacks) compilation step on the Travis CI VM, whereas the Git strategy will run it on a Heroku dyno, which provides the same environment the application will then run under and might be slightly faster. * The Git strategy allows using *user* and *password* instead of *api-key*. * When using Git, Heroku might send you an email for every deploy, as it adds a temporary SSH key to your account. As a rule of thumb, you should switch to the Git strategy if you run into issues with Anvil or if you're using the [user-env-compile](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/labs-user-env-compile) plugin. #### Examples: dpl --provider=heroku --api-key=`heroku auth:token` dpl --provider=heroku --username= --password= dpl --provider=heroku --api-key=`heroku auth:token` --strategy=anvil --app= ### Nodejitsu: #### Options: * **username**: Nodejitsu Username * **api-key**: Nodejitsu API Key #### Examples: dpl --provider=nodejitsu --username= --api-key= ### Engine Yard: #### Options: * **api-key**: Engine Yard Api Key * **username**: Engine Yard username. Not necessary if api-key is used. Requires git strategy. * **password**: Engine Yard password. Not necessary if api-key is used. * **app**: Engine Yard Application name. Defaults to git repo's name. * **environment**: Engine Yard Application Environment. Optional. * **migrate**: Engine Yard migration commands. Optional. #### Examples: dpl --provider=engineyard --api-key= dpl --provider=engineyard --username= --password= --environment=staging dpl --provider=engineyard --api-key= --app= --migrate=`rake db:migrate` ### Openshift: #### Options: * **username**: Openshift Username. * **password**: Openshift Password. * **domain**: Openshift Application Domain. * **app**: Openshift Application. Defaults to git repo's name. ####Examples: dpl --provider=openshift --username= --password= --domain= dpl --provider=openshift --username= --password= --domain= --app= ### cloudControl: #### Options: * **email**: cloudControll email. * **password**: cloudControll password. * **deployment**: cloudControll Deployment. Follows the format "APP_NAME/DEP_NAME". #### Examples: dpl --provider=cloudcontroll --email= --password --deployment=`APP_NAME/DEP_NAME` ### RubyGems: #### Options: * **api-key**: Rubygems Api Key. #### Examples: dpl --provider=rubygems --api-key= ### PyPI: #### Options: * **user**: PyPI Username. * **password**: PyPI Password. * **server**: Optional. Only required if you want to release to a different index. Follows the form of "https://mypackageindex.com/index". #### Examples: dpl --provider=pypi --user= --password= dpl --provider=pypi --user= --password= --server=`https://mypackageindex.com/index` ### NPM: #### Options: * **email**: NPM email. * **api-key**: NPM api key. Can be retrieved from your ~/.npmrc file. #### Examples: dpl --provider=npm --email= --api-key= ### S3: #### Options: * **access-key-id**: AWS Access Key ID. Can be obtained from [here](https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?#security_credential). * **secret-access-key**: AWS Secret Key. Can be obtained from [here](https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?#security_credential). * **bucket**: S3 Bucket. #### Examples: dpl --provider=s3 --access-key-id= --secret-access-key= --bucket= ### Appfog: #### Options: * **email**: Appfog Email. * **password**: Appfog Password. * **app**: Appfog App. Defaults to git repo's name. #### Examples: dpl --provider=appfog --email= --password= dpl --provider=appfog --email= --password= --app=