## rbenv.rb # # Adds capistrano/rbenv specific variables and tasks namespace :load do task :defaults do # Set the ruby version using the .ruby-version file # Looks for the file in the project root set :rbenv_ruby, File.read('.ruby-version').strip if File.exist?('.ruby-version') # Link .rbenv-vars file set :linked_files, fetch(:linked_files, []) << '.rbenv-vars' # Set the path to rbenv set :rbenv_path, "/home/deploy/.rbenv" end end namespace :env do desc 'Env variables changed' task :changed do end end namespace :rbenv do namespace :vars do desc "Show current environmental variables" task :show do on release_roles :app do within current_path do execute :rbenv, 'vars' end end end desc "Add environmental variables in the form VAR=value" task :add, [:variable] => 'deploy:check:directories' do |t, args| vars = [args.variable] + args.extras on release_roles :app do within shared_path do vars.compact.each do |var| key, value = var.split('=') cmd = build_add_var_cmd("#{shared_path}/.rbenv-vars", key, value) execute cmd end end if test "[ -d #{current_path} ]" invoke 'env:changed' end end end desc "Remove environmental variable" task :remove, [:key] do |t, args| on release_roles :app do within shared_path do execute :sed, "-i", "/^#{args[:key]}=/d", ".rbenv-vars" end if test "[ -d #{current_path} ]" invoke 'env:changed' end end end # Ensure the rbenv-vars file exist after 'deploy:check:directories', 'check:files' do on release_roles fetch(:rbenv_roles) do within shared_path do execute :touch, ".rbenv-vars" end end end end end