module Hubstats class PullRequest < ActiveRecord::Base # Various checks that can be used to filter, sort, and find info about pull requests. scope :closed_in_date_range, lambda {|start_date, end_date| where("hubstats_pull_requests.closed_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", start_date, end_date)} scope :updated_in_date_range, lambda {|start_date, end_date| where("hubstats_pull_requests.updated_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", start_date, end_date)} scope :created_in_date_range, lambda {|start_date, end_date| where("hubstats_pull_requests.created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", start_date, end_date)} scope :merged_in_date_range, lambda {|start_date, end_date| where("hubstats_pull_requests.merged").where("hubstats_pull_requests.merged_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", start_date, end_date)} scope :belonging_to_repo, lambda {|repo_id| where(repo_id: repo_id)} scope :belonging_to_user, lambda {|user_id| where(user_id: user_id)} scope :belonging_to_deploy, lambda {|deploy_id| where(deploy_id: deploy_id)} scope :belonging_to_repos, lambda {|repo_id| where(repo_id: repo_id.split(',')) if repo_id} scope :belonging_to_users, lambda {|user_id| where(user_id: user_id.split(',')) if user_id} scope :group, lambda {|group| group_by(:repo_id) if group } scope :with_state, lambda {|state| (where(state: state) unless state == 'all') if state} scope :with_label, lambda {|label_name| joins(:labels).where(hubstats_labels: {name: label_name.split(',')}) if label_name} scope :distinct, select("DISTINCT hubstats_pull_requests.*") scope :with_repo_name, select('DISTINCT as repo_name, hubstats_pull_requests.*').joins("LEFT JOIN hubstats_repos ON = hubstats_pull_requests.repo_id") scope :with_user_name, select('DISTINCT hubstats_users.login as user_name, hubstats_pull_requests.*').joins("LEFT JOIN hubstats_users ON = hubstats_pull_requests.user_id") attr_accessible :id, :url, :html_url, :diff_url, :patch_url, :issue_url, :commits_url, :review_comments_url, :review_comment_url, :comments_url, :statuses_url, :number, :state, :title, :body, :created_at, :updated_at, :closed_at, :merged_at, :merge_commit_sha, :merged, :mergeable, :comments, :commits, :additions, :deletions, :changed_files, :user_id, :repo_id, :merged_by belongs_to :user belongs_to :repo belongs_to :deploy has_and_belongs_to_many :labels, :join_table => "hubstats_labels_pull_requests" # Public - Makes a new pull request from a GitHub webhook. Finds user_id and repo_id based on users and repos # that are already in the Hubstats database. Also updates the user_id of a deploy if the pull request has been merged in a deploy. # # github_pull - the info that is from Github about the new or updated pull request # # Returns - the pull request def self.create_or_update(github_pull) github_pull = github_pull.to_h.with_indifferent_access if github_pull.respond_to? :to_h user = Hubstats::User.create_or_update(github_pull[:user]) github_pull[:user_id] = github_pull[:repository][:updated_at] = github_pull[:updated_at] repo = Hubstats::Repo.create_or_update(github_pull[:repository]) github_pull[:repo_id] = pull_data = github_pull.slice(* pull = where(:id => pull_data[:id]).first_or_create(pull_data) if github_pull[:merged_by] && github_pull[:merged_by][:id] pull_data[:merged_by] = github_pull[:merged_by][:id] deploy = Hubstats::Deploy.where(id: pull.deploy_id, user_id: nil).first if deploy deploy.user_id = pull_data[:merged_by]! end end return pull if pull.update_attributes(pull_data) Rails.logger.warn pull.errors.inspect end # Public - Adds any labels to the labels database if the labels passed in aren't already there. # # labels - the labels to be added to the db # # Returns - the new labels def add_labels(labels)!{|label| Hubstats::Label.first_or_create(label) } self.labels = labels end # Public - Filters all of the pull requests between start_date and end_date that are the given state # (passed as part of params) that belong to the params' users and repos. # # params - the params that are passed in (likely from the URL) # start_date - the start of the date range # end_date - the end of the data range # # Returns - the PRs that fit all of the below sql queries def self.all_filtered(params, start_date, end_date) filter_based_on_date_range(start_date, end_date, params[:state]) .belonging_to_users(params[:users]) .belonging_to_repos(params[:repos]) end # Public - Finds all of the PRs with the current state, and then filters to ones that have been updated in # between the start_date and end_date. # # start_date - the start of the date range # end_date - the end of the data range # state - the current state (open, closed, or all) of the PRs # # Returns - the PRs that are within the date range and that are the state def self.filter_based_on_date_range(start_date, end_date, state) with_state(state).updated_in_date_range(start_date, end_date) end # Public - Finds all of the PRs that have the current state, then filters to PRs that were updated within the # start_date and end_date. Lastly, it orders all of them based on the given order. # # start_date - the start of the date range # end_date - the end of the data range # state - the current state (open, closed, or all) of the PRs # order - the order (descending or ascending) that the PRs should be ordered in # # Returns - the PRs that are within the date range and that are the state ordered def self.state_based_order(start_date, end_date, state, order) order = ["ASC","DESC"].detect{|order_type| order_type.to_s == order.to_s.upcase } || "DESC" if state == "closed" with_state(state).updated_in_date_range(start_date, end_date).order("hubstats_pull_requests.closed_at #{order}") else #state == "open" with_state(state).updated_in_date_range(start_date, end_date).order("hubstats_pull_requests.created_at #{order}") end end # Public - Groups the PRs by either username or repo name, based on the string passed in. # # group - string that is the designated grouping # # Returns - the data grouped def self.group_by(group) if group == 'user' with_user_name.order("user_name ASC") elsif group == 'repo' with_repo_name.order("repo_name asc") else scoped end end end end