Dir.chdir File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../' require './spec/env/etc' require './lib/flok' require './spec/lib/helpers.rb' require './spec/lib/rspec_extensions.rb' require 'tempfile' require 'securerandom' #Specifications for the ./bin/flok utility #Execute flok binary def flok args #Execute ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = File.join(Dir.pwd, "Gemfile") ENV['RUBYOPT'] = "" res = system("bundle exec flok #{args}") raise "Could not execute bundle exec flok #{args.inspect}" unless res end #Create a new flok project named test and go into that directory def flok_new temp_dir = new_temp_dir Dir.chdir temp_dir do #This isn't done with flok() because we don't have a project yet, ergo, no Gemfile #But it's ok because it's *this* development version because we installed a copy of #it before this spec ran in before(:each) system("flok new test") Dir.chdir "test" do system('bundle install') yield end end end RSpec.describe "CLI" do before(:all) do #Uninstall old gems and install the current development gem system("rake gem:install") end it "Can be executed via bundle exec" do Flok.platforms.each do |platform| ENV['PLATFORM'] = platform flok_new do flok "build" end end end it "Can create a new project with correct directories" do flok_new do #Should include all entities in the project template with the exception #of erb extenseded entities (which will still be included, but they each #will not have the erb ending template_nodes = nil Dir.chdir File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../lib/flok/project_template") do template_nodes = Dir["**/*"].map{|e| e.gsub(/\.erb$/i, "")} end new_proj_nodes = Dir["**/*"] $stderr.puts "Flok version = #{Flok::VERSION}" expect(new_proj_nodes).to eq(template_nodes) expect(files).to include("Gemfile") end end it "Can build a project with every type of platform" do Flok.platforms.each do |platform| ENV['PLATFORM'] = platform flok_new do #Build a new project flok "build" #Check it's products directory expect(dirs).to include "products" Dir.chdir "products" do #Has a platform folder expect(dirs).to include platform Dir.chdir platform do #Has an application_user.js file expect(files).to include "application_user.js" #The application_user.js contains both the glob/application.js and the glob/user_compiler.js glob_application_js = File.read('glob/application.js') glob_user_compiler_js = File.read('glob/user_compiler.js') application_user_js = File.read('application_user.js') expect(application_user_js).to include(glob_application_js) expect(application_user_js).to include(glob_user_compiler_js) #Contains the same files as the kernel in the drivers directory expect(dirs).to include "drivers" end end end end end it "Can build a project with a controller file for each platform" do #Compile and then return the length of the application_user.js file def compile_with_file path=nil #Custom controller to test source with controller_src = File.read(path) if path flok_new do File.write "./app/controllers/controller0.rb", controller_src if path #Build a new project flok "build" #Check it's products directory Dir.chdir "products" do #Has a platform folder Dir.chdir @platform do glob_application_js = File.read('glob/application.js') glob_user_compiler_js = File.read('glob/user_compiler.js') application_user_js = File.read('application_user.js') return application_user_js.split("\n").count end end end end Flok.platforms.each do |platform| ENV['PLATFORM'] = platform @platform = platform controller_rb = File.read('./spec/etc/user_compiler/controller0.rb') #The file with content should be longer when compiled into the flat application_user.js len_with_content = compile_with_file "./spec/etc/user_compiler/controller0.rb" len_no_content = compile_with_file expect(len_no_content).to be < len_with_content end end include SpecHelpers it "server does build project when first run" do Flok.platforms.each do |platform| ENV['PLATFORM'] = platform flok_new do #Now execute the command with a set of arguments sh2("bundle exec flok server", /BUILD RAN/) do |inp, out| #The server should always trigger a build on it's first run expect(dirs).to include "products" Dir.chdir "products" do #Has a platform folder expect(dirs).to include platform Dir.chdir platform do #Has an application_user.js file expect(files).to include "application_user.js" #The application_user.js contains both the glob/application.js and the glob/user_compiler.js glob_application_js = File.read('glob/application.js') glob_user_compiler_js = File.read('glob/user_compiler.js') application_user_js = File.read('application_user.js') expect(application_user_js).to include(glob_application_js) expect(application_user_js).to include(glob_user_compiler_js) #Contains the same files as the kernel in the drivers directory expect(dirs).to include "drivers" end end end end end end it "server does rebuild project when a file is added" do Flok.platforms.each do |platform| ENV['PLATFORM'] = platform flok_new do #Now execute the command with a set of arguments sh2("bundle exec flok server", /BUILD RAN/) do |inp, out| #Get the original build application_user_js = File.read("products/#{platform}/application_user.js") #Now add a file File.write "./app/controllers/test2.rb", %{ controller "my_controller" do view "my_controller" action "my_action" do on_entry %{ } end end } #Wait for a rebuild expect(out).to readline_and_equal_x_within_y_seconds("BUILD RAN", 5.seconds) #Get updated version application_user_js2 = File.read("products/#{platform}/application_user.js") #Make sure the compiled file is different and it's somewhat valid (length > 30) expect(application_user_js2).not_to eq(application_user_js) expect(application_user_js2.length).to be > 30 #Magic 30 to avoid any problems end end end end it "server does host products on localhost:9992" do Flok.platforms.each do |platform| ENV['PLATFORM'] = platform flok_new do #Now execute the command with a set of arguments sh2("bundle exec flok server", /BUILD RAN/) do |inp, out| real_application_user_js = File.read("products/#{platform}/application_user.js") #Grab the application_user.js file res = wget "http://localhost:9992/application_user.js" expect(res).not_to eq(nil) expect(res.length).not_to eq(0) expect(res).to eq(real_application_user_js) end end end end it "server does host products on localhost:9992 and changes the products when the files change" do Flok.platforms.each do |platform| ENV['PLATFORM'] = platform flok_new do #Now execute the command with a set of arguments sh2("bundle exec flok server", /BUILD RAN/) do |inp, out| #Get the original application_user_js = wget "http://localhost:9992/application_user.js" #Now add a file File.write "./app/controllers/test2.rb", %{ controller "my_controller" do view "my_controller" action "my_action" do on_entry %{ } end end } #Wait for a rebuild expect(out).to readline_and_equal_x_within_y_seconds("BUILD RAN", 5.seconds) #Grab new version application_user_js2 = wget "http://localhost:9992/application_user.js" #Make sure the compiled file is different and it's longer expect(application_user_js2.length).to be > application_user_js.length expect(application_user_js2.length).to be > 30 #Make sure it's at least something end end end end end