require 'spec_helper' require 'aws-sdk' describe Paperclip::Storage::S3 do before do AWS.stub! end context "Parsing S3 credentials" do before do @proxy_settings = {host: "", port: 8888, user: "foo", password: "bar"} rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", http_proxy: @proxy_settings, s3_credentials: {not: :important} @dummy = @avatar = @dummy.avatar end it "gets the correct credentials when RAILS_ENV is production" do rails_env("production") do assert_equal({key: "12345"}, @avatar.parse_credentials('production' => {key: '12345'}, development: {key: "54321"})) end end it "gets the correct credentials when RAILS_ENV is development" do rails_env("development") do assert_equal({key: "54321"}, @avatar.parse_credentials('production' => {key: '12345'}, development: {key: "54321"})) end end it "returns the argument if the key does not exist" do rails_env("not really an env") do assert_equal({test: "12345"}, @avatar.parse_credentials(test: "12345")) end end it "supports HTTP proxy settings" do rails_env("development") do assert_equal(true, @avatar.using_http_proxy?) assert_equal(@proxy_settings[:host], @avatar.http_proxy_host) assert_equal(@proxy_settings[:port], @avatar.http_proxy_port) assert_equal(@proxy_settings[:user], @avatar.http_proxy_user) assert_equal(@proxy_settings[:password], @avatar.http_proxy_password) end end end context ":bucket option via :s3_credentials" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: {bucket: 'testing'} @dummy = end it "populates #bucket_name" do assert_equal @dummy.avatar.bucket_name, 'testing' end end context ":bucket option" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", s3_credentials: {} @dummy = end it "populates #bucket_name" do assert_equal @dummy.avatar.bucket_name, 'testing' end end context "missing :bucket option" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, http_proxy: @proxy_settings, s3_credentials: {not: :important} @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file end it "raises an argument error" do expect { }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /missing required :bucket option/) end end context "" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: {}, bucket: "bucket", path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension", url: ":s3_path_url" @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file end it "returns a url based on an S3 path" do assert_match %r{^[^\.]}, @dummy.avatar.url end it "uses the correct bucket" do assert_equal "bucket", end it "uses the correct key" do assert_equal "avatars/data", @dummy.avatar.s3_object.key end end context "s3_protocol" do ["http", :http, ""].each do |protocol| context "as #{protocol.inspect}" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_protocol: protocol @dummy = end it "returns the s3_protocol in string" do assert_equal protocol.to_s, @dummy.avatar.s3_protocol end end end end context "s3_protocol: 'https'" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: {}, s3_protocol: 'https', bucket: "bucket", path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension" @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file end it "returns a url based on an S3 path" do assert_match %r{^[^\.]}, @dummy.avatar.url end end context "s3_protocol: ''" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: {}, s3_protocol: '', bucket: "bucket", path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension" @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file end it "returns a protocol-relative URL" do assert_match %r{^//[^\.]}, @dummy.avatar.url end end context "s3_protocol: :https" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: {}, s3_protocol: :https, bucket: "bucket", path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension" @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file end it "returns a url based on an S3 path" do assert_match %r{^[^\.]}, @dummy.avatar.url end end context "s3_protocol: ''" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: {}, s3_protocol: '', bucket: "bucket", path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension" @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file end it "returns a url based on an S3 path" do assert_match %r{^//[^\.]}, @dummy.avatar.url end end context "An attachment that uses S3 for storage and has the style in the path" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", styles: { thumb: "80x80>" }, s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" } @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file @avatar = @dummy.avatar end it "uses an S3 object based on the correct path for the default style" do assert_equal("avatars/original/data", @dummy.avatar.s3_object.key) end it "uses an S3 object based on the correct path for the custom style" do assert_equal("avatars/thumb/data", @dummy.avatar.s3_object(:thumb).key) end end context "s3_host_name" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: {}, bucket: "bucket", path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension", s3_host_name: "" @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file end it "returns a url based on an :s3_host_name path" do assert_match %r{^[^\.]}, @dummy.avatar.url end it "uses the S3 bucket with the correct host name" do assert_equal "", @dummy.avatar.s3_bucket.config.s3_endpoint end end context "dynamic s3_host_name" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: {}, bucket: "bucket", path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension", s3_host_name: lambda {|a| a.instance.value } @dummy = class << @dummy attr_accessor :value end @dummy.avatar = stringy_file end it "uses s3_host_name as a proc if available" do @dummy.value = "" assert_equal "", @dummy.avatar.url(:original, timestamp: false) end end context "An attachment that uses S3 for storage and has styles that return different file types" do before do rebuild_model styles: { large: ['500x500#', :jpg] }, storage: :s3, bucket: "bucket", path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension", s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }'5k.png'), 'rb') do |file| @dummy = @dummy.avatar = file end end it "returns a url containing the correct original file mime type" do assert_match /.+\/5k.png/, @dummy.avatar.url end it 'uses the correct key for the original file mime type' do assert_match /.+\/5k.png/, @dummy.avatar.s3_object.key end it "returns a url containing the correct processed file mime type" do assert_match /.+\/5k.jpg/, @dummy.avatar.url(:large) end it "uses the correct key for the processed file mime type" do assert_match /.+\/5k.jpg/, @dummy.avatar.s3_object(:large).key end end context "An attachment that uses S3 for storage and has a proc for styles" do before do rebuild_model styles: lambda { |attachment| attachment.instance.counter; {thumbnail: { geometry: "50x50#", s3_headers: {'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=31557600'}} }}, storage: :s3, bucket: "bucket", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" } @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') Dummy.class_eval do def counter @counter ||= 0 @counter += 1 @counter end end @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).with(:original).returns(object) @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).with(:thumbnail).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: 'image/png', acl: :public_read) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: 'image/png', acl: :public_read, cache_control: 'max-age=31557600') end after { @file.close } it "succeeds" do assert_equal @dummy.counter, 7 end end context "An attachment that uses S3 for storage and has spaces in file name" do before do rebuild_model styles: { large: ['500x500#', :jpg] }, storage: :s3, bucket: "bucket", s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }'spaced file.png'), 'rb') do |file| @dummy = @dummy.avatar = file end end it "returns a replaced version for path" do assert_match /.+\/spaced_file\.png/, @dummy.avatar.path end it "returns a replaced version for url" do assert_match /.+\/spaced_file\.png/, @dummy.avatar.url end end context "An attachment that uses S3 for storage and has a question mark in file name" do before do rebuild_model styles: { large: ['500x500#', :jpg] }, storage: :s3, bucket: "bucket", s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" } stringio = stringy_file class << stringio def original_filename "question?mark.png" end end file = Paperclip.io_adapters.for(stringio) @dummy = @dummy.avatar = file end it "returns a replaced version for path" do assert_match /.+\/question_mark\.png/, @dummy.avatar.path end it "returns a replaced version for url" do assert_match /.+\/question_mark\.png/, @dummy.avatar.url end end context "" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: {}, bucket: "bucket", path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension", url: ":s3_domain_url" @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file end it "returns a url based on an S3 subdomain" do assert_match %r{^[^\.]}, @dummy.avatar.url end end context "" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: { production: { bucket: "prod_bucket" }, development: { bucket: "dev_bucket" } }, s3_host_alias: "", path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension", url: ":s3_alias_url" @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file end it "returns a url based on the host_alias" do assert_match %r{^[^\.]}, @dummy.avatar.url end end context "generating a url with a proc as the host alias" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: { bucket: "prod_bucket" }, s3_host_alias:{|atch| "cdn#{atch.instance.counter % 4}"}, path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension", url: ":s3_alias_url" Dummy.class_eval do def counter @counter ||= 0 @counter += 1 @counter end end @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file end it "returns a url based on the host_alias" do assert_match %r{^[^\.]}, @dummy.avatar.url assert_match %r{^[^\.]}, @dummy.avatar.url end it "still returns the bucket name" do assert_equal "prod_bucket", @dummy.avatar.bucket_name end end context "" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: {}, bucket: "bucket", path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension", url: ":asset_host" @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file end it "returns a relative URL for Rails to calculate assets host" do assert_match %r{^avatars/data[^\.]}, @dummy.avatar.url end end context "Generating a secure url with an expiration" do before do @build_model_with_options = lambda {|options| base_options = { storage: :s3, s3_credentials: { production: { bucket: "prod_bucket" }, development: { bucket: "dev_bucket" } }, s3_host_alias: "", s3_permissions: "private", path: ":attachment/:basename:dotextension", url: ":s3_alias_url" } rebuild_model base_options.merge(options) } end it "uses default options" do @build_model_with_options[{}] rails_env("production") do @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(object) object.expects(:url_for).with(:read, expires: 3600, secure: true) @dummy.avatar.expiring_url end end it "allows overriding s3_url_options" do @build_model_with_options[s3_url_options: { response_content_disposition: "inline" }] rails_env("production") do @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(object) object.expects(:url_for).with(:read, expires: 3600, secure: true, response_content_disposition: "inline") @dummy.avatar.expiring_url end end it "allows overriding s3_object options with a proc" do @build_model_with_options[s3_url_options: lambda {|attachment| { response_content_type: attachment.avatar_content_type } }] rails_env("production") do @dummy = @file = stringy_file @file.stubs(:original_filename).returns("5k.png\n\n") Paperclip.stubs(:run).returns('image/png') @file.stubs(:content_type).returns("image/png\n\n") @file.stubs(:to_tempfile).returns(@file) @dummy.avatar = @file object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(object) object.expects(:url_for).with(:read, expires: 3600, secure: true, response_content_type: "image/png") @dummy.avatar.expiring_url end end end context "#expiring_url" do before { @dummy = } context "with no attachment" do before { assert(!@dummy.avatar.exists?) } it "returns the default URL" do assert_equal(@dummy.avatar.url, @dummy.avatar.expiring_url) end it 'generates a url for a style when a file does not exist' do assert_equal(@dummy.avatar.url(:thumb), @dummy.avatar.expiring_url(3600, :thumb)) end end it "generates the same url when using Times and Integer offsets" do assert_equal @dummy.avatar.expiring_url(1234), @dummy.avatar.expiring_url( + 1234) end end context "Generating a url with an expiration for each style" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: { production: { bucket: "prod_bucket" }, development: { bucket: "dev_bucket" } }, s3_permissions: :private, s3_host_alias: "", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", url: ":s3_alias_url" rails_env("production") do @dummy = @dummy.avatar = stringy_file end end it "generates a url for the thumb" do object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).with(:thumb).returns(object) object.expects(:url_for).with(:read, expires: 1800, secure: true) @dummy.avatar.expiring_url(1800, :thumb) end it "generates a url for the default style" do object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).with(:original).returns(object) object.expects(:url_for).with(:read, expires: 1800, secure: true) @dummy.avatar.expiring_url(1800) end end context "Parsing S3 credentials with a bucket in them" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials: { production: { bucket: "prod_bucket" }, development: { bucket: "dev_bucket" } } @dummy = end it "gets the right bucket in production" do rails_env("production") do assert_equal "prod_bucket", @dummy.avatar.bucket_name assert_equal "prod_bucket", end end it "gets the right bucket in development" do rails_env("development") do assert_equal "dev_bucket", @dummy.avatar.bucket_name assert_equal "dev_bucket", end end end context "Parsing S3 credentials with a s3_host_name in them" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: 'testing', s3_credentials: { production: { s3_host_name: "" }, development: { s3_host_name: "" } } @dummy = end it "gets the right s3_host_name in production" do rails_env("production") do assert_match %r{^}, @dummy.avatar.s3_host_name assert_match %r{^}, @dummy.avatar.s3_bucket.config.s3_endpoint end end it "gets the right s3_host_name in development" do rails_env("development") do assert_match %r{^}, @dummy.avatar.s3_host_name assert_match %r{^}, @dummy.avatar.s3_bucket.config.s3_endpoint end end it "gets the right s3_host_name if the key does not exist" do rails_env("test") do assert_match %r{^}, @dummy.avatar.s3_host_name assert_match %r{^}, @dummy.avatar.s3_bucket.config.s3_endpoint end end end context "An attachment with S3 storage" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", s3_credentials: { aws_access_key_id: "12345", aws_secret_access_key: "54321" } end it "is extended by the S3 module" do assert end it "won't be extended by the Filesystem module" do assert ! end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } it "does not get a bucket to get a URL" do @dummy.avatar.expects(:s3).never @dummy.avatar.expects(:s3_bucket).never assert_match %r{^http://s3\.amazonaws\.com/testing/avatars/original/5k\.png}, @dummy.avatar.url end it "is rewound after flush_writes" do @dummy.avatar.instance_eval "def after_flush_writes; end" @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(stub(write: true)) files = @dummy.avatar.queued_for_write.values.each(&:read) assert files.none?(&:eof?), "Expect all the files to be rewound." end it "is removed after after_flush_writes" do @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(stub(write: true)) paths = assert paths.none?{ |path| File.exist?(path) }, "Expect all the files to be deleted." end context "and saved" do before do object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: "image/png", acl: :public_read) end it "succeeds" do assert true end end context "and saved without a bucket" do before do AWS::S3::BucketCollection.any_instance.expects(:create).with("testing") AWS::S3::S3Object.any_instance.stubs(:write). raises(, stub(status: 404, body: ""))). then.returns(nil) end it "succeeds" do assert true end end context "and remove" do before do AWS::S3::S3Object.any_instance.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) AWS::S3::S3Object.any_instance.stubs(:delete) @dummy.destroy end it "succeeds" do assert true end end context 'that the file were missing' do before do AWS::S3::S3Object.any_instance.stubs(:exists?).raises(AWS::Errors::Base) end it 'returns false on exists?' do assert !@dummy.avatar.exists? end end end end context "An attachment with S3 storage and bucket defined as a Proc" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: lambda { |attachment| "bucket_#{attachment.instance.other}" }, s3_credentials: {not: :important} end it "gets the right bucket name" do assert "bucket_a", 'a').avatar.bucket_name assert "bucket_a", 'a') assert "bucket_b", 'b').avatar.bucket_name assert "bucket_b", 'b') end end context "An attachment with S3 storage and S3 credentials defined as a Proc" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: {not: :important}, s3_credentials: lambda { |attachment| Hash['access_key_id' => "access#{attachment.instance.other}", 'secret_access_key' => "secret#{attachment.instance.other}"] } end it "gets the right credentials" do assert "access1234", '1234').avatar.s3_credentials[:access_key_id] assert "secret1234", '1234').avatar.s3_credentials[:secret_access_key] end end context "An attachment with S3 storage and S3 credentials with a :credential_provider" do before do class DummyCredentialProvider; end rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", s3_credentials: { credential_provider: } @dummy = end it "sets the credential-provider" do expect(@dummy.avatar.s3_bucket.config.credential_provider).to be_a DummyCredentialProvider end end context "An attachment with S3 storage and S3 credentials in an unsupported manor" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", s3_credentials: ["unsupported"] @dummy = end it "does not accept the credentials" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) do @dummy.avatar.s3_credentials end end end context "An attachment with S3 storage and S3 credentials not supplied" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing" @dummy = end it "does not parse any credentials" do assert_equal({}, @dummy.avatar.s3_credentials) end end context "An attachment with S3 storage and specific s3 headers set" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }, s3_headers: {'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=31557600'} end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: "image/png", acl: :public_read, cache_control: 'max-age=31557600') end it "succeeds" do assert true end end end end context "An attachment with S3 storage and metadata set using header names" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }, s3_headers: {'x-amz-meta-color' => 'red'} end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: "image/png", acl: :public_read, metadata: { "color" => "red" }) end it "succeeds" do assert true end end end end context "An attachment with S3 storage and metadata set using the :s3_metadata option" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }, s3_metadata: { "color" => "red" } end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: "image/png", acl: :public_read, metadata: { "color" => "red" }) end it "succeeds" do assert true end end end end context "An attachment with S3 storage and storage class set" do context "using the header name" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }, s3_headers: { "x-amz-storage-class" => "reduced_redundancy" } end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: "image/png", acl: :public_read, storage_class: "reduced_redundancy") end it "succeeds" do assert true end end end end context "using per style hash" do before do rebuild_model :storage => :s3, :bucket => "testing", :path => ":attachment/:style/:basename.:extension", :styles => { :thumb => "80x80>" }, :s3_credentials => { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }, :s3_storage_class => { :thumb => :reduced_redundancy } end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do object = stub [:thumb, :original].each do |style| @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).with(style).returns(object) expected_options = {:content_type => "image/png", :acl => :public_read} expected_options.merge!(:storage_class => :reduced_redundancy) if style == :thumb object.expects(:write).with(anything, expected_options) end end it "succeeds" do assert true end end end end context "using global hash option" do before do rebuild_model :storage => :s3, :bucket => "testing", :path => ":attachment/:style/:basename.:extension", :styles => { :thumb => "80x80>" }, :s3_credentials => { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }, :s3_storage_class => :reduced_redundancy end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do object = stub [:thumb, :original].each do |style| @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).with(style).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, :content_type => "image/png", :acl => :public_read, :storage_class => :reduced_redundancy) end end it "succeeds" do assert true end end end end end context "Can disable AES256 encryption multiple ways" do [nil, false, ''].each do |tech| before do rebuild_model( storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321"}, s3_server_side_encryption: tech) end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: "image/png", acl: :public_read) end it "succeeds" do assert true end end end end end context "An attachment with S3 storage and using AES256 encryption" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }, s3_server_side_encryption: :aes256 end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: "image/png", acl: :public_read, server_side_encryption: :aes256) end it "succeeds" do assert true end end end end context "An attachment with S3 storage and storage class set using the :storage_class option" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }, s3_storage_class: :reduced_redundancy end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: "image/png", acl: :public_read, storage_class: :reduced_redundancy) end it "succeeds" do assert true end end end end context "with S3 credentials supplied as Pathname" do before do ENV['S3_KEY'] = 'pathname_key' ENV['S3_BUCKET'] = 'pathname_bucket' ENV['S3_SECRET'] = 'pathname_secret' rails_env('test') do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials:'s3.yml')) Dummy.delete_all @dummy = end end it "parses the credentials" do assert_equal 'pathname_bucket', @dummy.avatar.bucket_name assert_equal 'pathname_key', @dummy.avatar.s3_bucket.config.access_key_id assert_equal 'pathname_secret', @dummy.avatar.s3_bucket.config.secret_access_key end end context "with S3 credentials in a YAML file" do before do ENV['S3_KEY'] = 'env_key' ENV['S3_BUCKET'] = 'env_bucket' ENV['S3_SECRET'] = 'env_secret' rails_env('test') do rebuild_model storage: :s3, s3_credentials:'s3.yml')) Dummy.delete_all @dummy = end end it "runs the file through ERB" do assert_equal 'env_bucket', @dummy.avatar.bucket_name assert_equal 'env_key', @dummy.avatar.s3_bucket.config.access_key_id assert_equal 'env_secret', @dummy.avatar.s3_bucket.config.secret_access_key end end context "S3 Permissions" do context "defaults to :public_read" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" } end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: "image/png", acl: :public_read) end it "succeeds" do assert true end end end end context "string permissions set" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }, s3_permissions: :private end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: "image/png", acl: :private) end it "succeeds" do assert true end end end end context "hash permissions set" do before do rebuild_model storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", styles: { thumb: "80x80>" }, s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }, s3_permissions: { original: :private, thumb: :public_read } end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do [:thumb, :original].each do |style| object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).with(style).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: "image/png", acl: style == :thumb ? :public_read : :private) end end it "succeeds" do assert true end end end end context "proc permission set" do before do rebuild_model( storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", styles: { thumb: "80x80>" }, s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }, s3_permissions: lambda {|attachment, style| attachment.instance.private_attachment? && style.to_sym != :thumb ? :private : :public_read } ) end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.stubs(:private_attachment? => true) @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do end it "succeeds" do assert @dummy.avatar.url().include? "https://" assert @dummy.avatar.url(:thumb).include? "http://" end end end end end context "An attachment with S3 storage and metadata set using a proc as headers" do before do rebuild_model( storage: :s3, bucket: "testing", path: ":attachment/:style/:basename:dotextension", styles: { thumb: "80x80>" }, s3_credentials: { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" }, s3_headers: lambda {|attachment| {'Content-Disposition' => "attachment; filename=\"#{}\""} } ) end context "when assigned" do before do @file ='5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.stubs(name: 'Custom Avatar Name.png') @dummy.avatar = @file end after { @file.close } context "and saved" do before do [:thumb, :original].each do |style| object = stub @dummy.avatar.stubs(:s3_object).with(style).returns(object) object.expects(:write).with(anything, content_type: "image/png", acl: :public_read, content_disposition: 'attachment; filename="Custom Avatar Name.png"') end end it "succeeds" do assert true end end end end private def rails_env(env) stored_env, Rails.env = Rails.env, env begin yield ensure Rails.env = stored_env end end end