require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/../../spec_helper.rb") describe Mongoid::Document do before do @collection = mock @database = stub(:collection => @collection) Mongoid.stubs(:database).returns(@database) end after do Person.instance_variable_set(:@collection, nil) end describe "#aggregate" do before do @reduce = "function(obj, prev) { prev.count++; }" end it "returns documents grouped by the supplied fields" do results = [{ "title" => "Sir", "count" => 30 }] @collection.expects(:group).with([:title], nil, {:count => 0}, @reduce).returns(results) grouped = Person.aggregate([:title], {}) grouped.first["count"].should == 30 end end describe "#belongs_to" do it "creates a reader for the association" do address = address.should respond_to(:person) end it "creates a writer for the association" do address = address.should respond_to(:person=) end end describe "#collection" do it "sets the collection name to the class pluralized" do @database.expects(:collection).with("people").returns(@collection) Person.collection end end describe "#create" do context "with no attributes" do it "creates a new saved document" do @collection.expects(:save).with({}) person = Person.create person.should_not be_nil end end context "with attributes" do it "creates a new saved document" do @collection.expects(:save).with({:test => "test"}) person = Person.create(:test => "test") person.should_not be_nil end end end describe "#destroy" do context "when the Document is remove from the database" do it "returns nil" do id = @collection.expects(:remove).with(:_id => id) person = => id) person.destroy.should be_nil end end end describe "#destroy_all" do it "deletes all documents from the collection" do @collection.expects(:drop) Person.destroy_all end end describe "#fields" do before do Person.fields([:testing]) end it "adds a reader for the fields defined" do @person = => "Test") @person.testing.should == "Test" end it "adds a writer for the fields defined" do @person = => "Test") @person.testing = "Testy" @person.testing.should == "Testy" end end describe "#find" do before do @attributes = { :document_class => "Person" } end context "when an id is passed in" do before do @id = end it "delegates to find_first" do @collection.expects(:find_one).with(Mongo::ObjectID.from_string(@id.to_s)).returns(@attributes) Person.find(@id.to_s) end end context "when finding first" do it "delegates to find_first" do @collection.expects(:find_one).with(:test => "Test" ).returns(@attributes) Person.find(:first, :conditions => { :test => "Test" }) end end context "when finding all" do before do @cursor = mock @people = [] end it "delegates to find_all" do @collection.expects(:find).with({:test => "Test"}, {}).returns(@cursor) @cursor.expects(:collect).returns(@people) Person.find(:all, :conditions => { :test => "Test" }) end end context "when sorting" do before do @cursor = mock @people = [] end it "adds the sort parameters for the collection call" do @collection.expects(:find).with({ :test => "Test" }, { :sort => { :test => -1 }}).returns(@cursor) @cursor.expects(:collect).returns(@people) Person.find(:all, :conditions => { :test => "Test" }, :sort => { :test => -1 }) end end end describe "#find_first" do before do @attributes = { :document_class => "Person" } end context "when a selector is provided" do it "finds the first document from the collection and instantiates it" do @collection.expects(:find_one).with(:test => "Test").returns(@attributes) Person.find_first(:conditions => {:test => "Test"}).attributes.should == @attributes end end context "when a selector is not provided" do it "finds the first document from the collection and instantiates it" do @collection.expects(:find_one).with(nil).returns(@attributes) Person.find_first.attributes.should == @attributes end end end describe "#find_all" do before do @cursor = mock @people = [] end context "when a selector is provided" do it "finds from the collection and instantiate objects for each returned" do @collection.expects(:find).with({ :test => "Test" }, {}).returns(@cursor) @cursor.expects(:collect).returns(@people) Person.find_all(:conditions => {:test => "Test"}) end end context "when a selector is not provided" do it "finds from the collection and instantiate objects for each returned" do @collection.expects(:find).with(nil, {}).returns(@cursor) @cursor.expects(:collect).returns(@people) Person.find_all end end end describe "#group_by" do before do @reduce = "function(obj, prev) {; }" end it "returns documents grouped by the supplied fields" do results = [{ "title" => "Sir", "group" => [{ "title" => "Sir", "age" => 30 }] }] @collection.expects(:group).with([:title], nil, { :group => [] }, @reduce).returns(results) grouped = Person.group_by([:title], {}) people = grouped.first["group"] people.first.should be_a_kind_of(Person) end end describe "#has_many" do it "adds a new Association to the collection" do person = person.addresses.should_not be_nil end it "creates a reader for the association" do person = person.should respond_to(:addresses) end it "creates a writer for the association" do person = person.should respond_to(:addresses=) end context "when setting the association directly" do before do @attributes = { :title => "Sir", :addresses => [ { :street => "Street 1", :document_class => "Address" }, { :street => "Street 2", :document_class => "Address" } ] } @person = end it "sets the attributes for the association" do address = => "New Street", :document_class => "Address") @person.addresses = [address] @person.addresses.first.street.should == "New Street" end end end describe "#has_one" do it "adds a new Association to the collection" do person = be_nil end it "creates a reader for the association" do person = person.should respond_to(:name) end it "creates a writer for the association" do person = person.should respond_to(:name=) end context "when setting the association directly" do before do @attributes = { :title => "Sir", :name => { :first_name => "Test" } } @person = end it "sets the attributes for the association" do name = => "New Name", :document_class => "Name") = name == "New Name" end end end describe "#has_timestamps" do before do @tester = end it "adds created_on and last_modified to the document" do @collection.expects(:save).with(@tester.attributes) @tester.created_at.should_not be_nil @tester.last_modified.should_not be_nil end end describe "#index" do context "when unique options are not provided" do it "delegates to collection with unique => false" do @collection.expects(:create_index).with(:title, :unique => false) Person.index :title end end context "when unique option is provided" do it "delegates to collection with unique option" do @collection.expects(:create_index).with(:title, :unique => true) Person.index :title, :unique => true end end end describe "#new" do context "with no attributes" do it "does not set any attributes" do person = person.attributes.empty?.should be_true end end context "with attributes" do before do @attributes = { :test => "test" } end it "sets the arributes hash on the object" do person = person.attributes.should == @attributes end end end describe "#new_record?" do context "when the object has been saved" do before do @person = => "1") end it "returns false" do @person.new_record?.should be_false end end context "when the object has not been saved" do before do @person = end it "returns true" do @person.new_record?.should be_true end end end describe "#paginate" do before do @cursor = stub(:count => 100, :collect => []) end context "when pagination parameters are passed" do it "delegates to will paginate with the results" do @collection.expects(:find).with({ :test => "Test" }, {:limit => 20, :offset => 20}).returns(@cursor) Person.paginate(:conditions => { :test => "Test" }, :page => 2, :per_page => 20) end end context "when pagination parameters are not passed" do it "delegates to will paginate with default values" do @collection.expects(:find).with({ :test => "Test" }, {:limit => 20, :offset => 0}).returns(@cursor) Person.paginate(:conditions => { :test => "Test" }) end end end describe "#parent" do before do @attributes = { :title => "Sir", :addresses => [ { :street => "Street 1", :document_class => "Address" }, { :street => "Street 2", :document_class => "Address" } ] } @person = end context "when document is embedded" do it "returns the parent document" do @person.addresses.first.parent.should == @person end end context "when document is root" do it "returns nil" do @person.parent.should be_nil end end end describe "#save" do context "when the document is the root" do before do @attributes = { :test => "test" } @person = end it "persists the object to the MongoDB collection" do @collection.expects(:save).with(@person.attributes) be_true end end context "when the document is embedded" do before do @attributes = { :title => "Sir", :addresses => [ { :street => "Street 1", :document_class => "Address" }, { :street => "Street 2", :document_class => "Address" } ] } @person = end it "saves the root document" do @collection.expects(:save).with(@person.attributes) end end end describe "#to_param" do it "returns the id" do id = => id).to_param.should == id.to_s end end describe "#update_attributes" do context "when attributes are provided" do it "saves and returns true" do person = person.expects(:save).returns(true) person.update_attributes(:test => "Test").should be_true end end end context "validations" do context "when defining using macros" do after do Person.validations.clear end describe "#validates_acceptance_of" do it "adds the acceptance validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_acceptance_of :terms end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesAcceptanceOf) end end describe "#validates_associated" do it "adds the associated validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_associated :name end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesAssociated) end end describe "#validates_format_of" do it "adds the format validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_format_of :title, :with => /[A-Za-z]/ end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesFormatOf) end end describe "#validates_length_of" do it "adds the length validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_length_of :title, :minimum => 10 end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesLengthOf) end end describe "#validates_numericality_of" do it "adds the numericality validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_numericality_of :age end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesNumericalityOf) end end describe "#validates_presence_of" do it "adds the presence validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_presence_of :title end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesPresenceOf) end end describe "#validates_true_for" do it "adds the true validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_true_for :title, :logic => lambda { title == "Esquire" } end Person.validations.first.should be_a_kind_of(Validatable::ValidatesTrueFor) end end end context "when running validations" do before do @person = end after do Person.validations.clear end describe "#validates_acceptance_of" do it "fails if field not accepted" do Person.class_eval do validates_acceptance_of :terms end @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:terms).should_not be_nil end end describe "#validates_associated" do context "when association is a has_many" do it "fails when any association fails validation" end context "when association is a has_one" do it "fails when the association fails validation" do Person.class_eval do validates_associated :name end Name.class_eval do validates_presence_of :first_name end = @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:name).should_not be_nil end end end describe "#validates_format_of" do it "fails if the field is in the wrong format" do Person.class_eval do validates_format_of :title, :with => /[A-Za-z]/ end @person.title = 10 @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:title).should_not be_nil end end describe "#validates_length_of" do it "fails if the field is the wrong length" do Person.class_eval do validates_length_of :title, :minimum => 10 end @person.title = "Testing" @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:title).should_not be_nil end end describe "#validates_numericality_of" do it "fails if the field is not a number" do Person.class_eval do validates_numericality_of :age end @person.age = "foo" @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:age).should_not be_nil end end describe "#validates_presence_of" do it "fails if the field is nil" do Person.class_eval do validates_presence_of :title end @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:title).should_not be_nil end end describe "#validates_true_for" do it "fails if the logic returns false" do Person.class_eval do validates_true_for :title, :logic => lambda { title == "Esquire" } end @person.valid?.should be_false @person.errors.on(:title).should_not be_nil end end end end end