# 0.8.11 * Skip enqueue, send_exception and add_exception if not active # 0.8.10 * Bugfix: Don't pause agent when it's not active # 0.8.9 Yanked # 0.8.8 * Explicitely require securerandom # 0.8.7 * Dup process action event to avoid threading issue * Rescue failing inspects in param sanitizer * Add option to pause instrumentation # 0.8.6 * Resque support (beta) * Support tags in Appsignal.send_exception * Alias tag_request to tag_job, for background jobs * Skip sanitization of env if env is nil * Small bugfix in forking logic * Don't send params if send_params is off in config * Remove --repository option in CLI * Name option in appsignal notify_of_deploy CLI * Don't call to_hash on ENV * Get error message in CLI when config is not active # 0.8.5 * Don't require revision in CLI notify_of_deploy # 0.8.4 * Skip session sanitize if not a http request * Use appsignal_config in Capistrano as initial config # 0.8.3 * Restart thread when we've been forked * Only notify of deploy when active in capistrano * Make sure env is a string in config # 0.8.2 * Bugfix in Delayed Job integration * appsignal prefix when logging to stdout * Log to stdout on Shelly Cloud # 0.8.1 * Fix in monitoring of queue times # 0.8.0 * Support for background processors (Delayed Job and Sidekiq) # 0.7.1 * Better support for forking webservers # 0.7.0 * Mayor refactor and cleanup * New easier onboarding process * Support for Rack apps, including experimental Sinatra integration * Monitor HTTP queue times * Always log to stdout on Heroku # 0.6.7 * Send HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR env var # 0.6.6 * Add Appsignal.add_exception # 0.6.5 * Fix bug where fast requests are tracked with wrong action # 0.6.4 * More comprehensive debug logging # 0.6.3 * Use a mutex around access to the aggregator * Bugfix for accessing connection config in Rails 3.0 * Add Appsignal.tag_request * Only warn if there are duplicate push keys # 0.6.2 * Bugfix in backtrace cleaner usage for Rails 4 # 0.6.1 * Bugfix in Capistrano integration # 0.6.0 * Support for Rails 4 * Data that's posted to AppSignal is now gzipped * Add Appsignal.send_exception and Appsignal.listen_for_exception * We now us the Rails backtrace cleaner # 0.5.5 * Fix minor bug # 0.5.4 * Debug option in config to get detailed logging # 0.5.3 * Fix minor bug # 0.5.2 * General improvements to the Rails generator * Log to STDOUT if writing to log/appsignal.log is not possible (Heroku) * Handle the last transactions before the rails process shuts down * Require 'erb' to enable dynamic config