module TestDummy def self.included(base) base.send(:extend, ClassMethods) base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) end def self.combine_create_params(*param_sets) final_params = { } # Apply param_sets in order they are listed param_sets.compact.each do |params| params.each do |k, v| # Ignore nil assignments final_params[k.to_sym] = v if (v) end end final_params end def self.add_module(new_module) FakeMethods.send(:extend, new_module) end def self.can_fake(*names, &block) case (names.last) when Hash options = names.pop end if (options and options[:with]) block = options[:with] end FakeMethods.send( :extend, names.inject( do |m, name| m.send(:define_method, name, &block) m end ) end def self.config(&block) RailsModelFaker.instance_eval(&block) end def self.include(addon) RailsModelFaker.send(:extend, addon) end module FakeMethods # Placeholder for generic fake methods end module ClassMethods def fake_field_config @rmf_can_fake ||= { } end def can_fake(*names, &block) options = nil case (names.last) when Hash options = names.pop end if (options and options[:with]) block = options[:with] end @rmf_can_fake ||= { } @rmf_can_fake_order ||= [ ] names.flatten.each do |name| name = name.to_sym # For associations, delay creation of block until first call # to allow for additional relationships to be defined after # the can_fake call. Leave placeholder (true) instead. @rmf_can_fake[name] = block || true @rmf_can_fake_order << name end end def can_fake?(*names) @rmf_can_fake ||= { } names.flatten.reject do |name| @rmf_can_fake.key?(name) end.empty? end def build_fake(params = nil) model = new(RailsModelFaker.combine_create_params(scope(:create), params)) yield(model) if (block_given?) self.execute_fake_operation(model, params) model end def create_fake(params = nil, &block) model = build_fake(params, &block) model end def create_fake!(params = nil, &block) model = build_fake(params, &block)! model end def fake(name, params = nil) params = RailsModelFaker.combine_create_params(scope(:create), params) fake_method_call(nil, params, fake_method(name)) end def fake_params(params = nil) params = RailsModelFaker.combine_create_params(scope(:create), params) @rmf_can_fake_order.each do |field| unless (params.key?(field)) result = fake(field, params) case (result) when nil, params # Declined to populate parameters if method returns nil # or returns the existing parameter set. else params[field] = result end end end params end def execute_fake_operation(model, params = nil) @rmf_can_fake_order.each do |name| if (reflection = reflect_on_association(name)) unless ((params and params.key?(name.to_sym)) or model.send(name)) model.send(:"#{name}=", fake_method_call(model, params, fake_method(name))) end else unless (params and (params.key?(name.to_sym) or params.key?(name.to_s))) model.send(:"#{name}=", fake_method_call(model, params, fake_method(name))) end end end model end protected def fake_method_call(model, params, block) case (block.arity) when 2, -1, params) when 1 else end end def fake_method(name) name = name.to_sym block = @rmf_can_fake[name] case (block) when Module block.method(name) when Symbol FakeMethods.method(name) when true # Configure association faker the first time it is called if (reflection = reflect_on_association(name)) primary_key = reflection.primary_key_name.to_sym @rmf_can_fake[name] = lambda do |model, params| (params and params.key?(primary_key)) ? nil : reflection.klass.send(:create_fake) end else raise "Cannot fake unknown relationship #{name}" end else block end end end module InstanceMethods def fake!(params = nil) self.class.execute_fake_operation(self, params) end end end