=== 0.4.4 / 2012-07-29

* Maintenance
  * Can now configure Timecop to not use ActiveSupport by setting Timecop.active_support = false

=== 0.4.3 / 2012-07-27

* Maintenance
  * Fix alias of Time#new/Time#now when Time#new given with args

=== 0.4.2 / 2012-07-27

* Maintenance
  * Mock Time#new the same as Time#now since they're synonyms
  * Set default arg in parsing to 2000
  * Time.freeze defaults to Time#now
  * Use Time#parse is available to parse Time's given as strings
  * Add ActiveSupport Time.zone support
  * Stop DateTime from losing precision after traveling

=== 0.3.5 / 2010-06-07

* Maintenance
  * Return a cloned time instance in order to support the destructive methods #gmt, #utc and #localtime
  * Don't use full path requires where unnecessary

=== 0.3.4 / 2009-12-07

* Maintenance
  * Fix various timezone-related issues.  Notably, when traveling to a DateTime
    instance specified in a non-local timezone, convert provided DateTime 
    instance to a local instance and return that from DateTime.now.
    Code contributed by Michaƫl Witrant [piglop]
  * Fix bug that would not allow Timecop to be used when Ruby's 'date'
    library had not been previously loaded.
    Code contributed by Tuomas Kareinen [tuomas]
  * Fix bug when traveling to a DateTime across a DST boundary that
    resulted in DateTime's being off by an hour.
  * Migrate argument parsing into Timecop::TimeStackItem to reduce the
    responsibility of the Timecop class.

=== 0.3.3  2009-10-30

* Revoked due to regression.

=== 0.3.2 / 2009-10-24

* Revoked due to regression.
=== 0.3.1 / 2009-09-30

* Maintenance
  * DRY up the Timecop class internals.

=== 0.3.0 / 2009-09-20

  * Completely remove Timecop#unset_all (deprecated by Timecop#return in 0.2.0)
  * Return Time.now from #freeze, #travel and #return  -- code contributed by Keith Bennett [keithrbennett]

* Maintenance
  * Fix bug that left Time#mock_time set in some instances
  * Upped build dependency to jeweler ~> 1.2.1
  * Don't pollute top-level namespace with classes/constants

* Documentation
  * Clearer examples in the README, better description in the gemspec
  * Improve RDoc

=== 0.2.1 / 2009-03-06
* API Changes
  * Introduced a 5th style of arguments to be passed into #travel and #freeze.  Now, if you pass in a single integer value,
    it will be interpreted as a relative offset in seconds from the current Time.now.  Previously this was interpreted as
    only the year, similar to calling Time.local(2008) --> Jan. 1, 2008.  This is no longer the case.
* Documentation

  * Moved to Textile for the README.
  * Added documentation for the new feature, and fixed a few typos.

=== 0.2.0 / 2008-12-23

* API Changes

  * Timecop#travel no longer freezes time.  Rather, it computes the current offset between the new "now" and the real "now", and
    returns times as if Time had continued to move forward
  * Timecop#freeze now behaves exactly as the old Timecop#travel behaved.  Unless you depended on the actual freezing of time
    (which I think would be rare), you should be able to continue to use #travel without worry.
  * Timecop#return is now exposed (previously Timecop#unset_all, but not well advertised).  It will completely unmock time,
    and will probably be rarely used outside of the actual implementation of this library.
* More Test Coverage

  * Tests now explicitly cover the cases when the Date and DateTime objects are not loaded, and ensures proper functionality
    in their absence and existence.
  * Still haven't done regression testing against anything other than a few version of 1.8.6 (including REE).  We should
    probably try to get this tested on both 1.8.7 and 1.9.1.

* Documentation

  * Fixed up a lot of the poorly-formatted rdoc syntax.  The public API should now be properly published in the rdoc,
    and the internals are omitted.
=== 0.1.0 / 2008-11-09

* Initial Feature Set

  * Temporarily (or permanently if you prefer) change the concept of Time.now, DateTime.now (if defined), and Date.today (if defined)
  * Timecop#travel api allows an argument to be passed in as one of: 1) Time instance, 2) DateTime instance, 3) Date instance,
    4) individual arguments (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
  * Nested calls to Timecop#travel are supported -- each block will maintain it's interpretation of now.