# Noe template for ruby gem libraries (https://github.com/blambeau/noe) - short version # Run 'noe show-spec' and 'noe help show-spec' for additional details. template-info: name: "ruby" version: 1.5.0 manifest: spec/test___lower__.rb: ignore: true variables: lower: viiite upper: Viiite version: 0.1.0 summary: |- An alternative to Benchmark description: |- Viiite brings tools to benchmark and analyze the complexity of your algorithms. It has been designed as an alternative to Benchmark that let your benchmarks evolve smoothly from simple measures to more complex infrastructures. authors: - {name: Bernard Lambeau, email: blambeau@gmail.com} links: - http://blambeau.github.com/viiite - http://github.com/blambeau/viiite dependencies: - {name: rake, version: "~> 0.9.2", groups: [test, release]} - {name: rspec, version: "~> 2.6.0", groups: [test, release]} - {name: yard, version: "~> 0.7.2", groups: [doc ]} - {name: bluecloth, version: "~> 2.1.0", groups: [doc ]} - {name: jekyll, version: "~> 0.11.0", groups: [doc ]} - {name: wlang, version: "~> 0.10.2", groups: [release ]} - {name: alf, version: "~> 0.10.0", groups: [runtime ]} - {name: quickl, version: "~> 0.4.0", groups: [runtime ]} - {name: gnuplot, version: "~> 2.3.6", groups: [runtime ]} rake_tasks: spec_test: pattern: spec/unit/**/test_*.rb