default: context: lang: 'en' visitor: 'ant' node: 'status' url: src: "" res: "" use_url_in_attribute: src: "blah" res: "blah" show_url_in_script: src: "" res: "/" url_with_param: src: "


" res: "

" url_with_hash: src: "

" res: "/page22_foo.html/" r_url_with_hash: src: "" res: "/page22_back.html\?f=x/" url_with_ssl: src: "" res: "status title" path: src: "blah" res: "blah" path_with_mode: src: "blah" res: "blah" link: src: "" tem: "<%= @node.prop['title'] %>" res: "status title" link_not_logged: context: visitor: anon src: "" res: "status title" do_link: src: "

  • sample text
  • " res: "
  • status title
  • " do_link_t: src: "
  • blah
  • " res: "
  • blah
  • " a_link: src: "sample text click here" res: "status title click here" zafu_link_with_blocks: src: "
    " res: "/.*zazen.*<\/a>/" link_class: src: "" res: "status title" link_set_class: src: "" tem: "' href='<%= zen_path(@node) %>'><%= @node.prop['title'] %>" res: "status title" link_set_title: src: "" res: "status title" link_attr: src: "" tem: "<%= @node.ref_lang %>" res: "en" link_tattr: old_src: "" src: "" tem: "<%= trans(@node.ref_lang) %>" res: "english" link_trans: context: lang: 'fr' old_src: "" src: "" tem: "lundi" res: "lundi" link_parent: src: "" tem: "click here" res: "click here" link_with_block: src: "look at her" tem: "look at <%= @node.prop['title'] %>" res: "look at status title" link_project: context: node: 'bird_jpg' src: "" tem: "<%= @node.prop['title'] %>" res: "bird" link_root: src: "" tem: "<%= @node.prop['title'] %>" res: "status title" link_anchor: src: "" res: "status title" link_anchor_title: old_src: "" src: "" res: "status title" link_anchor_in: src: "" res: "status title" link_anchor_name_in: old_src: "" src: "" res: "status title" link_stored: old_src: "" src: "" res: "Clean Water project" link_stored_not_a_node: src: "" res: "/unknown method 'zen_path\(Number\)'/" link_href_string: src: "" res: "status title" link_href_string_with_anchor: src: "" res: "status title" link_href_find: src: "" res: "status title" link_href_node: src: "" res: "/.*page22.html'>status title/" link_date: old_src: "" src: "" tem: '/zen_path\(@node, \{:date => @node.created_at\}\)/' # Should render with UTC+1 res: "status title" link_url_params: src: "" res: "status title" link_url_params_parsed_values: src: "" res: "status title" encode_params: context: a: b: 'Bee' c: 'Sea' x: '' src: "" tem: "/:encode_params => \"a,c,x,y\"/" res: "/page22\.html\?a%5Bb%5D=Bee&c=Sea'/" title_link_mode: old_src: "

    " src: "

    " res: "

    status title

    " link_with_custom_params: context: year: 2010 src: "" tem: "<%= @node.prop['title'] %>" res: "status title" link_format_data: context: node: bird_jpg src: "" res: "bird" live_link_format: old_src: "

    " src: "

    " res: "

    status title

    " live_link_data_mode: context: node: 'bird_jpg' old_src: "

    super title

    " src: "

    " res: "


    " url_with_lang: context: visitor: lion src: "window.location = \"\";" res: "/\?lang=fr/" url_with_prefix: context: visitor: lion src: "window.location = \"\";" res: "/" link_in_list_context: src: "
    " tem: "/zen_path\(@node\).*@node.prop\['title'\]/" res: '/a href.*page22.html.*status title/' link_trans: src: "" res: "/a href.*/images/control_fastforward.png/" link_date_complex: context: ref_date: '2011-04-22 22:00' src: "" # Date is in Asia/Jakarta timezone. Ref date is utc in tests. res: "/\?date=2011-03-23'>PREV/" target_blank: src: "" res: "/" res: "status title" action_publish: src: "" res: "status title" action_edit: src: "" res: "status title" action_add_doc: src: "" res: "status title" action_drive: src: "" res: "status title" action_update: src: "" res: "status title" action_confirm: src: "" res: "status title" # update with insert tested in rendering_test. link_with_host: src: "" tem: "/:host => \"#\{\}\"/" res: "/status title/" encode_blank_values: src: "

    " res: "/\?node\[date\]='/" cachestamp: # 26 would be the template for rendering JS's id. src: "" res: "" node_in_argument: src: "" res: "/\?node\[done_by\]=13'>status title/" link_page_next: context: pak: 2 src: " | | || " res: "1 | 2 | 3 || Panthera Tigris Sumatran,Panthera Leo Verneyi,My Life" link_page_next_with_block: src: "next" res: "next" link_page_list: context: pak: 2 src: "" tem: "/_zpage != _zcurrent.*zen_path\(@node,.*:pak.*elsif true.*_zpage/" res: "/1, 2, .*pak=3'>3.*pak=4'>4.*pak=5'>5/"