namespace :db do # desc "Import subject and address data from CSV files" # task :import_csv_data => [ # :destroy_csv_data, # :import_subject_data, # :import_matchingid_and_familyid, # :import_address_data, # :random_enrollments_data # ] desc "Destroy subject and address data" task :destroy_csv_data => :environment do StudySubject.destroy_all Enrollment.destroy_all Addressing.destroy_all Address.destroy_all PhoneNumber.destroy_all Interview.destroy_all # Identifier.destroy_all Patient.destroy_all # Pii.destroy_all # ResponseSet.destroy_all # Response.destroy_all Sample.destroy_all SampleKit.destroy_all # Package.destroy_all HomexOutcome.destroy_all InterviewOutcome.destroy_all HomeExposureResponse.destroy_all OperationalEvent.destroy_all ProjectOutcome.destroy_all SampleOutcome.destroy_all # Track.destroy_all Transfer.destroy_all # SurveyInvitation.destroy_all end task :random_enrollments_data => :environment do p = Project.find_or_create_by_code({ :code => "HomeExposures", :description => "HomeExposures" }) StudySubject.all.each do |s| puts # 2440000 is sometime in 1968 # 2455000 is sometime in 2009 options = { :study_subject => s, :project => p, :is_candidate => true, :able_to_locate => true } options[:is_eligible] = [nil,1,2,999][rand(4)] if options[:is_eligible] == 2 ir = IneligibleReason.random() options[:ineligible_reason_id] = if ir.is_other? options[:ineligible_reason_specify] = "Random reason ineligible" end end options[:is_chosen] = [nil,1,2,999][rand(4)] if options[:is_chosen] == 2 options[:reason_not_chosen] = "Random reason not chosen" end options[:consented] = [nil,1,2,999][rand(4)] if options[:consented] == 1 options[:consented_on] = Date.jd(2440000+rand(15000)) elsif options[:consented] == 2 options[:consented_on] = Date.jd(2440000+rand(15000)) rr = RefusalReason.random() options[:refusal_reason_id] = if rr.is_other? options[:other_refusal_reason] = "Random refusal reason" end end options[:terminated_participation] = [nil,1,2,999][rand(4)] if options[:terminated_participation] == 1 options[:terminated_reason] = "Random terminated reason" end options[:is_complete] = [nil,1,2,999][rand(4)] if options[:is_complete] == 1 options[:completed_on] = Date.jd(2440000+rand(15000)) end Enrollment.create!(options) options = { :interview_outcome => InterviewOutcome.random(), :sample_outcome => SampleOutcome.random() } if options[:interview_outcome] options[:interview_outcome_on] = Date.jd(2440000+rand(15000)) end if options[:sample_outcome] options[:sample_outcome_on] = Date.jd(2440000+rand(15000)) end s.build_homex_outcome(options)! end end # desc "Import subject data from CSV file" # task :import_subjectid => :environment do # require 'fastercsv' # # DO NOT COMMENT OUT THE HEADER LINE OR IT RAISES CRYPTIC ERROR # ('misc/dummy_subject_pii_etc.csv', 'rb',{ # :headers => true })).each do |line| ## Childid,patID,Type,OrderNo,subjectID,sex,DOB,RefDate,InterviewDate,First_Name,Middle_Name,Last_Name,Mother_First_Name,Mother_Middle_Name,Mother_Maiden_Name,Mother_Last_Name,Father_First_Name,Father_Middle_Name,Father_Last_Name,Primary_Phone,Alternate_phone1,Alternate_phone2,Alternate_phone3 # puts "Processing line #{f.lineno}" # puts line # # # due to padding it with zeros, NEED this to be an Integer # # doesn't work correctly in sqlite so just pad it before search # identifier = Identifier.find_by_childid( # sprintf("%06d",line['Childid'].to_i)) # raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless identifier # # identifier.update_attributes!(:subjectid => line['subjectID']) # # end # end # # desc "Import matchingid and familyid data from CSV file" # task :import_matchingid_and_familyid => :environment do # require 'fastercsv' # # DO NOT COMMENT OUT THE HEADER LINE OR IT RAISES CRYPTIC ERROR # ('misc/subjectmatchingfamilyids_xref.csv', 'rb',{ # :headers => true })).each do |line| ## subjectID,matchingID,familyid # puts "Processing line #{f.lineno}" # puts line # if line['subjectID'] =~ /^\s*#/ # puts "skipping as subjectid not found" # next # end # # # due to padding it with zeros, NEED this to be an Integer # # doesn't work correctly in sqlite so just pad it before search # identifier = Identifier.find_by_subjectid( # sprintf("%06d",line['subjectID'].to_i)) # raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless identifier # # identifier.update_attributes!( # :matchingid => line['matchingID'], # :familyid => line['familyid'] # ) # # end # end # # desc "Import address data from CSV file" # task :import_address_data => :environment do # require 'fastercsv' # # DO NOT COMMENT OUT THE HEADER LINE OR IT RAISES CRYPTIC ERROR # ('misc/dummy_addresses.csv', 'rb',{ # :headers => true })).each do |line| ## subjectID,Address_Type_ID,Address_Line1,Address_City,Address_State,Address_Zip # puts "Processing line #{f.lineno}" # puts line # # # due to padding it with zeros, NEED this to be an Integer # # doesn't work correctly in sqlite so just pad it before search # study_subject = Identifier.find_by_subjectid( # sprintf("%06d",line['subjectID'].to_i)).study_subject # raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless study_subject # ## address_type = AddressType.find(line[1].to_s) ## address_type = AddressType.find_by_code( ## (line[1].to_s == '1')?'Home':'Mailing') ## raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless address_type # ## study_subject.addressings << Addressing.create!( ## :study_subject_id =>, # study_subject.addressings.create!( # :current_address => 1, # Yes # :is_valid => true, # :is_verified => false, # :address_attributes => { # :address_type_id => line['Address_Type_ID'].to_i, # :line_1 => line['Address_Line1']||"FAKE LINE 1", # :city => line['Address_City']||"FAKE CITY", # :state => line['Address_State']||"FAKE STATE", # :zip => line['Address_Zip']||"12345-6789" # } # ) # end # end # # desc "Import subject data from CSV file" # task :import_subject_data => :environment do # require 'fastercsv' # # DO NOT COMMENT OUT THE HEADER LINE OR IT RAISES CRYPTIC ERROR # ('misc/dummy_subject_pii_etc.csv', 'rb',{ # :headers => true })).each do |line| ## Childid,patID,Type,OrderNo,subjectID,sex,DOB,RefDate,InterviewDate,First_Name,Middle_Name,Last_Name,Mother_First_Name,Mother_Middle_Name,Mother_Maiden_Name,Mother_Last_Name,Father_First_Name,Father_Middle_Name,Father_Last_Name,Primary_Phone,Alternate_phone1,Alternate_phone2,Alternate_phone3 # puts "Processing line #{f.lineno}" # puts line # ## subject_type = SubjectType['Case'] # subject_type = SubjectType.random() # # # TODO (not included in csv) ## race = Race[1] # race = Race.random() # # dob = (line['DOB'].blank?)?'':Time.parse(line['DOB']) # refdate = (line['RefDate'].blank?)?'':Time.parse(line['RefDate']) # interview_date = (line['InterviewDate'].blank?)?'':Time.parse(line['InterviewDate']) # study_subject = StudySubject.create!({ ## :patient_attributes => { }, # TODO (patid) # :pii_attributes => { # :first_name => line['First_Name'], # :middle_name => line['Middle_Name'], # :last_name => line['Last_Name'], # :father_first_name => line['Father_First_Name'], # :father_middle_name => line['Father_Middle_Name'], # :father_last_name => line['Father_Last_Name'], # :mother_first_name => line['Mother_First_Name'], # :mother_middle_name => line['Mother_Middle_Name'], # :mother_maiden_name => line['Mother_Maiden_Name'], # :mother_last_name => line['Mother_Last_Name'], # :dob => dob # }, # :identifier_attributes => { # :state_id_no => sprintf('%09d',line['Childid']), # TODO # :subjectid => line['subjectID'], # :ssn => sprintf('%09d',line['Childid']), # TODO # :patid => line['patID'], # :case_control_type => line['Type'], # :orderno => line['OrderNo'], # :childid => line['Childid'] # }, # :subject_type => subject_type, # :sex => line['sex'], # :reference_date => refdate # }) # study_subject.races = [race] # ## Identifier.create!({ ## :study_subject_id =>, ## :state_id_no => sprintf('%09d',line['Childid']), # TODO ## :subjectid => line['subjectID'], ## :ssn => sprintf('%09d',line['Childid']), # TODO ## :patid => line['patID'], ## :case_control_type => line['Type'], ## :orderno => line['OrderNo'], ## :childid => line['Childid'] ## }) # # (19..22).each do |i| ## PhoneNumber.create!({ # study_subject.phone_numbers.create!({ ## :study_subject_id =>, # :phone_type_id => 1, # :phone_number => line[i] # }) unless line[i].blank? # end # # options = { ## :identifier_id =>, # :interview_method => InterviewMethod.random(), # :interviewer => Person.random(), # :language => Language.random(), # :instrument_version => InstrumentVersion.random(), # :began_on => interview_date, # :ended_on => interview_date # } # options[:subject_relationship] = SubjectRelationship.random() # if options[:subject_relationship].is_other? # options[:subject_relationship_other] = 'super unknown god buddy' # end # ## Interview.create!(options) # study_subject.interviews.create!(options) # ## use Time.parse to parse all dates (better than Date.parse) # ## need ssn, state_id_no in data (making it up now) # # end # end end