require 'fileutils' require 'json' module SandiMeter class HtmlGenerator def copy_assets!(path) asset_dir_path = File.join(path, 'sandi_meter/assets') FileUtils.mkdir(asset_dir_path) unless Dir.exists?(asset_dir_path) Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../html/*.{js,css,png}")].each do |file| FileUtils.cp file, File.join(asset_dir_path, File.basename(file)) end FileUtils.cp File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../html", "index.html"), File.join(path, 'sandi_meter', 'index.html') end def generate_data!(path) raw_data =, 'sandi_meter', 'sandi_meter.log')).split("\n")! { |row| row.split(';').map(&:to_i) } data = [] raw_data.each do |row| hash = {} row.first(8).each_slice(2).each_with_index do |el, i| hash["r#{i + 1}0"] = el.first hash["r#{i + 1}1"] = el.last end hash['timestamp'] = row.last * 1000 data << hash end index_file = File.join(path, 'sandi_meter', 'index.html') index = index.gsub!('<% plot_data %>', data.to_json), 'w') do |file| file.write(index) end end def generate_details!(path, data) details = "" if data[:first_rule][:log][:classes].any? data[:first_rule][:log][:misindented_classes] ||= [] data[:first_rule][:log][:misindented_classes].each do |class_params| class_params.insert(1, nil) end details << string_to_h2("Classes with 100+ lines") details << generate_details_block( ["Class name", "Size", "Path"], proper_data: data[:first_rule][:log][:classes], warning_data: data[:first_rule][:log][:misindented_classes], hint: "NOTE: Red classes are misindented. Start improving your project by fixing them.", warning_message: 'Misindented classes' ) end if data[:second_rule][:log][:methods].any? data[:second_rule][:log][:misindented_methods] ||= [] data[:second_rule][:log][:misindented_methods].each do |method_params| method_params.insert(2, nil) end details << string_to_h2("Methods with 5+ lines") details << generate_details_block( ["Class name", "Method name", "Size", "Path"], proper_data: data[:second_rule][:log][:methods].sort_by { |a| -a[2].to_i }, warning_data: data[:second_rule][:log][:misindented_methods].sort_by { |a| -a[1].to_i }, hint: "NOTE: Red methods are misindented. Continue your way to perfect code by fixing them.", warning_message: 'Misindented methods' ) end if data[:third_rule][:log][:method_calls].any? details << string_to_h2("Method calls with 4+ arguments") details << generate_details_block( ["# of arguments", "Path"], proper_data: data[:third_rule][:log][:method_calls] ) end if data[:fourth_rule][:log][:controllers].any? details << string_to_h2("Controllers with 1+ instance variables") details << generate_details_block( ["Controller name", "Action name", "Instance variables"], proper_data: data[:fourth_rule][:log][:controllers] ) end index_file = File.join(path, 'sandi_meter', 'index.html') index = index.gsub!('<% details %>', details), 'w') do |file| file.write(index) end end private def generate_details_block(head_row, data) block_partial = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../html", "_detail_block.html") block_partial.gsub!('<% head %>', array_to_tr(head_row, cell: "th")) table_rows = data[:proper_data].map { |row| array_to_tr(row) }.join('') if data[:warning_data] table_rows << data[:warning_data].map { |row| array_to_tr(row, css_class: 'warning', tip: data[:warning_message]) }.join('') end block_partial.gsub!('<% rows %>', table_rows) block_partial << hint(data[:hint]) if data[:hint] block_partial end def hint(string) %(