Class OEPlaceholderAtom

  extended by org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Record
      extended by org.apache.poi.hslf.record.RecordAtom
          extended by org.apache.poi.hslf.record.OEPlaceholderAtom

public final class OEPlaceholderAtom
extends RecordAtom

OEPlaceholderAtom (3011).

An atom record that specifies whether a shape is a placeholder shape.

Yegor Kozlov

Field Summary
static byte Body
          The corresponding shape contains the body text.
static byte CenteredTitle
          The corresponding shape contains the title text.
static byte ClipArt
          The corresponding shape contains a clipart object.
static byte Graph
          The corresponding shape contains a chart object.
static byte MasterBody
          The corresponding shape contains the master body text.
static byte MasterCenteredTitle
          The corresponding shape contains the master center title text.
static byte MasterDate
          The corresponding shape contains the date text field.
static byte MasterFooter
          The corresponding shape contains a footer text field.
static byte MasterHeader
          The corresponding shape contains a header text field.
static byte MasterNotesBody
          The corresponding shape contains the master body text.
static byte MasterNotesSlideImage
          The corresponding shape contains the shared properties for slide image shapes.
static byte MasterSlideNumber
          The corresponding shape contains a slide number text field.
static byte MasterSubTitle
          The corresponding shape contains the master sub-title text.
static byte MasterTitle
          The corresponding shape contains the master title text.
static byte MediaClip
          The corresponding shape contains a media object.
static byte None
          MUST NOT be used for this field.
static byte NotesBody
          The corresponding shape contains the notes text.
static byte NotesSlideImage
          The corresponding shape contains a presentation slide image.
static byte Object
          The corresponding shape contains a generic object.
static byte OrganizationChart
          The corresponding shape contains an organization chart object.
          The full size of the master body text placeholder shape.
          Half of the size of the master body text placeholder shape.
          A quarter of the size of the master body text placeholder shape.
static byte Subtitle
          The corresponding shape contains the sub-title text.
static byte Table
          The corresponding shape contains a table object.
static byte Title
          The corresponding shape contains the title text.
static byte VerticalTextBody
          The corresponding shape contains the body text with vertical text flow.
static byte VerticalTextTitle
          The corresponding shape contains the title text with vertical text flow.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Record
Constructor Summary
          Create a new instance of OEPlaceholderAtom
protected OEPlaceholderAtom(byte[] source, int start, int len)
          Build an instance of OEPlaceholderAtom from on-disk data
Method Summary
 int getPlaceholderId()
          Returns the placeholder Id.
 int getPlaceholderSize()
          Returns the placeholder size.
 int getPlacementId()
          Returns the placement Id.
 long getRecordType()
          Returns the type (held as a little endian in bytes 3 and 4) that this class handles
 void setPlaceholderId(byte id)
          Sets the placeholder Id.
 void setPlaceholderSize(byte size)
          Sets the placeholder size.
 void setPlacementId(int id)
          Sets the placement Id.
 void writeOut( out)
          Write the contents of the record back, so it can be written to disk
Methods inherited from class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.RecordAtom
getChildRecords, isAnAtom
Methods inherited from class org.apache.poi.hslf.record.Record
buildRecordAtOffset, createRecordForType, findChildRecords, writeLittleEndian, writeLittleEndian
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int PLACEHOLDER_FULLSIZE
The full size of the master body text placeholder shape.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PLACEHOLDER_HALFSIZE
Half of the size of the master body text placeholder shape.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int PLACEHOLDER_QUARTSIZE
A quarter of the size of the master body text placeholder shape.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte None
MUST NOT be used for this field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte MasterTitle
The corresponding shape contains the master title text. The corresponding slide MUST be a main master slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte MasterBody
The corresponding shape contains the master body text. The corresponding slide MUST be a main master slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte MasterCenteredTitle
The corresponding shape contains the master center title text. The corresponding slide MUST be a title master slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte MasterSubTitle
The corresponding shape contains the master sub-title text. The corresponding slide MUST be a title master slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte MasterNotesSlideImage
The corresponding shape contains the shared properties for slide image shapes. The corresponding slide MUST be a notes master slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte MasterNotesBody
The corresponding shape contains the master body text. The corresponding slide MUST be a notes master slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte MasterDate
The corresponding shape contains the date text field. The corresponding slide MUST be a main master slide, title master slide, notes master slide, or handout master slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte MasterSlideNumber
The corresponding shape contains a slide number text field. The corresponding slide MUST be a main master slide, title master slide, notes master slide, or handout master slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte MasterFooter
The corresponding shape contains a footer text field. The corresponding slide MUST be a main master slide, title master slide, notes master slide, or handout master slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte MasterHeader
The corresponding shape contains a header text field. The corresponding slide must be a notes master slide or handout master slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte NotesSlideImage
The corresponding shape contains a presentation slide image. The corresponding slide MUST be a notes slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte NotesBody
The corresponding shape contains the notes text. The corresponding slide MUST be a notes slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte Title
The corresponding shape contains the title text. The corresponding slide MUST be a presentation slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte Body
The corresponding shape contains the body text. The corresponding slide MUST be a presentation slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte CenteredTitle
The corresponding shape contains the title text. The corresponding slide MUST be a presentation slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte Subtitle
The corresponding shape contains the sub-title text. The corresponding slide MUST be a presentation slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte VerticalTextTitle
The corresponding shape contains the title text with vertical text flow. The corresponding slide MUST be a presentation slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte VerticalTextBody
The corresponding shape contains the body text with vertical text flow. The corresponding slide MUST be a presentation slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte Object
The corresponding shape contains a generic object. The corresponding slide MUST be a presentation slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte Graph
The corresponding shape contains a chart object. The corresponding slide MUST be a presentation slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte Table
The corresponding shape contains a table object. The corresponding slide MUST be a presentation slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte ClipArt
The corresponding shape contains a clipart object. The corresponding slide MUST be a presentation slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte OrganizationChart
The corresponding shape contains an organization chart object. The corresponding slide MUST be a presentation slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte MediaClip
The corresponding shape contains a media object. The corresponding slide MUST be a presentation slide.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public OEPlaceholderAtom()
Create a new instance of OEPlaceholderAtom


protected OEPlaceholderAtom(byte[] source,
                            int start,
                            int len)
Build an instance of OEPlaceholderAtom from on-disk data

Method Detail


public long getRecordType()
Description copied from class: Record
Returns the type (held as a little endian in bytes 3 and 4) that this class handles

Specified by:
getRecordType in class Record
type of this record RecordTypes.OEPlaceholderAtom.


public int getPlacementId()
Returns the placement Id.

The placement Id is a number assigned to the placeholder. It goes from -1 to the number of placeholders. It SHOULD be unique among all PlacholderAtom records contained in the corresponding slide. The value 0xFFFFFFFF specifies that the corresponding shape is not a placeholder shape.

the placement Id.


public void setPlacementId(int id)
Sets the placement Id.

The placement Id is a number assigned to the placeholder. It goes from -1 to the number of placeholders. It SHOULD be unique among all PlacholderAtom records contained in the corresponding slide. The value 0xFFFFFFFF specifies that the corresponding shape is not a placeholder shape.

id - the placement Id.


public int getPlaceholderId()
Returns the placeholder Id.

placeholder Id specifies the type of the placeholder shape. The value MUST be one of the static constants defined in this class

the placeholder Id.


public void setPlaceholderId(byte id)
Sets the placeholder Id.

placeholder Id specifies the type of the placeholder shape. The value MUST be one of the static constants defined in this class

id - the placeholder Id.


public int getPlaceholderSize()
Returns the placeholder size. Must be one of the PLACEHOLDER_* static constants defined in this class.

the placeholder size.


public void setPlaceholderSize(byte size)
Sets the placeholder size. Must be one of the PLACEHOLDER_* static constants defined in this class.

size - the placeholder size.


public void writeOut( out)
Write the contents of the record back, so it can be written to disk

Specified by:
writeOut in class Record

Copyright 2010 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.