require 'rubygems' require 'hpricot' require 'net/http' require 'rubygems' require 'hpricot' require 'pp' if ARGV[0].nil? puts "please execute with a file path to a Sprint HTML file that was extracted from a MMS" puts "ruby #{$0} MYFILE" exit end doc = open(ARGV[0]) { |f| Hpricot(f) } puts "TITLE: #{'title').inner_html}" #phone number is tucked away in the comment in the head c ="/html/head/comment//").last t = c.content.gsub(/\s+/m," ").strip number = / name="MDN">(\d+)</.match(t)[1] puts "NUMBER: #{number}" #if there is a text message with the MMS its in the #inner html of the only pre on the page text ="/html/body//pre").first.inner_html puts "TEXT: #{text}" # just see what they say this MMS is it really doesn't # mean anything, the content is in paux image with # a RECIPIENT in its URI path trs ="/html/body//tr") text = trs[3].search("/td/p/font/b/") case text.text when /You have a Video Mail from/ puts "it claims to be a video" when /You have a Picture Mail from / puts "it claims to be an image" else puts "what is it? #{text.text}" end # group all the images together srcs = imgs ="/html/body//img") imgs.each do |i| src = i.attributes['src'] #next unless /\/+mmps\/RECIPIENT\//.match(src) #we don't want to double fetch content and we only #want to fetch media from the content server, you get #a clue about that as there is a RECIPIENT in the URI path next unless /mmps\/RECIPIENT\//.match(src) next if srcs.detect{|s| s.eql?(src)} srcs << src end # now fetch the media puts "there are #{srcs.size} sources to fetch" cnt = 0 srcs.each do |src| puts "--" puts "FETCHING:\n #{src}" url = URI.parse(src) #res = Net::HTTP.get_response(url) agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Minix3 i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20061208 Firefox/" res = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port) { |http| req =, {'User-Agent' => agent}) http.request(req) } # prep and write a file base = /\/RECIPIENT\/([^\/]+)\//.match(src)[1] ext = /^[^\/]+\/(.+)/.match(res.content_type)[1] file_name ="#{base}.#{cnt}.#{ext}" puts "writing file: #{file_name}",'w'){ |f| f.write(res.body) } puts "file is sized #{File.size(file_name)}" cnt = cnt + 1 end puts "no images or video" if srcs.size == 0