require 'tempfile' require 'json' module Autoproj # Manager for packages provided by external package managers class OSPackageResolver class << self # When requested to load a file called '$FILE', the osdeps code will # also look for files called '$FILE-suffix', where 'suffix' is an # element in +suffixes+ # # A usage of this functionality is to make loading conditional to # the available version of certain tools, namely Ruby. Autoproj for # instance adds ruby18 when started on Ruby 1.8 and ruby19 when # started on Ruby 1.9 attr_reader :suffixes end @suffixes = [] def self.load(file) if !File.file?(file) raise ArgumentError, "no such file or directory #{file}" end candidates = [file] candidates.concat( { |s| "#{file}-#{s}" }) error_t = if defined? Psych::SyntaxError then [ArgumentError, Psych::SyntaxError] else ArgumentError end result = new candidates.each do |file| next if !File.file?(file) file = File.expand_path(file) begin data = YAML.load( || verify_definitions(data) rescue *error_t => e raise, "error in #{file}: #{e.message}", e.backtrace end result.merge(new(data, file)) end result end class << self attr_reader :aliases end @aliases = # The underlying workspace attr_reader :ws def self.alias(old_name, new_name) @aliases[new_name] = old_name end def self.ruby_version_keyword "ruby#{RUBY_VERSION.split('.')[0, 2].join("")}" end def self.autodetect_ruby_program ruby = RbConfig::CONFIG['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME'] ruby_bindir = RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'] ruby_executable = File.join(ruby_bindir, ruby) Autobuild.programs['ruby'] = ruby_executable ruby_executable end def self.autodetect_ruby self.alias(ruby_version_keyword, "ruby") end self.suffixes << ruby_version_keyword autodetect_ruby AUTOPROJ_OSDEPS = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'default.osdeps') def self.load_default file = ENV['AUTOPROJ_DEFAULT_OSDEPS'] || AUTOPROJ_OSDEPS if !File.file?(file) Autoproj.warn "#{file} (from AUTOPROJ_DEFAULT_OSDEPS) is not a file, falling back to #{AUTOPROJ_OSDEPS}" file = AUTOPROJ_OSDEPS end load(file) end def load_default merge(self.class.load_default) end PACKAGE_MANAGERS = OSPackageInstaller::PACKAGE_MANAGERS.keys # Mapping from OS name to package manager name # # Package handlers and OSes MUST have different names. The former are # used to resolve packages and the latter to resolve OSes in the osdeps. # Since one can force the use of a package manager in any OS by adding a # package manager entry, as e.g. # # ubuntu: # homebrew: package # # we need to be able to separate between OS and package manager names. OS_PACKAGE_MANAGERS = { 'debian' => 'apt-dpkg', 'gentoo' => 'emerge', 'arch' => 'pacman', 'fedora' => 'yum', 'macos-port' => 'macports', 'macos-brew' => 'brew', 'opensuse' => 'zypper', 'freebsd' => 'pkg' } # The information contained in the OSdeps files, as a hash attr_reader :definitions # All the information contained in all the OSdeps files, as a mapping # from the OSdeps package name to [osdeps_file, definition] pairs attr_reader :all_definitions # The information as to from which osdeps file the current package # information in +definitions+ originates. It is a mapping from the # package name to the osdeps file' full path attr_reader :sources # Controls whether the package resolver will prefer installing # OS-independent packages (such as e.g. Gems) over their OS-provided # equivalent (e.g. the packaged version of a gem) def prefer_indep_over_os_packages?; !!@prefer_indep_over_os_packages end # (see prefer_indep_over_os_packages?) def prefer_indep_over_os_packages=(flag); @prefer_indep_over_os_packages = flag end # Use to override the autodetected OS-specific package handler attr_writer :os_package_manager # Returns the name of the package manager object for the current OS # # @return [String] def os_package_manager if !instance_variable_defined?(:@os_package_manager) os_names, _ = operating_system os_name = os_names.find { |name| OS_PACKAGE_MANAGERS[name] } @os_package_manager = OS_PACKAGE_MANAGERS[os_name] if !@os_package_manager raise "unsupported OS #{os_names.join(", ")}" end end return @os_package_manager end # Returns the set of known package managers # # @return [Array] attr_reader :package_managers # The Gem::SpecFetcher object that should be used to query RubyGems, and # install RubyGems packages def initialize(defs =, file = nil) @definitions = defs.to_hash @all_definitions = { |h, k| h[k] = } @package_managers = PACKAGE_MANAGERS.dup @prefer_indep_over_os_packages = false @sources = @installed_packages = @operating_system = self.class.operating_system if file defs.each_key do |package_name| sources[package_name] = file all_definitions[package_name] << [[file], defs[package_name]] end end end # Returns the name of all known OS packages # # It includes even the packages for which there are no definitions on # this OS def all_package_names all_definitions.keys end # Returns the full path to the osdeps file from which the package # definition for +package_name+ has been taken def source_of(package_name) sources[package_name] end # Merges the osdeps information of +info+ into +self+. If packages are # defined in both OSPackageResolver objects, the information in +info+ # takes precedence def merge(info) root_dir = nil @definitions = definitions.merge(info.definitions) do |h, v1, v2| if v1 != v2 root_dir ||= "#{Autoproj.root_dir}/" old = source_of(h).gsub(root_dir, '') new = info.source_of(h).gsub(root_dir, '') # Warn if the new osdep definition resolves to a different # set of packages than the old one old_resolved = resolve_package(h).inject( do |osdep_h, (handler, status, list)| osdep_h[handler] = [status, list] osdep_h end new_resolved = info.resolve_package(h).inject( do |osdep_h, (handler, status, list)| osdep_h[handler] = [status, list] osdep_h end if old_resolved != new_resolved Autoproj.warn("osdeps definition for #{h}, previously defined in #{old} overridden by #{new}: resp. #{old_resolved} and #{new_resolved}") end end v2 end @sources = sources.merge(info.sources) @all_definitions = all_definitions.merge(info.all_definitions) do |package_name, all_defs, new_all_defs| all_defs = all_defs.dup new_all_defs = new_all_defs.dup new_all_defs.delete_if do |files, data| if entry = all_defs.find { |_, d| d == data } entry[0] |= files end end all_defs.concat(new_all_defs) end end # Perform some sanity checks on the given osdeps definitions def self.verify_definitions(hash, path = []) hash.each do |key, value| if value && !key.kind_of?(String) raise ArgumentError, "invalid osdeps definition: found an #{key.class} as a key in #{path.join("/")}. Don't forget to put quotes around numbers" elsif !value && (key.kind_of?(Hash) || key.kind_of?(Array)) verify_definitions(key) end next if !value if value.kind_of?(Array) || value.kind_of?(Hash) verify_definitions(value, (path + [key])) else if !value.kind_of?(String) raise ArgumentError, "invalid osdeps definition: found an #{value.class} as a value in #{path.join("/")}. Don't forget to put quotes around numbers" end end end end # Returns true if it is possible to install packages for the operating # system on which we are installed def supported_operating_system? if @supported_operating_system.nil? os_names, _ = operating_system @supported_operating_system = if !os_names then false else os_names.any? { |os_name| OS_PACKAGE_MANAGERS.has_key?(os_name) } end end return @supported_operating_system end def self.guess_operating_system if File.exists?('/etc/debian_version') versions = ['/etc/debian_version').strip] if versions.first =~ /sid/ versions = ["unstable", "sid"] end [['debian'], versions] elsif File.exists?('/etc/redhat-release') release_string ='/etc/redhat-release').strip release_string =~ /(.*) release ([\d.]+)/ name = $1.downcase version = $2 if name =~ /Red Hat Entreprise/ name = 'rhel' end [[name], [version]] elsif File.exists?('/etc/gentoo-release') release_string ='/etc/gentoo-release').strip release_string =~ /^.*([^\s]+)$/ version = $1 [['gentoo'], [version]] elsif File.exists?('/etc/arch-release') [['arch'], []] elsif Autobuild.macos? version=`sw_vers | head -2 | tail -1`.split(":")[1] manager = if ENV['AUTOPROJ_MACOSX_PACKAGE_MANAGER'] ENV['AUTOPROJ_MACOSX_PACKAGE_MANAGER'] else 'macos-brew' end if !OS_PACKAGE_MANAGERS.has_key?(manager) known_managers = OS_PACKAGE_MANAGERS.keys.grep(/^macos/) raise ArgumentError, "#{manager} is not a known MacOSX package manager. Known package managers are #{known_managers.join(", ")}" end managers = if manager == 'macos-port' [manager, 'port'] else [manager] end [[*managers, 'darwin'], [version.strip]] elsif [['windows'], []] elsif File.exists?('/etc/SuSE-release') version ='/etc/SuSE-release').strip version =~/.*VERSION\s+=\s+([^\s]+)/ version = $1 [['opensuse'], [version.strip]] elsif Autobuild.freebsd? version = `uname -r`.strip.split("-")[0] [['freebsd'],[version]] end end def self.ensure_derivatives_refer_to_their_parents(names) names = names.dup version_files = Hash[ '/etc/debian_version' => 'debian', '/etc/redhat-release' => 'fedora', '/etc/gentoo-release' => 'gentoo', '/etc/arch-release' => 'arch', '/etc/SuSE-release' => 'opensuse'] version_files.each do |file, name| if File.exists?(file) && !names.include?(name) names << name end end names end def self.normalize_os_representation(names, versions) # Normalize the names to lowercase names = versions = if !versions.include?('default') versions += ['default'] end return names, versions end def operating_system @operating_system || self.class.operating_system end def operating_system=(values) @supported_operating_system = nil @operating_system = values end def self.operating_system @operating_system end def self.operating_system=(values) @operating_system = values end # Autodetects the operating system name and version # # +osname+ is the operating system name, all in lowercase (e.g. ubuntu, # arch, gentoo, debian) # # +versions+ is a set of names that describe the OS version. It includes # both the version number (as a string) and/or the codename if there is # one. # # Examples: ['debian', ['sid', 'unstable']] or ['ubuntu', ['lucid lynx', '10.04']] def self.autodetect_operating_system if user_os = ENV['AUTOPROJ_OS'] if user_os.empty? return false else names, versions = user_os.split(':') return normalize_os_representation(names.split(','), versions.split(',')) end end names, versions = os_from_os_release if !names names, versions = guess_operating_system end # on Debian, they refuse to put enough information to detect # 'unstable' reliably. So, we use the heuristic method for it if names[0] == "debian" # check if we actually got a debian with the "unstable" (sid) # flavour. it seems that "/etc/debian_version" does not contain # "sid" (but "8.0" for example) during the feature freeze # phase... if File.exists?('/etc/debian_version') debian_versions = ['/etc/debian_version').strip] if debian_versions.first =~ /sid/ versions = ["unstable", "sid"] end end # otherwise "versions" contains the result it previously had end return if !names names = ensure_derivatives_refer_to_their_parents(names) names, versions = normalize_os_representation(names, versions) return [names, versions] end def self.os_from_os_release(filename = '/etc/os-release') return if !File.exists?(filename) fields = File.readlines(filename).each do |line| line = line.strip if line.strip =~ /^(\w+)=(?:["'])?([^"']+)(?:["'])?$/ fields[$1] = $2 elsif !line.empty? Autoproj.warn "could not parse line '#{line.inspect}' in /etc/os-release" end end names = [] versions = [] names << fields['ID'] << fields['ID_LIKE'] versions << fields['VERSION_ID'] version = fields['VERSION'] || '' versions.concat(version.gsub(/[^\w.]/, ' ').split(' ')) return names.compact.uniq, versions.compact.uniq end def self.os_from_lsb if !Autobuild.find_in_path('lsb_release') return end distributor = [`lsb_release -i -s`.strip.downcase] codename = `lsb_release -c -s`.strip.downcase version = `lsb_release -r -s`.strip.downcase return [distributor, [codename, version]] end class InvalidRecursiveStatement < Autobuild::Exception; end # Return the path to the osdeps name for a given package name while # accounting for package aliases # # returns an array contain the path starting with name and # ending at the resolved name def self.resolve_name(name) path = [ name ] while aliases.has_key?(name) name = aliases[name] path << name end path end # Return the list of packages that should be installed for +name+ # # The following two simple return values are possible: # # nil:: +name+ has no definition # []:: +name+ has no definition on this OS and/or for this specific OS # version # # In all other cases, the method returns an array of triples: # # [package_handler, status, package_list] # # where status is FOUND_PACKAGES if +package_list+ is the list of # packages that should be installed with +package_handler+ for +name+, # and FOUND_NONEXISTENT if the nonexistent keyword is used for this OS # name and version. The package list might be empty even if status == # FOUND_PACKAGES, for instance if the ignore keyword is used. def resolve_package(name) path = self.class.resolve_name(name) name = path.last os_names, os_versions = operating_system os_names = os_names.dup if prefer_indep_over_os_packages? os_names.unshift 'default' else os_names.push 'default' end dep_def = definitions[name] if !dep_def return nil end # Partition the found definition in all entries that are interesting # for us: toplevel os-independent package managers, os-dependent # package managers and os-independent package managers selected by # OS or version if !os_names os_names = ['default'] os_versions = ['default'] end result = [] found, pkg = partition_osdep_entry(name, dep_def, nil, (package_managers - [os_package_manager]), os_names, os_versions) if found result << [os_package_manager, found, pkg] end package_managers.each do |handler| found, pkg = partition_osdep_entry(name, dep_def, [handler], [], os_names, os_versions) if found result << [handler, found, pkg] end end # Recursive resolutions found, pkg = partition_osdep_entry(name, dep_def, ['osdep'], [], os_names, os_versions) if found pkg.each do |pkg_name| resolved = resolve_package(pkg_name) if !resolved raise InvalidRecursiveStatement, "osdep #{pkg_name} does not exist. It is referred to by #{name}." end result.concat(resolved) end end result end # Value returned by #resolve_package and #partition_osdep_entry in # the status field. See the documentation of these methods for more # information FOUND_PACKAGES = 0 # Value returned by #resolve_package and #partition_osdep_entry in # the status field. See the documentation of these methods for more # information FOUND_NONEXISTENT = 1 # Helper method that parses the osdep definition to split between the # parts needed for this OS and specific package handlers. # # +osdep_name+ is the name of the osdep. It is used to resolve explicit # mentions of a package handler, i.e. so that: # # pkg: gem # # is resolved as the 'pkg' package to be installed by the 'gem' handler # # +dep_def+ is the content to parse. It can be a string, array or hash # # +handler_names+ is a list of entries that we are looking for. If it is # not nil, only entries that explicitely refer to +handler_names+ will # be browsed, i.e. in: # # pkg: # - test: 1 # - [a, list, of, packages] # # partition_osdep_entry('osdep_name', data, ['test'], []) # # will ignore the toplevel list of packages, while # # partition_osdep_entry('osdep_name', data, nil, []) # # will return it. # # +excluded+ is a list of branches that should be ignored during # parsing. It is used to e.g. ignore 'gem' when browsing for the main OS # package list. For instance, in # # pkg: # - test # - [a, list, of, packages] # # partition_osdep_entry('osdep_name', data, nil, ['test']) # # the returned value will only include the list of packages (and not # 'test') # # The rest of the arguments are array of strings that contain list of # keys to browse for (usually, the OS names and version) # # The return value is either nil if no packages were found, or a pair # [status, package_list] where status is FOUND_NONEXISTENT if the # nonexistent keyword was found, and FOUND_PACKAGES if either packages # or the ignore keyword were found. # def partition_osdep_entry(osdep_name, dep_def, handler_names, excluded, *keys) keys, *additional_keys = *keys keys ||= [] found = false nonexistent = false result = [] found_keys = Array(dep_def).each do |names, values| if !values # Raw array of packages. Possible only if we are not at toplevel # (i.e. if we already have a handler) if names == 'ignore' found = true if !handler_names elsif names == 'nonexistent' nonexistent = true if !handler_names elsif !handler_names && names.kind_of?(Array) result.concat(result) found = true elsif names.respond_to?(:to_str) if excluded.include?(names) elsif handler_names && handler_names.include?(names) result << osdep_name found = true elsif !handler_names result << names found = true end elsif names.respond_to?(:to_hash) rec_found, rec_result = partition_osdep_entry(osdep_name, names, handler_names, excluded, keys, *additional_keys) if rec_found == FOUND_NONEXISTENT then nonexistent = true elsif rec_found == FOUND_PACKAGES then found = true end result.concat(rec_result) end else if names.respond_to?(:to_str) # names could be an array already names = names.split(',') end if handler_names if matching_name = handler_names.find { |k| names.any? { |name_tag| k == name_tag.downcase } } rec_found, rec_result = partition_osdep_entry(osdep_name, values, nil, excluded, keys, *additional_keys) if rec_found == FOUND_NONEXISTENT then nonexistent = true elsif rec_found == FOUND_PACKAGES then found = true end result.concat(rec_result) end end matching_name = keys.find { |k| names.any? { |name_tag| k == name_tag.downcase } } if matching_name rec_found, rec_result = partition_osdep_entry(osdep_name, values, handler_names, excluded, *additional_keys) # We only consider the first highest-priority entry, # regardless of whether it has some packages for us or # not idx = keys.index(matching_name) if !rec_found if !found_keys.has_key?(idx) found_keys[idx] = nil end else found_keys[idx] ||= [0, []] found_keys[idx][0] += rec_found found_keys[idx][1].concat(rec_result) end end end end first_entry = found_keys.keys.sort.first found_keys = found_keys[first_entry] if found_keys if found_keys[0] > 0 nonexistent = true else found = true end result.concat(found_keys[1]) end found = if nonexistent then FOUND_NONEXISTENT elsif found then FOUND_PACKAGES else false end return found, result end # Resolves the given OS dependencies into the actual packages that need # to be installed on this particular OS. # # @param [Array] dependencies the list of osdep names that should be resolved # @return [Array<#install,Array>] the set of packages, grouped # by the package handlers that should be used to install them # # @raise MissingOSDep if some packages can't be found or if the # nonexistent keyword was found for some of them def resolve_os_packages(dependencies) all_packages = [] dependencies.each do |name| result = resolve_package(name) if !result path = self.class.resolve_name(name) raise, "there is no osdeps definition for #{path.last} (search tree: #{path.join("->")})" end if result.empty? if self.class.supported_operating_system? os_names, os_versions = operating_system raise, "there is an osdeps definition for #{name}, but not for this operating system and version (resp. #{os_names.join(", ")} and #{os_versions.join(", ")})" end result = [[os_package_manager, FOUND_PACKAGES, [name]]] end result.each do |handler, status, packages| if status == FOUND_NONEXISTENT raise, "there is an osdep definition for #{name}, and it explicitely states that this package does not exist on your OS" end if entry = all_packages.find { |h, _| h == handler } entry[1].concat(packages) else all_packages << [handler, packages] end end end all_packages.delete_if do |handler, pkg| pkg.empty? end return all_packages end # Returns true if +name+ is an acceptable OS package for this OS and # version def has?(name) status = availability_of(name) status == AVAILABLE || status == IGNORE end # Value returned by #availability_of if the required package has no # definition NO_PACKAGE = 0 # Value returned by #availability_of if the required package has # definitions, but not for this OS name or version WRONG_OS = 1 # Value returned by #availability_of if the required package has # definitions, but the local OS is unknown UNKNOWN_OS = 2 # Value returned by #availability_of if the required package has # definitions, but the nonexistent keyword was used for this OS NONEXISTENT = 3 # Value returned by #availability_of if the required package is # available AVAILABLE = 4 # Value returned by #availability_of if the required package is # available, but no package needs to be installed to have it IGNORE = 5 # If +name+ is an osdeps that is available for this operating system, # returns AVAILABLE. Otherwise, returns one of: # # NO_PACKAGE:: the package has no definitions # WRONG_OS:: the package has a definition, but not for this OS # UNKNOWN_OS:: the package has a definition, but the local OS is unknown # NONEXISTENT:: the package has a definition, but the 'nonexistent' # keyword was found for this OS # AVAILABLE:: the package is available for this OS # IGNORE:: the package is available for this OS, but no packages need to # be installed for it def availability_of(name) resolved = resolve_package(name) if !resolved return NO_PACKAGE end if resolved.empty? if !operating_system return UNKNOWN_OS elsif !supported_operating_system? return AVAILABLE else return WRONG_OS end end resolved = resolved.delete_if { |_, status, list| status == FOUND_PACKAGES && list.empty? } failed = resolved.find_all do |_, status, _| status == FOUND_NONEXISTENT end if failed.empty? if resolved.empty? return IGNORE else return AVAILABLE end else return NONEXISTENT end end end end