require 'bundler' Bundler.setup # TODO: SG 10/4/13 # These lines seem to break trying to include frank-cucumber (maybe because it's not a cucumber run?) # Would really like to fix this, not sure how. # Bundler.require require 'rake' require 'cucumber' require 'cucumber/rake/task' desc "Default: build, test, frank" task :default => [:build, :test, :frank] desc "Bootstrap dependencies for the app" task :bootstrap do system("which -s brew") || fail("Cannot find 'brew' command. Have you installed homebrew?") system("brew update > /dev/null") || fail("Error: updating homebrew failed") system("which -s xctool") || system("brew install xctool") || fail("Error: installing xctool failed") end desc "Clean and build the app" task :build do system("xctool -workspace simple.xcworkspace -scheme simple -sdk iphoneos clean build ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO") || fail("Error building app") end desc "Clean, build the app, run unit tests" task :test do system("xctool -workspace simple.xcworkspace -scheme simple -sdk iphonesimulator clean test ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO") || fail("Error running unit tests") end desc "Configure Frank tests" task "frank:setup" do system("frank setup --project app/simple.xcodeproj --target simple") || fail("Error running frank setup") end desc "Build the frank target" task "frank:build" do system("frank build --workspace simple.xcworkspace --scheme simple") || fail("Error running frank build") end"frank:run") do |t| t.cucumber_opts = "Frank/features --format pretty" end desc "Build and run frank tests" task :frank => ["frank:build", "frank:run"]