module Asciimath2UnitsML class Conv def units_only(units) units.reject { |u| u[:multiplier] } end def unit_id(text) text = text.gsub(/[()]/, "") /-$/.match(text) and return @prefixes[text.sub(/-$/, "")].id "U_#{@units[text] ? @units[text].id.gsub(/'/, '_') : text.gsub(/\*/, '.').gsub(/\^/, '')}" end def unit(units, _origtext, normtext, dims, name) return if units_only(units).any? { |x| x[:unit].nil? } dimid = dim_id(dims) norm_units = normalise_units(units) <<~XML #{unitsystem(units)} #{unitname(norm_units, normtext, name)} #{unitsymbol(norm_units)} #{rootunits(units)} XML end def normalise_units(units) do |u| u1 = u.dup u1[:multiplier] and u1[:multiplier] = "*" u1[:exponent] and u1[:display_exponent] = u1[:exponent] u1 end end # kg exception def unitsystem(units) return if units_only(units).any? { |x| x[:unit].nil? } ret = [] units = units_only(units) units.any? { |x| @units[x[:unit]].system_name != "SI" } and ret << "" if units.any? { |x| @units[x[:unit]].system_name == "SI" } base = units.size == 1 && @units[units[0][:unit]].system_type == "SI-base" base = true if units.size == 1 && units[0][:unit] == "g" && units[0][:prefix] == "k" ret << "" end ret.join("\n") end def unitname(units, text, name) name ||= @units[text] ? @units[text].name : compose_name(units, text) "#{name}" end # TODO: compose name from the component units def compose_name(_units, text) text end def unitsymbol(units) <<~XML #{htmlsymbol(units, true)} #{mathmlsymbolwrap(units, true)} XML end def rootunits(units) return if units_only(units).any? { |x| x[:unit].nil? } return if units.size == 1 && !units[0][:prefix] exp = units_only(units).map do |u| prefix = " prefix='#{u[:prefix]}'" if u[:prefix] u[:exponent] && u[:exponent] != "1" and arg = " powerNumerator='#{u[:exponent]}'" "" end.join("\n") <<~XML #{exp} XML end end end