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ICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Console.dllICSharpCode.SharpCvsLibICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.CommandsLoginCommandICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Console.CommandsICommandParserICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Console.ParsermscorlibSystemObjectAbstractCommandParserAddCommandParserCheckoutCommandParserCommandExceptionCommandLineParseExceptionCommandLineParserCommandParserFactoryCommitCommandParserFileParserImportCommandParserInitCommandParserListCommandParserLogCommandParserRemoveCommandParserRTagCommandParserStatusCommandParserUpdateCommandParserUsageXmlLogCommandParserConsoleMainICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.ConsoleConsoleWriterAssemblyHelper.ctorICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.MiscCvsRootWorkingDirectoryget_CurrentWorkingDirectoryset_CurrentWorkingDirectoryget_CvsRootset_CvsRootget_CommandNameget_CommandDescriptionSystem.CollectionsICollectionget_NicksICommandCreateCommandget_Argsset_ArgsParseOptionsget_UsageCurrentWorkingDirectoryCommandNameCommandDescriptionNicksArgscurrentWorkingDirectorycvsRootlog4netILogloggerget_LOGGERSystem.IODirectoryInfo_currentDirget_CurrentDirset_CurrentDir_moduleget_Moduleset_ModuleICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.FileSystemRepository_repositoryget_Repositoryset_RepositoryargsArrayListcommandNicksget_ImplementedTypeGetInstanceSetLocalDirectoryLOGGERCurrentDirModuleImplemented_message_kflagrevisionDateTimedateunparsedOptionsfirstnicksdescriptionget_Firstget_Nick1get_Nick2get_Descriptionset_DescriptionFirstNick1Nick2DescriptionREGEX_LOG_LEVELENV_CVS_ROOTargumentscommandTxtoptionsrepositorysingleOptionsfiles_readOnly_verboseget_IsVerboseget_ReadOnlyset_ReadOnlyget_Commandget_Filesget_Optionsget_CommandLinepasswordget_PasswordExecute.cctorIsVerboseReadOnlyFilesOptionsCommandLinePasswordSortedListallCommandscommandParsersget_CommandParsersGetComget_AllCommandsGetArgsAfterCommandNameGetCommandParserCommandParsersAllCommands_branch_logFileHashtable_filesFolders_folders_argsIListget_FoldersParseGetFilesInDirConvertToFoldersmessagevendorreleasebranchfoldersfileNamesGetCurrentDirectoryStatusCommandParseFilesversiontitleInfocopyrightInfocompanyInfoget_Generalget_Commandsget_SynonymscurrentVersionGetVersionGetTitleInfoGetCopyrightInfoGetDescriptionGetCompanyInfoget_VersionGeneralCommandsSynonymsVersionOPT_DATEOPT_DAYSOPT_OUTPUT_XML_FILENAMEOPT_OUTPUT_HTML_FILENAMEOPT_OUTPUT_XSL_FILENAMEOPT_NAME_MAPOPT_PWstartDateget_StartDateset_StartDateendDateget_EndDateset_EndDatelastNDaysget_LastNDaysset_LastNDaysxmlFilenameget_XmlFilenameset_XmlFilenamehtmlFilenameget_HtmlFilenameset_HtmlFilenamexslFilenameget_XslFilenameset_XslFilenameset_PasswordStartDateEndDateLastNDaysXmlFilenameHtmlFilenameXslFilenameDEFAULT_CONFIGget_DefaultConfigInitLog4net_appDirget_AppDirMemoryStreamWriteDefaultConfigwriterget_WriterDoExecuteExitErrorExitGetPasswordDefaultConfigAppDirWriterREGEX_TEXTREGEX_FNAMEDEFAULT_PREFIXDEFAULT_USE_PREFIXInstanceSystem.Text.RegularExpressionsRegexTextRegexFNameRegexusePrefixstartTimestopTimeget_UsePrefixset_UsePrefixWriteWriteLineICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.MessagesMessageEventArgsWriteErrorProcessEventArgsStartProcessStopProcessUsePrefixSHARPCVSLIBSHARPCVSLIB_CONSOLESHARPZIPLIBLOG4NETSystem.ReflectionAssemblyLoadAssemblyDirectorySearchLoadLog4NetBuildPrivateBinPathIsMatchlog4net.ConfigXmlConfiguratorAttributeAssemblyCompanyAttributeAssemblyCopyrightAttributeAssemblyDescriptionAttributeAssemblyTitleAttributeAssemblyVersionAttributeCLSCompliantAttributeSystem.Runtime.InteropServicesComVisibleAttributeSystem.DiagnosticsDebuggableAttributeworkingDirectoryvalueEnvironmentget_CurrentDirectoryFileSystemInfoget_FullNameget_ModuleNamePathCombineLoadRootAbstractCvsFileget_FileContentsNotImplementedExceptionget_CountAddtypeActivatorCreateInstanceLogManagerGetLoggerStringFormatArgumentExceptionGetTypelocalDirectorycvsrootRuntimeTypeHandleGetTypeFromHandleset_FoldersAddCommandset_Kflagset_MessageStartsWithIsInternedSystem.TextStringBuilderAppendToStringObsoleteAttributemodulecoOptionsset_RevisionMinValueEqualsset_DateCheckoutModuleCommandget_Charsget_LengthIndexOfSubstringSystem.GlobalizationDateTimeFormatInfoget_CurrentInfoConvertIFormatProviderToDateTimeget_ShortDatePatternApplicationExceptionget_ItemEmptynick1nick2commandNamemsge$$method0x6000051-1Int32$$method0x6000051-2MatchGroupget_SuccessGroupCollectionget_GroupsCaptureget_Valuelog4net.RepositoryILoggerRepositoryGetRepositorylog4net.CoreLevelMapget_LevelMapLevelset_ThresholdConsoleNotSupportedExceptionTrimArrayCopyToCharArrayIndexOfAnyCharConcatGetAssemblyGetTypesget_IsClassGetInterfaceget_IsAbstractWarnMissingMethodExceptioncommandDescriptionlistToArraycommandciOptionsCommitCommand2set_LogMessageset_BranchFileInfoset_LogFileget_Valuesop_InequalityIsPathRootedDirectoryExistsdirGetFilesGetDirectoriesIEnumerableIEnumeratorGetEnumeratorget_Currentget_DirectoryContainsFolderget_PathEntryCreateEntryEntriesget_Entriesset_ItemMoveNextIDisposableDisposeManagerget_ExistsImportModuleCommandset_VendorStringset_ReleaseStringInitCommandrepositoryNameListCommandLogCommandget_DirectoryNamermOptionsRemoveCommandrt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a valid cvs folder {0}.wReturn the common command name that this object represents.mEnter command description in overriding command parserGEnter a nick for your command here.3Implement create command.=Commandline arguments not set.AImplement usage for command {0}.addUAdd a new file/directory to the repositoryadnew--m-kUsage: cvs add [-k rcs-kflag] [-m message] files... -k Use "rcs-kflag" to add the file with the specified kflag. -m Use "message" for the creation log. (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)checkout9Checkout sources for editingcoget -QThe -D checkout option parameter is not +in correct format of .WThe -A checkout option is not implemented.WThe -N checkout option is not implemented.WThe -P checkout option is not implemented.WThe -R checkout option is not implemented.WThe -c checkout option is not implemented.WThe -f checkout option is not implemented.WThe -l checkout option is not implemented.WThe -n checkout option is not implemented.WThe -p checkout option is not implemented.WThe -s checkout option is not implemented.YUsage: cvs checkout [-ANPRcflnps] [-r rev] [-D date] [-d dir] [-j rev1] [-j rev2] [-k kopt] modules... -A Reset any sticky tags/date/kopts. -N Don't shorten module paths if -d specified. -P Prune empty directories. -R Process directories recursively. -c "cat" the module database. -f Force a head revision match if tag/date not found. -l Local directory only, not recursive -n Do not run module program (if any). -p Check out files to standard output (avoids stickiness). -s Like -c, but include module status. -r rev Check out revision or tag. (implies -P) (is sticky) -D date Check out revisions as of date. (implies -P) (is sticky) -d dir Check out into dir instead of module name. -k kopt Use RCS kopt -k option on checkout. (is sticky) -j rev Merge in changes made between current revision and rev. (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options) {0} commitcicom importimpim initloglo login logonlgndir listls passwdpasswordsetpass remove deletermrt rtagrtfreezest stat statusupupd updatexml-verbose-H --help--help-options--help-commands--help-synonyms-v--version-Q-q-r-w-n-t-T-e-d-f-F-z-x-y-a-N-s-o-O--encrypt--authenticate-d:1-pwd:(?<Password>[^\s]*)PasswordM-log:(?<Level>(debug|info|warn|error)) Level+Unsupported option -n+Unsupported option -t+Unsupported option -T+Unsupported option -e+Unsupported option -f+Unsupported option -F+Unsupported option -z+Unsupported option -x+Unsupported option -y+Unsupported option -a+Unsupported option -N+Unsupported option -s+Unsupported option -o+Unsupported option -O7Unsupported option --encrypCUnsupported option --authenticateANPRcflnps RflabBdfFlMnRACPRbdfmpIUse --help-commands to list commandsAUnable to load #cvslib assembly.ICommandParserCommand {0} does not provide a parameterless constructor, skipping. adminAAdministration front end for rcsadmrcsannotate_Show last revision where each line was modifiedann chac1]Change the Access Control List for a directory setaclsetperm chown?Change the owner of a directory?Check files into the repository diffEShow differences between revisionsdidif editAGet ready to edit a watched fileeditorsCSee who is editing a watched file exportYExport sources from CVS, similar to checkoutexpexhistory=Show repository access historyhihis]Import sources into CVS, using vendor branchesWCreate a CVS repository if it doesn't exist info[Display information about supported protocolsinfOPrint out history information for files[Prompt for password for authenticating server logout_Removes entry in .cvspass for remote repository9List files in the repository lsaclQList the directories Access Control List lsattrlistpermcSet the user's password (Admin: Administer users)authserver5Authentication server moderannotatesShow last revision where each line of module was modified rannra rdiffYCreate 'patch' format diffs between releases patchpareleaseUIndicate that a Module is no longer in usererelGRemove an entry from the repositorycvs_rename?Rename a file in the repositoryren move rlogUPrint out history information for a modulerl=Add a symbolic tag to a modulerfreeze serverServer mode_Display status information on checked out filescvs_stattageAdd a symbolic tag to checked out version of filesta freeze unedit)Undo an edit commandOBring work tree in sync with repositoryversion7Show current CVS version(s)vever watchSet watcheswatchers5See who is watching a fileCreate an xml report containing the history information for a module-c-D-l-RQThe -c commit option is not implemented.QThe -D commit option is not implemented.QThe -f commit option is not implemented.QThe -l commit option is not implemented.QThe -n commit option is not implemented.QThe -R commit option is not implemented.Usage: cvs commit [-DnRlf] [-m msg | -F logfile] [-r rev] files... -D Assume all files are modified. -n Do not run the module program (if any). -R Process directories recursively. -l Local directory only (not recursive). -f Force the file to be committed; disables recursion. -F logfile Read the log message from file. -m msg Log message. -r branch Commit to specific branch or trunk. -c Check for valid edits before committing. (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)tcvs-vendortcvs-releaseAImport directory does not exist.-C-I-b-W;Argument not implemented {0}.9Usage: cvs import [-C] [-d] [-f] [-k subst] [-I ign] [-m msg] [-b branch] [-W spec] [-n] repository [vendor-tag] [release-tags...] -C Create CVS directories while importing. -d Use the file's modification time as the time of import. -f Overwrite existing release tags. -k sub Set default RCS keyword substitution mode. -I ign More files to ignore (! to reset). -b bra Vendor branch id. -m msg Log message. -W spec Wrappers specification line. -n Don't create vendor branch or release tags. (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)Usage: cvs init (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)Usage: cvs ls [-q] [-e] [-l] [-R] [-r rev] [-D date] [-t] [modules...] -D date Show files from date. -e Display in CVS/Entries format. -l Display all details. -P Ignore empty directories. -q Quieter output. -R List recursively. -r rev Show files with revision or tag. -T Show time in local time instead of GMT. (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)lRhtNbT-hUsage: cvs log [-lRhtNbT] [-r[revisions]] [-d dates] [-s states] [-w[logins]] [files...] -l Local directory only, no recursion. -R Only print name of RCS file. -h Only print header. -t Only print header and descriptive text. -T Use local time not GMT. -S Supress header information when no revisions are selected. -N Do not list tags. -b Only list revisions on the default branch. -r[revisions] Specify revision(s)s to list. -d dates Specify dates (D1<D2 for range, D for latest before). -s states Only list revisions with specified states. -w[logins] Only list revisions checked in by specified logins. (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)SThe -f remove option is not implemented.SThe -l remove option is not implemented.SThe -R remove option is not implemented.Usage: cvs remove [-flR] [files...] -f Delete the file before removing it. -l Process this directory only (not recursive). -R Process directories recursively. (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)IThe -D rtag option parameter is not OThe -a rtag option is not implemented.OThe -b rtag option is not implemented.OThe -B rtag option is not implemented.OThe -d rtag option is not implemented.OThe -F rtag option is not implemented.OThe -f rtag option is not implemented.OThe -M rtag option is not implemented.OThe -l rtag option is not implemented.OThe -n rtag option is not implemented.OThe -R rtag option is not implemented.Usage: cvs rtag [-abdFflnR] [-r rev|-D date] tag modules... -a Clear tag from removed files that would not otherwise be tagged. -b Make the tag a "branch" tag, allowing concurrent development. -d Delete the given tag. -F Move tag if it already exists. -B Allow move/delete of branch tag (not recommended). -f Force a head revision match if tag/date not found. -l Local directory only, not recursive. -n No execution of 'tag program'. -R Process directories recursively. -r rev Existing revision/tag. -D Existing date. (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)-X;Unknown option specified: {0}File: {0}Usage: cvs status [-vlR] [files...] -v Verbose format; includes tag information for the file -l Process this directory only (not recursive). -R Process directories recursively. -q Display a quick summary of each file (send more increased terseness). -x cvsnt 2.x compatible output (default). -X cvs 1.x compatible output. (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)MThe -D update option parameter is not SThe -A update option is not implemented.SThe -P update option is not implemented.SThe -C update option is not implemented.SThe -f update option is not implemented.SThe -l update option is not implemented.SThe -R update option is not implemented.SThe -p update option is not implemented.SThe -b update option is not implemented.SThe -m update option is not implemented.Usage: cvs update [-APCdflRpbm] [-k kopt] [-r rev] [-D date] [-j rev] [-I ign] [-W spec] [files...] -A Reset any sticky tags/date/kopts. -P Prune empty directories. -C Overwrite locally modified files with clean repository copies. -d Build directories, like checkout does. -f Force a head revision match if tag/date not found. -l Local directory only, no recursion. -R Process directories recursively. -p Send updates to standard output (avoids stickiness). -k kopt Use RCS kopt -k option on checkout. (is sticky) -r rev Update using specified revision/tag (is sticky). -D date Set date to update from (is sticky). -j rev Merge in changes made between current revision and rev. -b Perform -j merge from branch point. -m Perform -j merge from last merge point (default). -I ign More files to ignore (! to reset). -W spec Wrappers specification line. -3 Produce 3-way conflicts. -S Use case insensitive update to select between conflicting names. (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)Usage: cvs [cvs-options] command [command-options-and-arguments] where cvs-options are -q, -n, etc. (specify --help-options for a list of options) where command is add, admin, etc. (specify --help-commands for a list of commands or --help-synonyms for a list of command synonyms) where command-options-and-arguments depend on the specific command (specify -H followed by a command name for command-specific help) Specify --help to receive this message The Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a tool for version control. For CVS updates and additional information, see the #CvsLib home page at or the CVS home page at or Pascal Molli's CVS site at the CVSNT home page at Thanks for using the command line tool.#CVS commands are:% {0,-12}{1}% (NOT IMPLEMENTED)y(Specify the --help option for a list of other help options)CVS global options (specified before the command name) are: -D prefix Adds a prefix to CVSROOT. -H Displays usage information for command. -Q Cause CVS to be really quiet. -q Cause CVS to be somewhat quiet. -r Make checked-out files read-only. -w Make checked-out files read-write (default). -l Turn history logging off. -n Do not execute anything that will change the disk. -t Show trace of program execution (repeat for more verbosity) -- try with -n. -v CVS version and copyright. -T tmpdir Use 'tmpdir' for temporary files. -e editor Use 'editor' for editing log information. -d CVS_root Overrides $CVSROOT as the root of the CVS tree. -f Do not use the ~/.cvsrc file. -z # Use compression level '#' for net traffic. -x Encrypt all net traffic (fail if not encrypted). -y Encrypt all net traffic (if supported by protocol). -a Authenticate all net traffic. -s VAR=VAL Set CVS user variable. -log:[level] Sets the logging level. Levels can be one of [debug|info|warn|error]. -verbose Outputs request and response messages. --version CVS version and copyright. --encrypt Encrypt all net traffic (if supported by protocol). --authenticate Authenticate all net traffic (if supported by protocol). (Specify the --help option for a list of other help options) Thanks for using the command line tool.3CVS command synonyms are:1 {0,-11} {1} {2}OUnable to retrieve version information.UUnable to retrieve AssemblyTitleAttribute.]Unable to retrieve AssemblyCopyrightAttribute._Unable to retieve AssemblyDescriptionAttribute.YUnable to retrieve AssemblyCompanyAttribute.% {0} - {1} Build : {2} Runtime: {3}; {4} Copyright (c) {5} Specify the --help option for further information about CVS or see {6}yProduces an xml formatted report on the history of the files-Ds -oxml -ohtml -xsl-pw .html)Unknown option: {0}.Usage: cvs xml [-D [startDate]] [-D [endDate]] [-oxml [source filename]] [-xsl [style sheet]] -D Used to specify the start and end dates. The first -D pair is the start date (required). -oxml Name of the file xml change information will be output to (required). -xsl Name of the xsl transformation to apply to the xml log information. -ohtml Name of the html file the transform will create, if left empty the file will be have the same name as the xml 'source' file, with a html extension. (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name='log4net' type='log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler,log4net'/> </configSections> <log4net debug='false'> <appender name='ConsoleAppender' type='log4net.Appender.ConsoleAppender'> <layout type='log4net.Layout.PatternLayout'> <param name='ConversionPattern' value='[%c{2}:%m - [%x] &lt;%X{auth}&gt;]%n' /> </layout> </appender> <appender name='RollingLogFileAppender' type='log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender'> <param name='File' value='cvs.log' /> <param name='AppendToFile' value='true' /> <param name='MaxSizeRollBackups' value='10' /> <param name='MaximumFileSize' value='1000000' /> <param name='RollingStyle' value='Size' /> <param name='StaticLogFileName' value='true' /> <layout type='log4net.Layout.PatternLayout'> <param name='Header' value='[Header]\r\n' /> <param name='Footer' value='[Footer]\r\n' /> <param name='ConversionPattern' value='%d [%t] %-5p %c [%x] - %m%n' /> </layout> </appender> <root> <level value='INFO' /> <!--<appender-ref ref='RollingLogFileAppender' />--> <appender-ref ref='ConsoleAppender' /> </root> </log4net> </configuration> '"=ICSharpCode.Console.dll.config file:\Fatal Error ( {0} ), rerun using -verbose to get more information.{0}{1}{2}=Exception parsing command: {0}9Unable to connect to server.Fatal error, aborting. cvs [login aborted]: {0}: unknown user or bad password.1Fatal cvs error ( {0} ).[{0}]: {1}{0}E Processing time: {0}:{1}:{2}:{3}.!text[\s]*([\w]*);fname[\s]*([\w]+[/\w]*[.\w]*) .dll*log4netmUnable to find correct version of referenced assembly.?ICSharpCode.SharpCvslib.ConsoleCvs?ICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.ConsoleWICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Console.ConsoleMains $>-OMM)^gz\V4            ((((('1! !% % %) ) )-  1(!(%()(  5     L-log:(?<Level>(debug|info|warn|error))CVS_ROOT 99-  9=A E A(E(A  A% I-D-Ds -oxml -ohtml-xsl-nm-pw 5 5  (5(<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name='log4net' type='log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler,log4net'/> </configSections> <log4net debug='false'> <appender name='ConsoleAppender' type='log4net.Appender.ConsoleAppender'> <layout type='log4net.Layout.PatternLayout'> <param name='ConversionPattern' value='[%c{2}:%m - [%x] &lt;%X{auth}&gt;]%n' /> </layout> </appender> <appender name='RollingLogFileAppender' type='log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender'> <param name='File' value='cvs.log' /> <param name='AppendToFile' value='true' /> <param name='MaxSizeRollBackups' value='10' /> <param name='MaximumFileSize' value='1000000' /> <param name='RollingStyle' value='Size' /> <param name='StaticLogFileName' value='true' /> <layout type='log4net.Layout.PatternLayout'> <param name='Header' value='[Header]\r\n' /> <param name='Footer' value='[Footer]\r\n' /> <param name='ConversionPattern' value='%d [%t] %-5p %c [%x] - %m%n' /> </layout> </appender> <root> <level value='INFO' /> <!--<appender-ref ref='RollingLogFileAppender' />--> <appender-ref ref='ConsoleAppender' /> </root> </log4net> </configuration> %M` `   $%(` text[\s]*([\w]*):fname[\s]*([\w]+[/\w]*[.\w]*)Q  U Y.ICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib>ICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Console.ICSharpCode.SharpZipLiblog4net]-%]]] !%)% ) )%   1!1   11  A 0   .)Use CheckCommandParser(CvsRoot, string[])    5                B$  ,48@DHP]1 1 1 ]11 91 -9 1 -  0EA   % % %      !  %  -)%1-(Use ListCommandParser(CvsRoot, string[])5  A 9%5 !%      = A %I ! AA 0 %  %E09%9% ] I M  ] ] 1 Q U5]555  m  m% MM`       $    5 ]%- ]%  % % ]]%-   %    TWatch50SharpCvsLib - http://sharpcvslib.sourceforge.netMike Krueger 2001-2002, SharpCvsLib Developers 2003-2005 CVS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General Public License, a copy of which can be found with the CVS distribution kit.(#win32; net-1.1; 2005/02/02 08:22:243.Concurrent Versions System (sharpCVS) (client)cd d_CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @0HX4VS_VERSION_INFO$&$&?DVarFileInfo$TranslationHStringFileInfo$000004b0`$Commentswin32; net-1.1; 2005/02/02 08:22:241CompanyNameSharpCvsLib - Versions System (sharpCVS) (client)@FileVersion0.36.4902.7334h$InternalNameICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Console.dllLegalCopyrightMike Krueger 2001-2002, SharpCvsLib Developers 2003-2005 CVS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General Public License, a copy of which can be found with the CVS distribution kit.,LegalTrademarks p$OriginalFilenameICSharpCode.SharpCvsLib.Console.dll$ProductName DProductVersion0.36.4902.7334HAssembly Version0.36.4902.7334` 04