require 'spec_helper' module Alf describe Tools, ".to_lispy" do subject{ Tools.to_lispy(value) } describe "on a Proxy" do let(:value){, :suppliers) } it { should eq(":suppliers") } end describe "on an AttrName" do let(:value){ :city } it { should eq(":city") } end describe "on an AttrList" do let(:value){[:name, :city]) } it { should eq("[:name, :city]") } end describe "on a Heading" do let(:value){ => String) } it { should eq("{:name => String}") } end describe "on an Ordering" do let(:value){[[:name, :asc], [:city, :desc]]) } it { should eq("[[:name, :asc], [:city, :desc]]") } end describe "on a Renaming" do let(:value){ => :new) } it { should eq("{:old => :new}") } end describe "on an Aggregation" do let(:value){ Aggregator.coerce("sum{ qty*price }") } it { should eq("sum{ qty*price }") } end describe "on a TupleExpression" do let(:value){ TupleExpression.coerce(arg) } describe "When built from a string" do let(:arg){ "status.upcase" } it{ should eq("->(){ status.upcase }")} end describe "When built from a symbol" do let(:arg){ :status } it{ should eq("->(){ status }")} end end # TupleExpression describe "on a TuplePredicate" do let(:value){ TuplePredicate.coerce(arg) } describe "When built from a TupleExpression" do let(:arg){ TupleExpression.coerce("status > 10") } it{ should eq("->(){ status > 10 }")} end describe "When built from a boolean" do let(:arg){ true } it{ should eq("->(){ true }")} end describe "When built from a String" do let(:arg){ "status > 10" } it{ should eq("->(){ status > 10 }")} end describe "When built from a Hash" do let(:arg){ {:status => 10} } it{ should eq("->(){ (self.status == 10) }")} end describe "When built with a singleton Array" do let(:arg){ ["status > 10"] } it{ should eq("->(){ status > 10 }")} end describe "When built with a Hash-Array" do let(:arg){ ["status", "10"] } it{ should eq("->(){ (self.status == 10) }")} end describe "When built with a Hash-Array without coercion" do let(:arg){ [:status, "10"] } it{ should eq("->(){ (self.status == \"10\") }")} end end # TuplePredicate describe "on a TupleComputation" do let(:value){ TupleComputation.coerce(arg) } describe "When built from a Hash" do let(:arg){ {"upcased" => "status.upcase"} } it{ should eq("{:upcased => ->(){ status.upcase }}")} end end # TupleComputation describe "on a Summarization" do let(:value){ Summarization.coerce(arg) } describe "When built from an Array" do let(:arg){ {"total" => "sum{ qty*price }"} } it{ should eq("{:total => sum{ qty*price }}") } end end # Summarization describe "on an nullary operator" do let(:value){{generator -- 10 -- id}) } it { should eq("(generator 10, :id)") } end describe "on an monadic operator with an option" do let(:value){{project --allbut suppliers -- city}) } it { should eq("(project :suppliers, [:city], {:allbut => true})") } end describe "on an monadic operator with default values for options" do let(:value){{project suppliers -- city}) } it { should eq("(project :suppliers, [:city])") } end describe "on an dyadic operator without no args nor any option" do let(:value){{join suppliers cities}) } it { should eq("(join :suppliers, :cities)") } end end end