require 'test_helper' describe KineticCafe::Error do describe 'defaults' do let(:exception) { @exception = } it 'defaults correctly' do stub I18n, :translate, 'Untranslatable error' do expected = '#' assert_equal expected, exception.inspect end end describe '#message and #i18n_message' do it 'returns key/params if I18n.translate is not defined' do Object.stub_remove_const(:I18n) do assert_equal [ 'kcerrors.error', {} ], exception.i18n_message end end it 'encodes the :query parameter specially for I18n parameters' do query = { a: 1, b: %w(x y z), c: [ d: 1, e: 2 ], f: [] } exception = query) Object.stub_remove_const(:I18n) do assert_equal( [ 'kcerrors.error', { query: 'a: 1; b[]: x, b[]: y, b[]: z; c[][d]: 1; c[][e]: 2; f[]: []' } ], exception.i18n_message ) end end it 'calls I18n.translate if defined' do matcher = ->(key, options) { assert_equal 'kcerrors.error', key assert_kind_of Hash, options assert_missing_keys options, :locale } stub I18n, :translate, matcher do exception.i18n_message end end it 'calls I18n.translate with a bare locale if given one' do matcher = ->(key, options) { assert_equal 'kcerrors.error', key assert_kind_of Hash, options assert_has_keys options, :locale assert_equal :kc, options[:locale] } stub I18n, :translate, matcher do exception.i18n_message(:kc) end end it 'calls I18n.translate with a hash locale if given one' do matcher = ->(key, options) { assert_equal 'kcerrors.error', key assert_kind_of Hash, options assert_has_keys options, :locale assert_equal :kc, options[:locale] } stub I18n, :translate, matcher do exception.i18n_message(locale: :kc) end end it '#message fowards to #i18n_message if no @message' do stub exception, :i18n_message do exception.message end assert_instance_called exception, :i18n_message end end it '#api_error only includes set values' do assert_equal( { status: :bad_request, severity: :error, name: 'error', internal: false, i18n_key: 'kcerrors.error' }, exception.api_error ) end it '#error_result includes #api_error and #message' do assert_equal( { error: { status: :bad_request, severity: :error, name: 'error', internal: false, i18n_key: 'kcerrors.error' }, message: nil }, exception.error_result ) end it '#json_result includes #status, #error_result, and layout: false' do assert_equal( { status: :bad_request, json: { error: { status: :bad_request, severity: :error, name: 'error', internal: false, i18n_key: 'kcerrors.error' }, message: nil }, layout: false }, exception.json_result ) end it 'is not #header? by default' do refute exception.header? end it 'is not #internal? by default' do refute exception.internal? end it 'has no I18n parameters by default' do assert_empty KineticCafe::Error.i18n_params end end describe 'handles causing exceptions' do before do begin begin fail 'causing' rescue => ex @causing_exception = ex raise KineticCafe::Error, cause: @causing_exception, message: 'wrapping' end rescue => ex @wrapping_exception = ex end end it 'captures the causing exception' do refute_nil @wrapping_exception.cause, 'No exception captured' assert_equal @causing_exception, @wrapping_exception.cause end it 'puts the cause message in i18n_params when the cause is requested' do refute_nil @wrapping_exception.cause, 'No exception captured' assert_equal( { cause: 'causing' }, @wrapping_exception.instance_variable_get(:@i18n_params) ) end end end