# Bundled unit groups and units As there are lots of units bundled with `unit_measurements`, we recommend you to check below list of bundled units before converting your measurements. **Legend** | Indicator | Definition | |:--|:--| | * | Supports [decimal SI prefixes](README.md#decimal-si-prefixes) | | ** | Supports [binary SI prefixes](README.md#binary-si-prefixes) in addition to [decimal SI prefixes](README.md#decimal-si-prefixes) | | _emphasised typeface_ | Primitive unit of the unit group | ## 1. Length or distance These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Length`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _m*_ | _meter, metre, meters, metres_ | | 2 | Å | angstrom, angstroms, ångström | | 3 | S | spat, spats | | 4 | μ | micron, microns | | 5 | h | hh, hand, hands | | 6 | in | ", inch, inches | | 7 | ft | ', foot, feet | | 8 | yd | yard, yards | | 9 | mi | mile, miles, statute mile, international mile, statute miles, international miles | | 10 | ch | chain, chains | | 11 | th | thou, thousandth of an inch, mil, mils | | 12 | au | astronomical unit, astronomical units | | 13 | pc | parsec, parsecs | | 14 | nl | NL, nleague, nleagues, nautical league, nautical leagues | | 15 | rd | rod, rods, perch, pole, lug | | 16 | cb | CBL., cable length | | 17 | ls | light-second, light-seconds | | 18 | lh | light-hour, light-hours | | 19 | ld | light-day, light-days | | 20 | lw | light-week, light-weeks | | 21 | lm | light-month, light-months | | 22 | ly | light-year, light-years | | 23 | ftm | fm, fathom, fathoms | | 24 | fur | furlong, furlongs | | 25 | nmi | NMI, M, NM, nautical mile, nautical miles | | 26 | lnk | l, li, link, links | | 27 | lea | league, leagues | | 28 | sft | sfoot, sfeet, survey-foot, survey-feet | | 29 | bc | b.c., barleycorn, barleycorns | | 30 | lmin | light-minute, light-minutes | | 31 | cb (M) | CBL. (M), cable length (M) | | 32 | cb (US) | CBL. (US), cable length (US) | | 33 | lₚ | planck length, quantum length | | 34 | qr | quarter, quarters | | 35 | U | RU, rack unit, rack units | | 36 | z | red-shift, redshift, redshifts | ## 2. Weight or mass These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Weight`. | # | Name | Aliases | |--|--|--| | _1_ | _g*_ | _gram, grams, gramme, grammes_ | | 2 | q | quintal, quintals | | 3 | t | tonne, tonnes, metric tonne, metric tonnes | | 4 | N | newton, newtons | | 5 | s | scruple, scruples | | 6 | ct | carat, carats | | 7 | Da | dalton, daltons | | 8 | st | stone, stones | | 9 | dr | dram, drams | | 10 | lb | lbs, lbm, pound-mass, pound, pounds, \# | | 11 | oz | ounce, ounces | | 12 | gr | grain, grains | | 13 | tn | ton, tons, short ton, short tons | | 14 | LT | imperial ton, displacement ton, imperial tons, displacement tons, long ton, long tons, weight ton, weight tons | | 15 | dwt | pennyweight, pennyweights | | 16 | ozt | troy ounce, troy ounces | | 17 | lbt | troy pound, troy pounds | | 18 | drt | troy dram, troy drams | | 19 | hyl | mug, metric slug, metric slugs, hyls | | 20 | cwt | hundredweight, long hundredweight, imperial hundredweight | | 21 | slug | slugs | | 22 | cwt (US) | hundredweight (US), short hundredweight | | 23 | mₚ | planck mass, quantum mass | | 24 | qr | qtr, quarter, quarters | | 25 | fir | firkin, firkins | | 26 | us qr | us qtr, us quarter, us quarters | ## 3. Time or duration These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Time`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _s*_ | _sec, second, seconds_ | | 2 | h | hr, hour, hours | | 3 | d | day, days | | 4 | wk | week, weeks | | 5 | mo | month, months | | 6 | yr | y, year, years | | 7 | ftn | 4tnite, fortnight, fortnights | | 8 | min | minute, minutes | | 9 | qtr | quarter, quarters | | 10 | dec | decade, decades | | 11 | cent | century, centuries | | 12 | tₚ | planck time, quantum time | ## 4. Amount of substance These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::AmountOfSubstance`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _mol*_ | _mole, moles_ | | 2 | NA | avogadro constant | ## 5. Electric current These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::ElectricCurrent`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _A*_ | _amp, ampere, amperes_ | | 2 | abA | abampere, abamperes | | 3 | Bi | biot, biots | | 4 | statA | statampere, statamperes | | 5 | Iₚ | planck current, quantum current | ## 6. Luminous intensity These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::LuminousIntensity`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _cd*_ | _candela, candelas_ | | 2 | hk | hefnerkerze | ## 7. Temperature These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Temperature`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _K*_ | _kelvin, kelvins_ | | 2 | °R | R, °Ra, Ra, rankine | | 3 | Tₚ | planck temperature, quantum temperature | ## 8. Area These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Area`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _m²_ | _m^2, sq m, square meter, square meters, square metre, square metres_ | | 2 | a | are, ares | | 3 | b | barn, barns | | 4 | ha | hectare, hectares | | 5 | ac | acre, acres | | 6 | bd | board, boards | | 7 | ro | rood | | 8 | km² | km^2, sq km, square kilometer, square kilometers, square kilometre, square kilometres | | 9 | in² | in^2, sq in, square inch, square inches | | 10 | ft² | ft^2, sq ft, square foot, square feet | | 11 | yd² | yd^2, sq yd, square yard, square yards | | 12 | mi² | mi^2, sq mi, square mile, square miles | | 13 | ch² | ch^2, sq ch, square chain, square chains | | 14 | fur² | fur^2, sq fur, square furlong, square furlongs | | 15 | rd² | rd^2, sq rd, square rod, square rods | | 16 | lnk² | link^2, sq lnk, square link, square links | | 17 | ac (US) | acre (US), acres (US) | | 18 | ft² (US) | ft^2 (US), sq ft (US), square foot (US), square feet (US) | | 19 | mi² (US) | mi^2 (US), sq mi (US), square mile (US), square miles (US) | | 20 | ch² (US) | ch^2 (US), sq ch (US), square chain (US), square chains (US) | | 21 | Aₚ | planck area, quantum area | | 22 | dun | ḍn, dunam, dunams | | 23 | sec | sect, section, sections | | 24 | twp | survey township, survey townships | ## 9. Volume & capacity These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Volume`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | 1 | l* | liter, litre, liters, litres | | 2 | λ | lambda, lambdas | | _3_ | _m³_ | _m^3, cu m, cubic meter, cubic meters, cubic metre, cubic metres_ | | 4 | mm³ | mm^3, cu mm, cubic millimeter, cubic millimeters, cubic millimetre, cubic millimetres | | 5 | cm³ | cm^3, cu cm, cubic centimeter, cubic centimeters, cubic centimetre, cubic centimetres | | 6 | dm³ | dm^3, cu dm, cubic decimeter, cubic decimeters, cubic decimetre, cubic decimetres | | 7 | km³ | km^3, cu km, cubic kilometer, cubic kilometers, cubic kilometre, cubic kilometres | | 8 | in³ | in^3, cu in, cubic inch, cubic inches | | 9 | ft³ | ft^3, cu ft, cubic foot, cubic feet | | 10 | yd³ | yd^3, cu yd, cubic yard, cubic yards | | 11 | mi³ | mi^3, cu mi, cubic mile, cubic miles | | 12 | ftm³ | ftm^3, cu ftm, cubic fathom, cubic fathoms | | 13 | c | cup, cups | | 14 | qt | quart, quarts | | 15 | gi | gill, gills | | 16 | pt | pint, pints | | 17 | pk | peck, pecks | | 18 | gt | gtt, drop, drops | | 19 | cd | cord, cords | | 20 | gal | gallon, gallons | | 21 | bbl | barrel, barrels | | 22 | tsp | teaspoon, teaspoons | | 23 | bsh | bu, bushel, bushels | | 24 | min | minim, minims | | 25 | bkt | bucket, buckets | | 26 | hhd | hogshead, hogsheads | | 27 | fls | fluid scruple, fluid scruples | | 28 | dspn | dsp, dstspn, dessertspoon, dessertspoons | | 29 | fldr | fluid drachm, fluid drachms | | 30 | bdft | bf, fbm, board-foot, board-feet | | 31 | tbsp | tbs, tablespoon, tablespoons | | 32 | floz | fluid ounce, fluid ounces | | 33 | ac⋅ft | acre-foot, acre-feet | | 34 | ac⋅in | acre-inch, acre-inches | | 35 | cd-ft | cord-foot, cord-feet | | 36 | Vₚ | planck volume, quantum volume | | 37 | st | stère, stere, steres | | 38 | fir | firkin, firkins | | 39 | pot | pottle, pottles | ## 10. Density These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Density`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | 1 | g/m³ | g/m^3, gram per cubic meter, grams per cubic meter, gramme per cubic metre, grammes per cubic metre | | _2_ | _kg/m³_ | _kg/m^3, kilogram per cubic meter, kilograms per cubic meter, kilogramme per cubic metre, kilogrammes per cubic metre_ | | 3 | g/l | gram per liter, grams per liter, gramme per litre, grammes per litre | | 4 | g/ml | gram per milliliter, grams per milliliter, gramme per millilitre, grammes per millilitre | | 5 | kg/l | kilogram per liter, kilograms per liter, kilogramme per litre, kilogrammes per litre | | 6 | oz/ft³ | oz/ft^3, ounce per cubic foot, ounces per cubic foot | | 7 | oz/in³ | oz/in^3, ounce per cubic inch, ounces per cubic inch | | 8 | oz/gal | ounce per gallon, ounces per gallon | | 9 | lb/ft³ | lb/ft^3, pound per cubic foot, pounds per cubic foot | | 10 | lb/in³ | lb/in^3, pound per cubic inch, pounds per cubic inch | | 11 | lb/gal | pound per gallon, pounds per gallon | | 12 | slug/ft³ | slug/ft^3, slug per cubic foot, slugs per cubic foot | | 13 | slug/in³ | slug/in^3, slug per cubic inch, slugs per cubic inch | | 14 | ρₚ | planck density, quantum density | ## 11. Quantity These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Quantity`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | 1 | pc | pcs, piece, pieces | | 2 | pr | pair, pairs | | 3 | gr | gross, grosses | | 4 | dz | doz, dozen, dozens | | 5 | gg | great gross, great grosses, grand gross, grand grosses, dozen gross, dozen grosses | ## 12. Sound level These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::SoundLevel`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | 1 | B* | bel, bels | | _2_ | _dB_ | _decibel, decibels_ | | 3 | Np | neper, nepers | ## 13. Plane angle These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::PlaneAngle`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _rad*_ | _radian, radians_ | | 2 | tr | turn, turns | | 3 | deg | °, degree, degrees, degree of arc, degrees of arc, arcdegree, arcdegrees | | 4 | gon | ᵍ, grad, gradian, gradians | | 5 | cir | circle, circles | | 6 | mil | mils | | 7 | rev | revolution, revolutions | | 8 | cyc | cycle, cycles | | 9 | brad | b°, bdeg, binary degree, binary radian, binary degrees, binary radians | | 10 | sign | signs | | 11 | arcmin | ′, amin, arcminute, arcminutes | | 12 | arcsec | ″, asec, arcsecond, arcseconds | | 13 | octant | octants | | 14 | sextant | sextants | | 15 | quadrant | quadrants | ## 14. Solid angle or 3D angle These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::SolidAngle`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _sr*_ | _steradian, steradians_ | | 2 | sp | spat, spats | | 3 | deg² | (°)², sq °, square degree, square degrees | | 4 | arcmin² | (′)², sq ′, square arcminute, square arcminutes | | 5 | arcsec² | (″)², sq ″, square arcsecond, square arcseconds | ## 15. Force These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Force`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _N*_ | _newton, newtons_ | | 2 | p | pond, ponds | | 3 | gf | gram-force, gramme-force | | 4 | tf | metric ton-force, tonne-force | | 5 | sn | sthene, sthenes, sthène | | 6 | dyn | dyne, dynes | | 7 | kgf | kp, gvf, kilogram-force, kilogramme-force | | 8 | ozf | ounce-force | | 9 | lbf | pound-force | | 10 | pdl | poundal, poundals | | 11 | tnf | ton-force, short ton-force | | 12 | LTf | long ton-force | | 13 | mgvf | gvtf, gravet-force, milligrave-force | | 14 | kipf | kip, klbf, kip-force | | 15 | (lb⋅m)/s² | (lb*m)/s^2, pound meter per second squared, pound metre per second squared | | 16 | (lb⋅ft)/s² | (lb*ft)/s^2, pound foot per second squared | | 17 | (lb⋅in)/s² | (lb\*in)/s^2, pound inch per second squared | | 18 | Fₚ | planck force, quantum force | ## 16. Velocity or speed These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Velocity`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | 1 | Kn | kt, knot, knots | | _2_ | _m/s_ | _meter per second, meters per second, metre per second, metres per second_ | | 3 | m/min | meter per minute, meters per minute, metre per minute, metres per minute | | 4 | m/h | meter per hour, meters per hour, metre per hour, metres per hour | | 5 | in/s | ips, inch per second, inches per second | | 6 | in/min | ipm, inch per minute, inches per minute | | 7 | in/h | iph, inch per hour, inches per hour | | 8 | ft/s | fps, foot per second, feet per second | | 9 | ft/min | fpm, foot per minute, feet per minute | | 10 | ft/h | fph, foot per hour, feet per hour | | 11 | mi/s | mps, mile per second, miles per second | | 12 | mi/min | mpm, mile per minute, miles per minute | | 13 | mi/h | mph, mile per hour, miles per hour | | 14 | fur/ftn | furlong per fortnight, furlongs per fortnight | ## 17. Acceleration These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Acceleration`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | 1 | Gal | gal, galileo | | _2_ | _m/s²_ | _m/s^2, meter per second squared, meters per second squared, metre per second squared, metres per second squared_ | | 3 | in/s² | in/s^2, ips², inch per second squared, inches per second squared | | 4 | ipm/s | in/(min⋅s), inch per minute per second, inches per minute per second | | 5 | iph/s | in/(h⋅s), inch per hour per second, inches per hour per second | | 6 | ft/s² | ft/s^2, fps², foot per second squared, feet per second squared | | 7 | fpm/s | ft/(min⋅s), foot per minute per second, feet per minute per second | | 8 | fph/s | ft/(h⋅s), foot per hour per second, feet per hour per second | | 9 | mi/s² | mi/s^2, mps², mile per second squared, miles per second squared | | 10 | mpm/s | mi/(min⋅s), mile per minute per second, miles per minute per second | | 11 | mph/s | mi/(h⋅s), mile per hour per second, miles per hour per second | | 12 | Kn/s | knot per second, knots per second | | 13 | aₚ | planck acceleration, quantum acceleration | ## 18. Angular velocity or rotational speed These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::AngularVelocity`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _rad/s_ | _radian per second, radians per second_ | | 2 | rad/min | radian per minute, radians per minute | | 3 | rad/h | radian per hour, radians per hour | | 4 | deg/s | °/s, degree per second, degrees per second | | 5 | deg/min | °/min, degree per minute, degrees per minute | | 6 | deg/h | °/h, degree per hour, degrees per hour | | 7 | rev/s | revolution per second, revolutions per second | | 8 | rev/min | revolution per minute, revolutions per minute | | 9 | rev/h | revolution per hour, revolutions per hour | | 10 | gon/s | ᵍ/s, gradian per second, gradians per second | | 11 | gon/min | ᵍ/min, gradian per minute, gradians per minute | | 12 | gon/h | ᵍ/h, gradian per hour, gradians per hour | ## 19. Angular acceleration These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::AngularAcceleration`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _rad/s²_ | _rad/s^2, radian per second squared, radians per second squared_ | | 2 | deg/s² | °/s², deg/s^2, degree per second squared, degrees per second squared | | 3 | gon/s² | ᵍ/s², gon/s^2, gradian per second squared, gradians per second squared | ## 20. Electric potential or electromotive force These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::ElectricPotential`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _V*_ | _volt, volts_ | | 2 | abV | abvolt, abvolts | | 3 | statV | statvolt, statvolts | | 4 | W/A | watt per ampere, watts per ampere | | 5 | J/C | joule per coulomb, joules per coulomb | ## 21. Electric charge These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::ElectricCharge`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _C*_ | _coulomb, coulombs_ | | 2 | abC | abcoulomb, abcoulombs | | 3 | statC | statcoulomb, statcoulombs | | 4 | Fr | franklin, franklins | | 5 | Fd | faraday, faradays | | 6 | qₚ | planck charge, quantum charge | ## 22. Electrical capacitance These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::ElectricalCapacitance`. | # | Symbol | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _F*_ | _farad, farads_ | | 2 | abF | abfarad, abfarads | | 3 | statF | statfarad, statfarads | | 4 | C/V | coulomb/volt, coulombs/volt, coulomb per volt, coulombs per volt | ## 23. Electrical elastance These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::ElectricalElastance`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _D*_ | _F⁻¹, daraf, darafs, reciprocal farad, reciprocal farads_ | | 2 | V/C | volt/coulomb, volts/coulomb, volt per coulomb, volts per coulomb | ## 24. Electrical resistance or impedance These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::ElectricalResistance`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _Ω*_ | _ω, ohm, ohms, reciprocal siemens_ | | 2 | abΩ | abω, abohm, abohms | | 3 | statΩ | statω, statohm, statohms | | 4 | S | siemens, mho, mhos | | 5 | V/A | volt/amp, volts/amp, volt/ampere, volts/ampere, volt per ampere, volts per ampere | ## 25. Electric conductance These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::ElectricConductance`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _S*_ | _℧, Ω⁻¹, siemens, mho, mhos_ | | 2 | abS | ab℧, absiemens, abmho, abmhos | | 3 | statS | stat℧, statsiemens, statmho, statmhos | | 3 | A/V | amp/volt, amps/volt, ampere/volt, amperes/volt, ampere per volt, amperes per volt | ## 26. Electrical inductance These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::ElectricalInductance`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _H*_ | _henry, henries_ | | 2 | abH | abhenry, abhenries | | 3 | statH | stathenry, stathenries | | 4 | Wb/A | weber per ampere, webers per ampere | ## 27. Magnetic flux These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::MagneticFlux`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _Wb*_ | _weber, webers_ | | 2 | Mx | maxwell, maxwells | | 3 | T·m² | T*m^2, tesla-square meter, tesla-square metre | | 4 | G·cm² | G*cm^2, gauss-square centimeter, gauss-square centimetre | ## 28. Magnetic induction These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::MagneticInduction`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _T*_ | _tesla, teslas_ | | 2 | G | Gs, gauss | ## 29. Magnetic field These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::MagneticField`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _Oe*_ | _oersted, oersteds_ | | 2 | A/m | ampere/meter, ampere/metre, amperes/meter, amperes/metre, ampere per meter, ampere per metre, amperes per meter, amperes per metre | ## 30. Catalytic activity These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::CatalyticActivity`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _kat*_ | _katal, katals_ | | 2 | U | unit, units, enzUnit | ## 31. Electric dipole moment These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::ElectricDipoleMoment`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _C⋅m*_ | _C*m, coulomb-meter, coulomb-metre_ | | 2 | D | debye, debyes | ## 32. Electric quadrupole moment These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::ElectricQuadrupoleMoment`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _C·m²*_ | _C*m^2, coulomb square meter, coulomb square metre_ | | 2 | statC·cm² | statC*m^2, statcoulomb square meter, statcoulomb square metre | | 3 | B | buckingham, buckinghams | ## 33. Pressure or mechanical stress These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Pressure`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _Pa*_ | _pascal, pascals_ | | 2 | Ba | barye, baryes | | 3 | pz | pieze, pièze | | 4 | at | technical atmosphere, technical atmospheres | | 5 | atm | atmosphere, atmospheres | | 6 | bar | bars | | 7 | psf | lb/ft², lb/ft^2, pound per square foot, pounds per square foot | | 8 | psi | lb/in², lb/in^2, pound per square inch, pounds per square inch | | 9 | ksi | kip per square inch, kilopound per square inch, kilopounds per square inch | | 10 | Torr | torr | | 11 | μmHg | micrometer of mercury, micrometers of mercury, micrometre of mercury, micrometres of mercury | | 12 | mmHg | millimeter of mercury, millimeters of mercury, millimetre of mercury, millimetres of mercury | | 13 | cmHg | centimeter of mercury, centimeters of mercury, centimetre of mercury, centimetres of mercury | | 14 | inHg | ″Hg, inch of mercury, inches of mercury | | 15 | ftHg | ′Hg, foot of mercury, feet of mercury | | 16 | mH₂O | mH2O, meter of water, meters of water, metre of water, metres of water | | 17 | dmH₂O | dmH2O, decimeter of water, decimeters of water, decimetre of water, decimetres of water | | 18 | cmH₂O | cmH2O, centimeter of water, centimeters of water, centimetre of water, centimetres of water | | 19 | mmH₂O | mmH2O, millimeter of water, millimeters of water, millimetre of water, millimetres of water | | 20 | ftH₂O | ftH2O, foot of water, feet of water | | 21 | inH₂O | inH2O, Aq, inAq, inch of water, inches of water, inch of water gauge, inches of water gauge, inch of water column, inches of water column | | 22 | LT/ft² | LT/ft^2, long ton per square foot, long tons per square foot | | 23 | tn/ft² | tn/ft^2, ton per square foot, tons per square foot, short ton per square foot, short tons per square foot | | 24 | pdl/ft² | pdl/ft^2, poundal per square foot, poundals per square foot | | 25 | kgf/m² | kgf/m^2, kilogram-force per square metre, kilogramme-force per square metre | | 26 | kgf/mm² | kgf/mm^2, kilogram-force per square millimetre, kilogramme-force per square millimetre | | 27 | kgf/dm² | kgf/dm^2, kilogram-force per square decimetre, kilogramme-force per square decimetre | | 28 | Pₚ | planck pressure, quantum pressure | ## 34. Torque or moment of force These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Torque`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _N·m*_ | _N*m, newton meter, newton metre_ | | 2 | N·cm | N*cm, newton centimeter, newton centimetre | | 3 | N·mm | N*mm, newton millimeter, newton millimetre | | 4 | gf·m | gf*m, gram-force meter, gramme-force metre | | 5 | gf·cm | gf*cm, gram-force centimeter, gramme-force centimetre | | 6 | gf·mm | gf*mm, gram-force millimeter, gramme-force millimetre | | 7 | kgf·m | kgf*m, Kilogram-force meter, kilogramme-force metre | | 8 | kgf·cm | kgf*cm, Kilogram-force centimeter, kilogramme-force centimetre | | 9 | kgf·mm | kgf*mm, Kilogram-force millimeter, kilogramme-force millimetre | | 10 | dyn·m | dyn*m, dyne meter, dyne metre | | 11 | dyn·cm | dyn*cm, dyne centimeter, dyne centimetre | | 12 | dyn·mm | dyn*mm, dyne millimeter, dyne millimetre | | 13 | pdl⋅ft | pdl*ft, poundal foot, foot-poundal | | 14 | ozf·in | oz⋅in, ozf\*in, oz\*in, ounce-force inch, ounce-inch | | 15 | ozf·ft | oz⋅ft, ozf\*ft, oz\*ft, ounce-force foot, ounce-foot | | 16 | lbf⋅in | lb⋅in, lbf\*in, lb\*in, pound-force inch, pound-inch | | 17 | lbf⋅ft | lb⋅ft, lbf\*ft, lb\*ft, pound-force foot, pound-foot | ## 35. Luminous flux These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::LuminousFlux`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _lm*_ | _lumen, lumens_ | ## 36. Illuminance These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Illuminance`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _lx*_ | _lux, lm/m², lm/m^2, lumen per square metre, lumen per square meter_ | | 2 | ph | phot, phots, lm/cm², lm/cm^2, lumen per square centimetre, lumen per square centimeter | | 3 | fc | footcandle, lm/ft², lm/ft^2, lumen per square foot | | 4 | nx | nox | ## 37. Luminance These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Luminance`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _cd/m²_ | _cd/m^2, candela per square metre, candelas per square metre, candela per square meter, candelas per square meter_ | | 2 | cd/in² | cd/in^2, candela per square inch, candelas per square inch | | 3 | cd/ft² | cd/ft^2, candela per square foot, candelas per square foot | | 4 | fL | ft-L, foot lambert, foot-lambert | | 5 | L | lambert, lamberts | | 6 | sb | stlib | ## 38. Frequency These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Frequency`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _Hz*_ | _hertz_ | | 2 | rad/s | radian per second, radians per second | | 3 | deg/s | °/s, degree per second, degrees per second | | 4 | rev/s | rps, revolution per second, revolutions per second | ## 39. Power or heat flow rate These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Power`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _W*_ | _watt, watts_ | | 2 | p | poncelet, poncelets | | 3 | hp (M) | PS, metric horsepower | | 4 | kgf⋅m | kgf*m, kilogramme-force meter, kilogram-force meter | | 5 | cal/s | calorie per second, calories per second | | 6 | cal/min | calorie per minute, calories per minute | | 7 | cal/h | calorie per hour, calories per hour | | 8 | l·atm/s | l*atm/s, litre-atmosphere per second, liter-atmosphere per second | | 9 | l·atm/min | l*atm/min, litre-atmosphere per minute, liter-atmosphere per minute | | 10 | l·atm/h | l*atm/h, litre-atmosphere per hour, liter-atmosphere per hour | | 11 | atm⋅cm³/s | atm*cm^3/s, atmosphere-cubic centimetre per second, atmosphere-cubic centimeter per second | | 12 | atm⋅cm³/min | atm*cm^3/min, atmosphere-cubic centimetre per minute, atmosphere-cubic centimeter per minute | | 13 | atm⋅cm³/h | atm*cm^3/h, atmosphere-cubic centimetre per hour, atmosphere-cubic centimeter per hour | | 14 | hp | hp (I), horsepower | | 15 | ft⋅lbf/s | ft*lbf/s, foot pound-force per second | | 16 | ft⋅lbf/min | ft*lbf/min, foot pound-force per minute | | 17 | ft⋅lbf/h | ft*lbf/h, foot pound-force per hour | | 18 | BTU/s | british thermal unit per second, british thermal units per second | | 19 | BTU/min | british thermal unit per minute, british thermal units per minute | | 20 | BTU/h | british thermal unit per hour, british thermal units per hour | | 21 | erg/s | erg per second, ergs per second | | 22 | lusec | lusecs | | 23 | atm⋅ft³/s | atm*ft^3/s, atmosphere-cubic foot per second | | 24 | atm⋅ft³/min | atm*ft^3/min, atmosphere-cubic foot per minute | | 25 | atm⋅ft³/h | atm\*ft^3/h, atmosphere-cubic foot per hour | | 26 | Pₚ | planck power, quantum power | ## 40. Energy These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Energy`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _J*_ | _joule, joules_ | | 2 | eV | electronvolt, electron volt, electron-volt | | 3 | th | thermie, thermies | | 4 | Ry | rydberg | | 5 | Ha | hartree, atomic unit of energy | | 6 | boe | barrel of oil equivalent, barrels of oil equivalent | | 7 | toe | tonne of oil equivalent, tonnes of oil equivalent | | 8 | tce | TCE, tonne of coal equivalent, tonnes of coal equivalent | | 9 | cal | calorie, calories | | 10 | erg | ergs | | 11 | BTU | Btu, british thermal unit, british thermal units | | 12 | thm | therm, therms | | 13 | W⋅s | W*s, watt-second | | 14 | W⋅h | W*h, watt-hour | | 15 | kp⋅m | kpm, kp*m, kilopond-metre, kilopond-meter | | 16 | hp⋅h | hp*h, horsepower-hour | | 17 | kW⋅h | kW*h, kilowatt-hour | | 18 | foe | bethe | | 19 | quad | quads | | 20 | l⋅atm | l*atm, litre-atmosphere, liter-atmosphere | | 21 | ft⋅lbf | ft\*lbf, ft⋅lb, ft\*lb, foot-pound force | | 22 | in⋅lbf | in\*lbf, in⋅lb, in\*lb, inch-pound force | | 23 | ft⋅pdl | ft*pdl, foot-poundal | | 24 | gal⋅atm | gal*atm, gallon-atmosphere | | 25 | Eₚ | planck energy, quantum energy | ## 41. Dynamic viscosity These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::DynamicViscosity`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _Pa⋅s*_ | _Pa*s, pascal second_ | | 2 | P | dyne·s/cm², dyne*s/cm^2, poise | | 3 | lb/(ft⋅s) | lb/(ft*s), pound per foot second, pounds per foot second | | 4 | lb/(ft⋅h) | lb/(ft*h), pound per foot hour, pounds per foot hour | | 5 | (lbf⋅s)/ft² | (lb⋅s)/ft², (lbf\*s)/ft^2, (lb\*s)/ft^2, pound-force second per square foot | | 6 | (lbf⋅s)/in² | (lb⋅s)/in², (lbf\*s)/in^2, (lb\*s)/in^2, pound-force second per square inch | | 7 | Pl | poiseuille | ## 42. Kinetic viscosity These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::KineticViscosity`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _m²/s_ | _m^2/s, square metre per second, square meter per second, square metres per second, square meters per second_ | | 2 | St | stoke, strokes | | 3 | ft²/s | ft^2/s, square foot per second, square feet per second | | 4 | in²/s | in^2/s, square inch per second, square inches per second | ## 43. Magnetomotive force These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::MagnetomotiveForce`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _A⋅t_ | _A*t, ampere-turn_ | | 2 | Gb | Gi, gilbert, gilberts | ## 44. Radioactivity These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::Radioactivity`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _Bq*_ | _becquerel, becquerels_ | | 2 | Ci | curie, curies | | 3 | Rd | rutherford, rutherfords | ## 45. Radiation exposure These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::RadiationExposure`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _C/kg*_ | _coulomb per kilogram, coulomb per kilogramme, coulombs per kilogram, coulombs per kilogramme_ | | 2 | R | röntgen, roentgen, roentgens | ## 46. Radiation absorbed dose These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::RadiationAbsorbedDose`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _Gy*_ | _gray, grays_ | | 2 | erg/g | erg per gram, erg per gramme, ergs per gram, ergs per gramme | | 3 | rad | radiation absorbed dose | ## 47. Radiation equivalent dose These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::RadiationEquivalentDose`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | _1_ | _Sv*_ | _sievert, sieverts_ | | 2 | rem | röntgen equivalent man, roentgen equivalent man | ## 48. Information entropy These units are defined in `UnitMeasurements::InformationEntropy`. | # | Name | Aliases | |:--|:--|:--| | 1 | b*\* | bit, bits | | 2 | B*\* | byte, bytes | | 3 | Sh | shannon, shannons | | _4_ | _nat_ | _nit, nepit, natural unit of information_ | | 5 | nybl | nibble, nibbles, nybble, nyble | | 6 | Hart | hartley, ban, dit |