# typed: true

# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `smart_properties` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem smart_properties`.

# {SmartProperties} can be used to easily build more full-fledged accessors
# for standard Ruby classes. In contrast to regular accessors,
# {SmartProperties} support validation and conversion of input data, as well
# as, the specification of default values. Additionally, individual
# {SmartProperties} can be marked as required. This causes the runtime to
# throw an +ArgumentError+ whenever a required property has not been
# specified.
# In order to use {SmartProperties}, simply include the {SmartProperties}
# module and use the {ClassMethods#property} method to define properties.
# @example Definition of a property that makes use of all {SmartProperties} features.
#   property :language_code, :accepts => [:de, :en],
#   :converts => :to_sym,
#   :default  => :de,
#   :required => true
# @see ClassMethods#property More information on how to configure properties
module SmartProperties
  mixes_in_class_methods ::SmartProperties::ClassMethods

  # Implements a key-value enabled constructor that acts as default
  # constructor for all {SmartProperties}-enabled classes. Positional arguments
  # or keyword arguments that do not correspond to a property are forwarded to
  # the super class constructor.
  # @param attrs [Hash] the set of attributes that is used for initialization
  # @raise [SmartProperties::ConstructorArgumentForwardingError] when unknown arguments were supplied that could not be processed by the super class initializer either.
  # @raise [SmartProperties::InitializationError] when incorrect values were supplied or required values weren't been supplied.
  def initialize(*args, &block); end

  def [](name); end
  def []=(name, value); end

  class << self

    # Extends the class, which this module is included in, with a property
    # method to define properties.
    # @param base [Class] the class this module is included in
    def included(base); end

class SmartProperties::AssignmentError < ::SmartProperties::Error
  # @return [AssignmentError] a new instance of AssignmentError
  def initialize(sender, property, message); end

  # Returns the value of attribute property.
  def property; end

  # Sets the attribute property
  # @param value the value to set the attribute property to.
  def property=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute sender.
  def sender; end

  # Sets the attribute sender
  # @param value the value to set the attribute sender to.
  def sender=(_arg0); end

module SmartProperties::ClassMethods
  # Returns a class's smart properties. This includes the properties that
  # have been defined in the parent classes.
  # @return [Hash<String, Property>] A map of property names to property instances.
  def properties; end


  # Defines a new property from a name and a set of options. This results
  # results in creating an accessor that has additional features:
  # 1. Validation of input data by specifiying the +:accepts+ option:
  #    If you use a class as value for this option, the setter will check
  #    if the value it is about to assign is of this type. If you use an
  #    array, the setter will check if the value it is about to assign is
  #    included in this array. Finally, if you specify a block, it will
  #    invoke the block with the value it is about to assign and check if
  #    the block returns a thruthy value, meaning anything but +false+ and
  #    +nil+.
  # 2. Conversion of input data by specifiying the +:converts+ option:
  #    If you use provide a symbol as value for this option, the setter will
  #    invoke this method on the object it is about to assign and take the
  #    result of this call instead. If you provide a block, it will invoke
  #    the block with the value it is about to assign and take the result
  #    of the block instead.
  # 3. Providing a default value by specifiying the +:default+ option.
  # 4. Forcing a property to be present by setting the +:required+ option
  #    to true.
  # @example Definition of a property that makes use of all {SmartProperties} features.
  #   property :language_code, :accepts => [:de, :en],
  #   :converts => :to_sym,
  #   :default  => :de,
  #   :required => true
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @option options
  # @param name [Symbol] the name of the property
  # @param options [Hash] the list of options used to configure the property
  # @return [Property] The defined property.
  def property(name, **options); end

  def property!(name, **options); end

class SmartProperties::ConfigurationError < ::SmartProperties::Error; end

class SmartProperties::ConstructorArgumentForwardingError < ::SmartProperties::Error
  # @return [ConstructorArgumentForwardingError] a new instance of ConstructorArgumentForwardingError
  def initialize(positional_arguments, keyword_arguments); end


  def generate_description(argument_type, argument_number); end

class SmartProperties::Error < ::ArgumentError; end

class SmartProperties::InitializationError < ::SmartProperties::Error
  # @return [InitializationError] a new instance of InitializationError
  def initialize(sender, properties); end

  # Returns the value of attribute properties.
  def properties; end

  # Sets the attribute properties
  # @param value the value to set the attribute properties to.
  def properties=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute sender.
  def sender; end

  # Sets the attribute sender
  # @param value the value to set the attribute sender to.
  def sender=(_arg0); end

  def to_hash; end

class SmartProperties::InvalidValueError < ::SmartProperties::AssignmentError
  # @return [InvalidValueError] a new instance of InvalidValueError
  def initialize(sender, property, value); end

  def to_hash; end

  # Returns the value of attribute value.
  def value; end

  # Sets the attribute value
  # @param value the value to set the attribute value to.
  def value=(_arg0); end


  def accepter_message(sender, property); end

class SmartProperties::MissingValueError < ::SmartProperties::AssignmentError
  # @return [MissingValueError] a new instance of MissingValueError
  def initialize(sender, property); end

  def to_hash; end

module SmartProperties::ModuleMethods
  def included(target); end

class SmartProperties::Property
  # @return [Property] a new instance of Property
  def initialize(name, **attrs); end

  # Returns the value of attribute accepter.
  def accepter; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  def accepts?(value, scope); end

  def convert(scope, value); end

  # Returns the value of attribute converter.
  def converter; end

  def default(scope); end
  def define(klass); end
  def get(scope); end

  # Returns the value of attribute instance_variable_name.
  def instance_variable_name; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  def missing?(scope); end

  # Returns the value of attribute name.
  def name; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  def optional?(scope); end

  # @raise [MissingValueError]
  def prepare(scope, value); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  def present?(scope); end

  # Returns the value of attribute reader.
  def reader; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  def required?(scope); end

  def set(scope, value); end
  def set_default(scope); end
  def to_h; end

  # Returns the value of attribute writable.
  def writable; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  def writable?; end


  # @return [Boolean]
  def null_object?(object); end

  class << self
    def define(scope, name, **options); end

SmartProperties::Property::ALLOWED_DEFAULT_CLASSES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
SmartProperties::Property::MODULE_REFERENCE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

class SmartProperties::PropertyCollection
  include ::Enumerable

  # @return [PropertyCollection] a new instance of PropertyCollection
  def initialize; end

  def [](name); end
  def []=(name, value); end
  def each(&block); end

  # @return [Boolean]
  def key?(name); end

  def keys; end

  # Returns the value of attribute parent.
  def parent; end

  def register(child); end
  def to_hash; end
  def values; end


  # Returns the value of attribute children.
  def children; end

  # Sets the attribute children
  # @param value the value to set the attribute children to.
  def children=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute collection.
  def collection; end

  # Sets the attribute collection
  # @param value the value to set the attribute collection to.
  def collection=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute collection_with_parent_collection.
  def collection_with_parent_collection; end

  # Sets the attribute collection_with_parent_collection
  # @param value the value to set the attribute collection_with_parent_collection to.
  def collection_with_parent_collection=(_arg0); end

  def notify_children; end
  def refresh(parent_collection); end

  class << self
    def for(scope); end

SmartProperties::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
module SmartProperties::Validations; end

class SmartProperties::Validations::Ancestor
  include ::SmartProperties
  extend ::SmartProperties::ClassMethods

  def to_proc; end
  def to_s; end
  def validate(klass); end

  class << self
    def must_be(*_arg0); end