module Pkg class Tar require 'fileutils' require 'pathname' include FileUtils attr_accessor :files, :project, :version, :excludes, :target, :templates def initialize @tar = Pkg::Util::Tool.find_tool('tar', :required => true) @project = Pkg::Config.project @version = Pkg::Config.version @files = Pkg::Config.files @target = File.join(Pkg::Config.project_root, "pkg", "#{@project}-#{@version}.tar.gz") # If the user did not specify any files, then archive the entire working directory # instead @files ||= Dir.glob('*') # We require that the excludes list be a string (which is space # separated, we hope)(deprecated) or an array. # if Pkg::Config.tar_excludes if Pkg::Config.tar_excludes.is_a?(String) warn "warning: `tar_excludes` should be an array, not a string" @excludes = Pkg::Config.tar_excludes.split(' ') elsif Pkg::Config.tar_excludes.is_a?(Array) @excludes = Pkg::Config.tar_excludes else fail "Tarball excludes must either be an array or a string, not #{@excludes.class}" end else @excludes = [] end # If the user has specified things to exclude via config file, they will be # honored by the tar class, but we also always exclude the packaging repo # and 'pkg' directory. @excludes += ['pkg', 'ext/packaging'] # On the other hand, support for explicit templates started with Arrays, # so that's all we support. # if Pkg::Config.templates @templates = Pkg::Config.templates.dup fail "templates must be an array" unless @templates.is_a?(Array) expand_templates end end def install_files_to(workdir) # It is nice to use arrays in YAML to represent array content, but we used # to support a mode where a space-separated string was used. Support both # to allow a gentle migration to a modern style... patterns = case @files when String warn "warning: `files` should be an array, not a string" @files.split(' ') when Array @files else raise "`files` must be a string or an array!" end Pkg::Util::File.install_files_into_dir(patterns, workdir) end # The templates of a project can include globs, which may expand to an # arbitrary number of files. This method expands all of the templates using # Dir.glob and then filters out any templates that live in the packaging # tools themselves. If the template is a source/target combination, it is # returned to the array untouched. def expand_templates! do |tempfile| if tempfile.is_a?(String) # Expand possible globs to all matching entries Dir.glob(File.join(Pkg::Config::project_root, tempfile)) elsif tempfile.is_a?(Hash) tempfile end end @templates.flatten! # Reject matches that are templates from packaging itself. These will contain the packaging root. # These tend to come from the current tar.rake implementation. @templates.reject! { |temp| temp.is_a?(String) && temp.match(/#{Pkg::Config::packaging_root}/) } end # Given the tar object's template files (assumed to be in Pkg::Config.project_root), transform # them, removing the originals. If workdir is passed, assume Pkg::Config.project_root # exists in workdir def template(workdir = nil) workdir ||= Pkg::Config.project_root root = # Templates can be either a string or a hash of source and target. If it # is a string, the target is assumed to be the same path as the # source,with the extension removed. If it is a hash, we assume nothing # and use the provided source and target. @templates.each do |cur_template| if cur_template.is_a?(String) template_file = File.expand_path(cur_template) target_file = template_file.sub(File.extname(template_file), "") elsif cur_template.is_a?(Hash) template_file = File.expand_path(cur_template["source"]) target_file = File.expand_path(cur_template["target"]) end # We construct paths to the erb template and its proposed target file # relative to the project root, *not* fully qualified. This allows us # to, given a temporary workdir containing a copy of the project, # construct the full path to the erb and target file inside the # temporary workdir. # rel_path_to_template = rel_path_to_target = # What we pass to Pkg::util::File.erb_file are the paths to the erb # and target inside of a temporary project directory. We are, in # essence, templating "in place." This is why we remove the original # files - they're not the originals in the authoritative project # directory, but the originals in the temporary working copy. if File.exist?(File.join(workdir, rel_path_to_template)) mkpath(File.dirname(File.join(workdir, rel_path_to_target)), :verbose => false) Pkg::Util::File.erb_file(File.join(workdir, rel_path_to_template), File.join(workdir, rel_path_to_target), true, :binding => Pkg::Config.get_binding) elsif File.exist?(File.join(root, rel_path_to_template)) mkpath(File.dirname(File.join(workdir, rel_path_to_target)), :verbose => false) Pkg::Util::File.erb_file(File.join(root, rel_path_to_template), File.join(workdir, rel_path_to_target), false, :binding => Pkg::Config.get_binding) else fail "Expected to find #{template_file} in #{root} for templating. But it was not there. Maybe you deleted it?" end end end def tar(target, source) mkpath File.dirname(target) cd File.dirname(source) do %x(#{@tar} #{ { |x| " --exclude #{x} " }.join if @excludes} -zcf '#{File.basename(target)}' '#{File.basename(source)}') unless $?.success? fail "Failed to create .tar.gz archive with #{@tar}. Please ensure the tar command in your path accepts the flags '-c', '-z', and '-f'" end mv File.basename(target), target end end def clean_up(workdir) rm_rf workdir end def pkg! workdir = File.join(Pkg::Util::File.mktemp, "#{@project}-#{@version}") mkpath workdir self.install_files_to workdir self.template(workdir) self.tar(@target, workdir) self.clean_up workdir end end end