#!/usr/bin/env ruby #Ejabberd Management script #New features for management and maintenance ejabberd #@author Aldo require 'logger' path = "/var/log/ejabberd/scripts.log" file = File.open(path, File::WRONLY | File::APPEND | File::CREAT) file.sync = true $logger = Logger.new(file) $logger.level = Logger::DEBUG def getOption(option) File.open('/etc/ejabberd/ssconfig.cfg', 'r') do |f1| while line = f1.gets line = line.gsub(/\n/,'') if line.match(/^#/) #Comments elsif line.match(/^#{option}/) return line.gsub(/#{option}/,'') end end end return "Undefined" end #Configuration variables $domain = getOption("server_domain=") $verbose = (getOption("verbose=")=="true") $ejabberd_user = getOption("ejabberd_server_user=") $checkEjabberdctlQuotedString = false PARAMS_FOR_COMMANDS = { 'addBuddyToRoster' => 5, 'removeBuddyFromRoster' => 2, 'setBidireccionalBuddys' => 6, 'unsetBidireccionalBuddys' => 4, 'getRoster' => 1, 'removeRoster' => 1, 'removeAllRosters' => 0, 'getAllUsersWithRoster' => 0, 'printAllRosters' => 0, 'printAllBidirecctionalBuddys' => 0, 'checkUser' => 1, 'checkBidirecctionalBuddys' => 2, 'sendPresence' => 2, 'setPresence' => 1, 'unsetPresence' => 1, 'sendMessageToUser' => 3, 'getUserResource' => 1, 'isEjabberdNodeStarted' => 0, 'broadcast' => 3, 'checkEjabberdctlQuotedString' => 0, 'getConnectedUsers' => 0, 'help' => 0, } SYNTAX_FOR_COMMANDS = { 'addBuddyToRoster' => 'addBuddyToRoster userSid buddySid buddyNick buddyGroup subscription_type', 'removeBuddyFromRoster' => 'removeBuddyFromRoster userSid buddySid', 'setBidireccionalBuddys' => 'setBidireccionalBuddys userASid userBSid userANick userBNick groupForA groupForB', 'unsetBidireccionalBuddys' => 'unsetBidireccionalBuddys userSid oldFriendSid oldFriendNick groupForOldFriend', 'getRoster' => 'getRoster username', 'removeRoster' => 'removeRoster username', 'removeAllRosters' => 'removeAllRosters', 'getAllUsersWithRoster' => 'getAllUsersWithRoster', 'printAllRosters' => 'printAllRosters', 'printAllBidirecctionalBuddys' => 'printAllBidirecctionalBuddys', 'checkUser' => 'checkUser user', 'checkBidirecctionalBuddys' => 'checkBidirecctionalBuddys userASid userBSid', 'sendPresence' => 'sendPresence username show', 'setPresence' => 'setPresence username', 'unsetPresence' => 'unsetPresence username', 'sendMessageToUser' => 'sendMessageToUser from_name to_name msg', 'getUserResource' => 'getUserResource username', 'isEjabberdNodeStarted' => 'isEjabberdNodeStarted', 'broadcast' => 'broadcast admin users msg (users values: "all" or slugs array)', 'checkEjabberdctlQuotedString' => 'checkEjabberdctlQuotedString', 'getConnectedUsers' => 'getConnectedUsers', 'help' => 'help', } #Debug methods def ejabberdLog(text) $logger.info "Ejabberd Management Script: " + text if $verbose #puts "Writing to ejabberdLog: " + "Ejabberd Management Script: " + text end end def log(msg) logWithTitle(msg,nil) end def logWithTitle(msg,title) puts "------------------------" if title puts ("<<<" + title + ">>>") end puts msg puts "------------------------" end #Methods to manage rosters from Social Stream Rails App def setBidireccionalBuddys(userASid,userBSid,userANick,userBNick,groupForA,groupForB) addBuddyToRoster(userASid,userBSid,userBNick,groupForB,"both") addBuddyToRoster(userBSid,userASid,userANick,groupForA,"both") return "Done" end def unsetBidireccionalBuddys(userSid,oldFriendSid,oldFriendNick,groupForOldFriend) if checkBidirecctionalBuddys(userSid,oldFriendSid) removeBuddyFromRoster(userSid,oldFriendSid) removeBuddyFromRoster(oldFriendSid,userSid) addBuddyToRoster(userSid,oldFriendSid,oldFriendNick,groupForOldFriend,"to") return "Done" else return userSid + " and " + oldFriendSid + " aren't bidireccional buddys" end end def addBuddyToRoster(userSid,buddySid,buddyNick,buddyGroup,subscription_type) user = userSid.split("@")[0] buddy = buddySid.split("@")[0] userDomain = userSid.split("@")[1] buddyDomain = buddySid.split("@")[1] executeCommand("ejabberdctl add-rosteritem " + user + " " + userDomain + " " + buddy + " " + buddyDomain + " " + buddyNick + " " + buddyGroup + " " + subscription_type) return "Done" end def removeBuddyFromRoster(userSid,buddySid) user = userSid.split("@")[0] buddy = buddySid.split("@")[0] userDomain = userSid.split("@")[1] buddyDomain = buddySid.split("@")[1] if checkUserInRoster(buddy,getRoster(user)) executeCommand("ejabberdctl delete_rosteritem " + user + " " + userDomain + " " + buddy + " " + buddyDomain) return "Done" else return "User " + buddy + " not found in " + user + " roster." end end #Roster Utilities def getRoster(username) if checkUser(username) executeCommand("ejabberdctl get_roster " + username + " " + $domain) else return "Roster not found for user " + username end end def getBuddysFromRoster(roster) buddys = [] lines = roster.split("\n") lines.each do |line| buddys << line.split("@")[0] end buddys end def removeRoster(username) if checkUser(username) user_sid = username + "@" + $domain user_roster = getRoster(username); user_buddys = getBuddysFromRoster(user_roster); user_buddys.each do |buddy| buddy_sid = buddy + "@" + $domain removeBuddyFromRoster(user_sid,buddy_sid) end return "Done" else return "Roster not found for user " + username end end def removeAllRosters() executeCommand("ejabberdctl process_rosteritems delete any any any any") return "Done"; end def getAllUsersWithRoster() output = executeCommand("ejabberdctl process_rosteritems list any any any any") users = [] lines = output.split("\n"); items = lines[0].split(" ")[2] #test if items string contains a correct number if items.to_i.to_s == items if items.to_i > 0 lines.each do |line| if line.split(":")[0]=="Matches" user = line.split(" ")[1].split("@")[0] #puts i.to_s() + " :" + line unless users.include?(user) users << user end end end end end return users; end def getAllRosters() rosterList = { } users = getAllUsersWithRoster() users.each do |user| roster = getRoster(user) rosterList.store(user,roster) end return rosterList end def printAllRosters() rosterList = getAllRosters() rosterList.keys.each do |user| puts "\n" puts "-------------------------------------" puts user + " Roster" puts "-------------------------------------" puts rosterList[user] puts "-------------------------------------" puts "\n" end return "Done" end def getAllBidirecctionalBuddys() b_buddys = [] users = getAllUsersWithRoster() nonCheckedUsers = users users.each do |user| nonCheckedUsers.delete(user) nonCheckedUsers.each do |checkUser| if checkBidirecctionalBuddys(user + "@" + $domain,checkUser + "@" + $domain) b_buddys << [user,checkUser] end end end return b_buddys end def printAllBidirecctionalBuddys() puts "This may take a while..." b_buddys = getAllBidirecctionalBuddys b_buddys.each do |contact| puts "[" + contact[0] + "," + contact[1] + "]" end return "Done" end #Check if the user have a roster def checkUser(user) return getAllUsersWithRoster().include?(user) end def checkUserInRoster(user,roster) return getBuddysFromRoster(roster).include?(user) end def checkBidirecctionalBuddys(userASid,userBSid) userA = userASid.split("@")[0] userB = userBSid.split("@")[0] rosterA = getRoster(userA) rosterB = getRoster(userB) return (checkUserInRoster(userA,rosterB) and checkUserInRoster(userB,rosterA)) end #Manage stanzas Utilities def setPresence(username) sendPresenceStanzaWithType(username,username,"available") end def unsetPresence(username) sendPresenceStanzaWithType(username,username,"unavailable") end def sendPresence(username,show) sendPresenceWithShow(username,username,show) end def sendPresenceWithShow(from_name,to_name,show) #puts from_name resource = getUserResource(from_name); #puts resource from_sid = from_name + "@" + $domain; to_sid = to_name + "@" + $domain; pres_stanza = "\\<" + buildQuotedString("presence from=") + "\\\"" + buildQuotedString(from_sid) + "\\\"" + buildQuotedString(" to=") + "\\\"" + buildQuotedString(to_sid) + "\\\"\\>\\<" + buildQuotedString("show") + "\\>" + buildQuotedString(show) + "\\<" + buildQuotedString("/show") + "\\>\\<" + buildQuotedString("/presence") + "\\>" executeCommand("ejabberdctl send_stanza_c2s " + from_name + " " + $domain + " " + resource + " " + pres_stanza) return "Done" end def sendPresenceStanzaWithType(from_name,to_name,presence_type) resource = getUserResource(from_name); from_sid = from_name + "@" + $domain; to_sid = to_name + "@" + $domain; pres_stanza = "\\<" + buildQuotedString("presence type=") + "\\\"" + buildQuotedString(presence_type) + "\\\"" + buildQuotedString(" from=") + "\\\"" + buildQuotedString(from_sid) + "\\\"" + buildQuotedString(" to=") + "\\\"" + buildQuotedString(to_sid) + "\\\"\\>\\<" + buildQuotedString("/presence") + "\\>" executeCommand("ejabberdctl send_stanza_c2s " + from_name + " " + $domain + " " + resource + " " + pres_stanza) return "Done" end def sendMessageToUser(from_name,to_name,msg) from_sid = from_name + "@" + $domain; to_sid = to_name + "@" + $domain; executeCommand("ejabberdctl send_message_chat " + from_sid + " " + to_sid + " " + buildQuotedString(msg)) return "Done" end def getUserResource(username) output = executeCommand("ejabberdctl connected-users") lines = output.split("\n"); lines.each do |line| if line.split("@")[0] == username #puts "Find " + username s = line.split("@")[1]; resource = s.split("/")[1]; return resource; end end return username + " no have any active session" end #More utilities def isEjabberdNodeStarted output = executeCommand("ejabberdctl status") if firstLine = output.split("\n")[0] return ((firstLine.split(":")[1]).strip()=="started") end return false end def getConnectedUsers users = [] output = executeCommand("ejabberdctl connected-users") sessions = output.split("\n") sessions.each do |session| users << session.split("@")[0] end return users end def broadcast(admin,users,msg) output = executeCommand("ejabberdctl connected-users") lines = output.split("\n"); lines.each do |line| username = line.split("@")[0] if (users == "all") or (users.length > 1 and users.include?(username)) s = line.split("@")[1]; resource = s.split("/")[1]; sendMessageToUser(admin,username,msg) end end return "Done" end #Determine how to scape characters for build quoted strings def checkEjabberdctlQuotedString puts "checkForSimpleSlash: " + checkForSimpleSlash.to_s() puts "checkForDoubleSlash: " + checkForDoubleSlash.to_s() end def checkAndSetEjabberdctlQuotedString if checkForSimpleSlash $checkForSimpleSlash = true end if checkForDoubleSlash $checkForDoubleSlash = true end $checkEjabberdctlQuotedString = true end def checkForDoubleSlash command = "ejabberdctl send_message_chat example@localhost example@localhost \\'Hello quoted string\\'" if execute_as_sudo command = "sudo " + command end output = %x[#{command}] firstLine = "" lines = output.split("\n") lines.each do |line| if line != "" firstLine = line break end end if firstLine=="" return true elsif firstLine.split(":")[0]=="Error" return false else #Unknown error return false end end def checkForSimpleSlash command = "ejabberdctl send_message_chat example@localhost example@localhost \'Hello quoted string\'" if execute_as_sudo command = "sudo " + command end #puts "Executing " + command output = %x[#{command}] firstLine = "" lines = output.split("\n") lines.each do |line| if line != "" firstLine = line break end end if firstLine=="" return true elsif firstLine.split(":")[0]=="Error" return false else #Unknown error return false end end def buildQuotedString(msg) if !$checkEjabberdctlQuotedString checkAndSetEjabberdctlQuotedString end if $checkForSimpleSlash return "\'" + msg + "\'" end if $checkForDoubleSlash return "\\'" + msg + "\\'" end return msg end #Help & Support methods def executeCommand(command) #Building... command = buildCommand(command) if $verbose #Logging... #puts "Executing: " + command ejabberdLog("Executing (#{command})") end #Executing... output = %x[#{command}] return output end def buildCommand(command) if execute_as_sudo command = "sudo -u " + $ejabberd_user + " " + command end return command end def execute_as_sudo sudo_users = getOption("users_require_sudo=") if sudo_users=="all" return true end sudo_users_array = sudo_users.split(",") current_user = %x["whoami"].split("\n")[0] if sudo_users_array.include?(current_user) return true end end def help log("Command list") SYNTAX_FOR_COMMANDS.values.each do |command| puts command end puts "" end #Main thread #log("Init Ejabberd Maintenance script") begin if ARGV[0] and PARAMS_FOR_COMMANDS.keys.include?(ARGV[0]) if (ARGV.length == (PARAMS_FOR_COMMANDS[ARGV[0]]+1)) ejabberdLog("Executing (#{ARGV})") length = ARGV.length; case length when 1 puts send(ARGV[0]) when 2 puts send(ARGV[0],ARGV[1]) when 3 puts send(ARGV[0],ARGV[1],ARGV[2]) when 4 puts send(ARGV[0],ARGV[1],ARGV[2],ARGV[3]) when 5 puts send(ARGV[0],ARGV[1],ARGV[2],ARGV[3],ARGV[4]) when 6 puts send(ARGV[0],ARGV[1],ARGV[2],ARGV[3],ARGV[4],ARGV[5]) when 7 puts send(ARGV[0],ARGV[1],ARGV[2],ARGV[3],ARGV[4],ARGV[5],ARGV[6]) else puts send(ARGV[0],ARGV) end puts "" else puts "Error: Params required for command " + (ARGV[0]).to_s() + ": " + (PARAMS_FOR_COMMANDS[ARGV[0]]).to_s() puts "Syntax for command " + (ARGV[0]).to_s() + "\n" + (SYNTAX_FOR_COMMANDS[ARGV[0]]).to_s() puts "Use 'help' to get information about command syntax" end else puts "Error: Command not recognized" puts "Use 'help' to get information about command syntax" end rescue puts "Syntax error" puts "Use 'help' to get information about command syntax" end