default: &default # ---------- # COMPONENTS # ---------- # Learn more about amp-html components: # Run `amp-html bundle` after adding or removing components! # Run `amp-html install COMPONENT` to install a specific component from the command line components: <% if options[:all] || options[:analytics] || options[:notifications] %>analytics<% else %># analytics<% end %> <% if options[:all] || options[:iframe] || options[:javascript] || options[:service_worker] %>iframe<% else %># iframe<% end %> <% if options[:all] || options[:notifications] %>notifications<% else %># notifications<% end %> <% if options[:all] || options[:anim] %>anim<% else %># anim<% end %> <% if options[:all] || options[:ad] %>ad<% else %># ad<% end %> <% if options[:all] || options[:social] %>social<% else %># social<% end %> <% if options[:all] || options[:javascript] %>javascript<% else %># javascript<% end %> <% if options[:all] || options[:service_worker] %>service_worker<% else %># service_worker<% end %> <% if options[:all] || options[:lists] %>lists<% else %># lists<% end %> # ------------ # SPLIT VIEW # ------------ <% if options[:split] %> ## To remove SplitView run `rails g amp-html:bundle` ## Defaults to `false` split_view: true <% else %> # ## To enable SplitView run `rails g amp-html:bundle -s` # ## Defaults to `false` # split_view: true <% end %> # ----------------- # APP CUSTOMIZATION # ----------------- ## Customize your application's information application: ### Set the name of your app. This value is being used to set the default title of your views as well as populating meta information name: "<%= options[:name] %>" # ### Specify the type of your site. Some example values are "Organization", "NewsArticle", "BlogPosting". You can name it whatever feels appropriate # ### This is being used for the schema_tag and can be overridden by passing a different type # type: "Organization" # ### Specify the date you published your site. This is being used for the schema_tag and can be overridden by passing a different datetime # ### Defaults to `` # date_published: "<%= %>" # ### Specify the image used as logo for the schema_tag # image: ["my/image/path"] # ------------ # VIEWS FORMAT # ------------ <% if options[:split] %> # ## Change the default format used for views. # ## Defaults to `amp` <% unless options[:format] == nil || options[:format] != "amp" %>default_format: <%= options[:format] %><% else %># default_format: html<% end %> <% else %> ## Change the default format used for views. ## Defaults to `html` <% unless options[:format] == nil || options[:format] != "html" %>default_format: <%= options[:format] %><% else %># default_format: amp<% end %> <% end %> <% if options[:split] %> # ## Formats used to find a view if the default format does not exist. # ## Default is `` fallback_format: html xhtml <% else %> ## Formats used to find a view if the default format does not exist. ## Default is `` fallback_format: amp xhtml <% end %> # -------------------- # ASSETS CONFIGURATION # -------------------- ## Configure your Assets assets: # ### Declares whether assets outside of the "assets/#{type}/amp" are precompiled or not. If `true` only assets inside the amp directory are precompiled # ### Defaults to `true`. If SplitView is enabled it defaults to `false` # only_amp: <% if options[:split] %>false<% else %>true<% end %> # ### To use javascript in your AMP app, install the AMP-HTML Javascript Component by running `amp-html install javascript` # --------------- # FORMS COMPONENT # --------------- ## Set up the AMP Forms Component forms: # ### Uncomment to use `amp_selector` helper in forms. Learn more by running `amp-html helper amp_selector` # ### Defaults to `false` # amp_selector: true <% if options[:all] || options[:analytics] %> # ------------------- # ANALYTICS COMPONENT # ------------------- ## Set up the AMP Analytics Component analytics: # ### Specifies the default vendor for all amp_analytics tags. You can always override this default by passing a different vendor # ### List of all supported vendors: # default_vendor: parsely google_analytics: # ### Set your Google Analytics account to enable the amp_google_analytics tag helper # account: UA-*****-* <% end %> <% if options[:all] || options[:ad] %> # ------------------------ # ADVERTISEMENTS COMPONENT # ------------------------ ## Set up the AMP Advertisements Component ad: # ### Specifies the default network for all amp_ad tags. You can always override this default by passing a different network # ### List of all supported networks: # default_network: mywidget auto_ads: # ### Specifies the default network for all amp_auto_ads tags. You can always override this default by passing a different network # ### List of all supported networks: # default_network: adsense <% end %> <% if options[:all] || options[:social] %> # ------------------- # SOCIAL COMPONENT # ------------------- ## Set up the AMP Social Component social: share: # ### Specifies the default provider for all amp_social_share tags. You can always override this default by passing a different provider # ### List of all supported providers: # default_provider: twitter # ### You can define an unsupported provider as your default but then you need to set the data-share-endpoint # default_data_share_endpoint: whatsapp://send <% end %> # ----------------------------------- # ENVIRONMENT SENSITIVE CONFIGURATION # ----------------------------------- production: <<: *default development: <<: *default test: <<: *default