# Shipit - Documentation
**Shipit** is a deployment tool that makes shipping code better for everyone. It's especially great for large teams of developers and designers who work together to build and deploy GitHub repos. You can use it to:
* add new applications to your deployment environment without having to change core configuration files repeatedly — `shipit.yml` is basically plug and play
* control the pace of development by pushing, locking, and rolling back deploys from within Shipit
* enforce checklists and provide monitoring right at the point of deployment.
Shipit is compatible with just about anything that you can deploy using a script. It natively detects stacks using [bundler](http://bundler.io/) and [Capistrano](http://capistranorb.com/), and it has tools that make it easy to deploy to [Heroku](https://www.heroku.com/) or [RubyGems](https://rubygems.org/). At Shopify, we've used Shipit to synchronize and deploy hundreds of projects across dozens of teams, using Python, Rails, RubyGems, Java, and Go.
This guide aims to help you [set up](#installation-and-setup), [use](#using-shipit), and [understand](#reference) Shipit.
*Shipit requires a database (MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite3), redis, and Ruby 2.1 or superior.*
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To create a new Shipit installation you can follow the [setup guide](docs/setup.md).
Updating an existing installation
1. If you locked the gem to a specific version in your Gemfile, update it there.
2. Update the `shipit-engine` gem with `bundle update shipit-engine`.
3. Install new migrations with `rake shipit:install:migrations db:migrate`.
Specific updates requiring more steps
If you are upgrading from `0.21` or older, you will have to update the configuration. Please follow [the dedicated upgrade guide](docs/updates/0.22.md)
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The main workflows in Shipit are [adding stacks](#adding-stacks), [working on stacks](#working-on-stacks), and [configuring stacks](#configuring-stacks).
A **stack** is composed of a GitHub repository, a branch, and a deployment environment. Shipit tracks the commits made to the branch, and then displays them in the stack overview. From there, you can deploy the branch to whatever environment you've chosen (some typical environments include *production*, *staging*, *performance*, etc.).
Add a new stack
1. From the main page in Shipit, click **Add a stack**.
2. On the **Create a stack** page, enter the required information:
* Repo
* Branch
* Environment
* Deploy URL
3. When you're finished, click **Create stack**.
Work on an existing stack
1. If you want to browse the list of available stacks, click **Show all stacks** on the main page in Shipit. If you know the name of the stack you're looking for, enter it in the search field.
2. Click the name of the stack you want to open.
3. From a stack's overview page, you can:
* review previous deploys
* deploy any undeployed commits by clicking **Deploy**
* rollback to an earlier build by clicking **Rollback to this deploy**
* adjust the stack's settings by clicking the gear icon in the page header
* perform any custom tasks that are defined in the `shipit.yml` file
4. When you're ready to deploy an undeployed commit, click the relevant **Deploy** button on the stack's overview page.
5. From the **Deploy** page, complete the checklist, then click **Create deploy**.
Edit stack settings
To edit a stack's settings, open the stack in Shipit, then click the gear icon in the page header.
From a stack's **Settings** page, you can:
* change the deploy URL
* enable and disable continuous deployment
* lock and unlock deploys through Shipit
* resynchronize the stack with GitHub
* delete the stack from Shipit
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Configuring shipit.yml
The settings in the `shipit.yml` file relate to the different things you can do with Shipit:
* [Installing Dependencies](#installing-dependencies) (`dependencies`)
* [Deployment](#deployment) (`deploy`, `rollback`, `fetch`)
* [Environment](#environment) (`machine.environment`, `machine.directory`, `machine.cleanup`)
* [CI](#ci) (`ci.require`, `ci.hide`, `ci.allow_failures`)
* [Merge Queue](#merge-queue) (`merge.revalidate_after`, `merge.require`, `merge.ignore`, `merge.max_divergence`)
* [Custom Tasks](#custom-tasks) (`tasks`)
* [Custom links](#custom-links) (`links`)
* [Review Process](#review-process) (`review.checklist`, `review.monitoring`, `review.checks`)
All the settings in `shipit.yml` are optional. Most applications can be deployed from Shipit without any configuration.
Also, if your repository is deployed different ways depending on the environment, you can have an alternative `shipit.yml` by including the environment name.
For example for a stack like: `my-org/my-repo/staging`, `shipit.staging.yml` will have priority over `shipit.yml`.
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Installing dependencies
The **dependencies** step allows you to install all the packages your deploy script needs.
If your application uses Bundler, Shipit will detect it automatically and take care of the `bundle install` and prefix your commands with `bundle exec`.
By default, the following gem groups will be ignored:
- `default`
- `production`
- `development`
- `test`
- `staging`
- `benchmark`
- `debug`
The gems you need in order to deploy should be in a different group, such as `deploy`.
For example:
- development
- test
- debug
Other dependencies
If your deploy script uses another tool to install dependencies, you can install them manually via `dependencies.override`:
- npm install
**dependencies.pre** If you wish to execute commands before Shipit installs the dependencies, you can specify them here.
For example:
- mkdir tmp/
- cp -R /var/cache/ tmp/cache
**dependencies.post** If you wish to execute commands after Shipit installed the dependencies, you can specify them here:
For example:
- cp -R tmp/cache /var/cache/
The `deploy` and `rollback` sections are the core of Shipit:
**deploy.override** contains an array of the shell commands required to deploy the application. Shipit will try to infer it from the repository structure, but you can change the default inference.
For example:
- ./script/deploy
**deploy.pre** If you wish to execute commands before Shipit executes your deploy script, you can specify them here.
For example:
- ./script/notify_deploy_start
**deploy.post** If you wish to execute commands after Shipit executed your deploy script, you can specify them here.
For example:
- ./script/notify_deploy_end
You can also accept custom environment variables defined by the user that triggers the deploy:
**deploy.variables** contains an array of variable definitions.
For example:
title: Run database migrations on deploy
default: 1
**deploy.variables.select** will turn the input into a `