module Origen module Tester class Ultraflex module Generator class TestInstance attr_accessor :type, :index, :version, :append_version attrs = %w( test_name proc_type proc_name proc_called_as dc_category dc_selector ac_category ac_selector time_sets edge_sets pin_levels overlay ) 80.times do |i| attrs << "arg#{i}" end attrs << 'comment' ATTRS = attrs ALIASES = { name: :test_name, time_set: :time_sets, timeset: :time_sets, timesets: :time_sets, other: { }, empty: { start_func: :arg0, start_of_body_f: :arg0, pre_pat_func: :arg1, pre_pat_f: :arg1, pre_test_func: :arg2, pre_test_f: :arg2, post_test_func: :arg3, post_test_f: :arg3, post_pat_func: :arg4, post_pat_f: :arg4, end_func: :arg5, end_of_body_f: :arg5, start_func_args: :arg6, start_of_body_f_args: :arg6, pre_pat_func_args: :arg7, pre_pat_f_args: :arg7, pre_test_func_args: :arg8, pre_test_f_args: :arg8, post_test_func_args: :arg9, post_test_f_args: :arg9, post_pat_func_args: :arg10, post_pat_f_args: :arg10, end_func_args: :arg11, end_of_body_f_args: :arg11, utility_pins_1: :arg12, utility_pins_0: :arg13, init_lo: :arg14, start_lo: :arg14, init_hi: :arg15, start_hi: :arg15, init_hiz: :arg16, start_hiz: :arg16, float_pins: :arg17 }, # Functional test instances functional: { pattern: :arg0, patterns: :arg0, start_func: :arg1, start_of_body_f: :arg1, pre_pat_func: :arg2, pre_pat_f: :arg2, pre_test_func: :arg3, pre_test_f: :arg3, post_test_func: :arg4, post_test_f: :arg4, post_pat_func: :arg5, post_pat_f: :arg5, end_func: :arg6, end_of_body_f: :arg6, set_pass_fail: :arg7, init_lo: :arg8, start_lo: :arg8, init_hi: :arg9, start_hi: :arg9, init_hiz: :arg10, start_hiz: :arg10, float_pins: :arg11, start_func_args: :arg13, start_of_body_f_args: :arg13, pre_pat_func_args: :arg14, pre_pat_f_args: :arg14, pre_test_func_args: :arg15, pre_test_f_args: :arg15, post_test_func_args: :arg16, post_test_f_args: :arg16, post_pat_func_args: :arg17, post_pat_f_args: :arg17, end_func_args: :arg18, end_of_body_f_args: :arg18, wait_flags: :arg21, wait_time: :arg22, pat_flag_func: :arg23, pat_flag_f: :arg23, PatFlagF: :arg23, pat_flag_func_args: :arg24, pat_flag_f_args: :arg24, relay_mode: :arg25, threading: :arg26, match_all_sites: :arg27, capture_mode: :arg30, capture_what: :arg31, capture_memory: :arg32, capture_size: :arg33, datalog_mode: :arg34, data_type: :arg35 }, board_pmu: { hsp_start: :arg0, start_func: :arg1, start_of_body_f: :arg1, pre_pat_func: :arg2, pre_pat_f: :arg2, pre_test_func: :arg3, pre_test_f: :arg3, post_test_func: :arg4, post_test_f: :arg4, post_pat_func: :arg5, post_pat_f: :arg5, end_func: :arg6, end_of_body_f: :arg6, precond_pat: :arg7, hold_state_pat: :arg8, holdstate_pat: :arg8, pattern: :arg8, pcp_stop: :arg9, wait_flags: :arg10, start_lo: :arg11, init_lo: :arg11, start_hi: :arg12, init_hi: :arg12, start_hiz: :arg13, init_hiz: :arg13, float_pins: :arg14, pinlist: :arg15, pin: :arg15, pin_list: :arg15, measure_mode: :arg16, irange: :arg17, clamp: :arg18, vrange: :arg19, sampling_time: :arg20, samples: :arg21, settling_time: :arg22, hi_lo_lim_valid: :arg23, hi_lo_limit_valid: :arg23, hi_limit: :arg24, lo_limit: :arg25, force_cond_1: :arg26, force_cond: :arg26, force_condition: :arg26, force_cond_2: :arg27, gang_pins_tested: :arg28, relay_mode: :arg29, wait_time_out: :arg30, start_func_args: :arg31, start_of_body_f_args: :arg31, pre_pat_func_args: :arg32, pre_pat_f_args: :arg32, pre_test_func_args: :arg33, pre_test_f_args: :arg33, post_test_func_args: :arg34, post_test_f_args: :arg34, post_pat_func_args: :arg35, post_pat_f_args: :arg35, end_func_args: :arg36, end_of_body_f_args: :arg36, pcp_start: :arg37, pcp_check_pg: :arg38, hsp_stop: :arg39, hsp_check_pg: :arg40, resume_pat: :arg41, utility_pins_1: :arg42, utility_pins_0: :arg43, pre_charge_enable: :arg44, pre_charge: :arg45, threading: :arg46 }, pin_pmu: { hsp_start: :arg0, start_func: :arg1, start_of_body_f: :arg1, pre_pat_func: :arg2, pre_pat_f: :arg2, pre_test_func: :arg3, pre_test_f: :arg3, post_test_func: :arg4, post_test_f: :arg4, post_pat_func: :arg5, post_pat_f: :arg5, end_func: :arg6, end_of_body_f: :arg6, precond_pat: :arg7, hold_state_pat: :arg8, holdstate_pat: :arg8, pattern: :arg8, pcp_stop: :arg9, wait_flags: :arg10, start_lo: :arg11, init_lo: :arg11, start_hi: :arg12, init_hi: :arg12, start_hiz: :arg13, init_hiz: :arg13, float_pins: :arg14, pinlist: :arg15, pin: :arg15, pin_list: :arg15, measure_mode: :arg16, irange: :arg17, settling_time: :arg18, hi_lo_lim_valid: :arg19, hi_lo_limit_valid: :arg19, hi_limit: :arg20, lo_limit: :arg21, force_cond_1: :arg22, force_cond: :arg22, force_condition: :arg22, force_cond_2: :arg23, fload: :arg24, relay_mode: :arg25, wait_time_out: :arg26, start_func_args: :arg27, start_of_body_f_args: :arg27, pre_pat_func_args: :arg28, pre_pat_f_args: :arg28, pre_test_func_args: :arg29, pre_test_f_args: :arg29, post_test_func_args: :arg30, post_test_f_args: :arg30, post_pat_func_args: :arg31, post_pat_f_args: :arg31, end_func_args: :arg32, end_of_body_f_args: :arg32, pcp_start: :arg33, pcp_check_pg: :arg34, hsp_stop: :arg35, hsp_check_pg: :arg36, sampling_time: :arg37, samples: :arg38, resume_pat: :arg39, vcl: :arg40, vch: :arg41, utility_pins_1: :arg42, utility_pins_0: :arg43, pre_charge_enable: :arg44, pre_charge: :arg45, threading: :arg46 } } DEFAULTS = { empty: { proc_type: 'IG-XL Template', proc_name: 'Empty_T', proc_called_as: 'Excel Macro' }, other: { proc_type: 'Other', proc_called_as: 'Excel Macro' }, functional: { proc_type: 'IG-XL Template', proc_name: 'Functional_T', proc_called_as: 'VB DLL', set_pass_fail: 1, wait_flags: 'XXXX', wait_time: 30, relay_mode: 1, threading: 0, match_all_sites: 0, capture_mode: 0, capture_what: 0, capture_memory: 0, capture_size: 256, datalog_mode: 0, data_type: 0 }, board_pmu: { proc_type: 'IG-XL Template', proc_name: 'BoardPmu_T', proc_called_as: 'VB DLL', wait_flags: 'XXXX', measure_mode: 1, irange: 5, vrange: 3, settling_time: 0, hi_lo_lim_valid: 3, gang_pins_tested: 0, relay_mode: 0, wait_time_out: 30, pcp_check_pg: 1, hsp_check_pg: 1, resume_pat: 0, threading: 0 }, pin_pmu: { proc_type: 'IG-XL Template', proc_name: 'PinPmu_T', proc_called_as: 'VB DLL', wait_flags: 'XXXX', measure_mode: 1, irange: 2, settling_time: 0, hi_lo_lim_valid: 3, fload: 0, relay_mode: 0, wait_time_out: 30, pcp_check_pg: 1, hsp_check_pg: 1, resume_pat: 0, threading: 0 } } # Generate accessors for all attributes and their aliases ATTRS.each do |attr| attr_accessor attr.to_sym end # Define the common aliases now, the instance type specific ones will # be created when the instance type is known ALIASES.each do |_alias, val| if val.is_a? Hash else define_method("#{_alias}=") do |v| send("#{val}=", v) end define_method("#{_alias}") do send(val) end end end def initialize(name, type, attrs = {}) @type = type @append_version = true = name # Build the type specific accessors (aliases) ALIASES[@type.to_sym].each do |_alias, val| define_singleton_method("#{_alias}=") do |v| send("#{val}=", v) if self.respond_to?("#{val}=", v) end define_singleton_method("#{_alias}") do send(val) if self.respond_to?(val) end end # Set the defaults DEFAULTS[@type.to_sym].each do |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) if self.respond_to?("#{k}=", v) end # Then the values that have been supplied attrs.each do |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) if self.respond_to?("#{k}=", v) end end def ==(other_instance) self.class == other_instance.class && unversioned_name.to_s == other_instance.unversioned_name.to_s && ATTRS.all? do |attr| # Exclude test name, already examined above and don't want to include # the version in the comparison if attr == 'test_name' true else send(attr) == other_instance.send(attr) end end end def self.new_empty(name, attrs = {}) new(name, :empty, attrs) end def self.new_functional(name, attrs = {}) new(name, :functional, attrs) end def self.new_board_pmu(name, attrs = {}) new(name, :board_pmu, attrs) end def self.new_pin_pmu(name, attrs = {}) new(name, :pin_pmu, attrs) end # Returns the fully formatted test instance for insertion into an instance sheet def to_s(override_name = nil) l = "\t" ATTRS.each do |attr| if attr == 'test_name' && override_name l += "#{override_name}\t" else l += "#{send(attr)}\t" end end "#{l}" end def name if version && @append_version "#{@test_name}_v#{version}" else @test_name.to_s end end alias_method :test_name, :name def unversioned_name @test_name.to_s end # Set the cpu wait flags for the given test instance # instance.set_wait_flags(:a) # instance.set_wait_flags(:a, :c) def set_wait_flags(*flags) a = (flags.include?(:a) || flags.include?(:a)) ? '1' : 'X' b = (flags.include?(:b) || flags.include?(:b)) ? '1' : 'X' c = (flags.include?(:c) || flags.include?(:c)) ? '1' : 'X' d = (flags.include?(:d) || flags.include?(:d)) ? '1' : 'X' self.wait_flags = d + c + b + a self end # Set and enable the pre-charge voltage of a parametric test instance. def set_pre_charge(val) if val self.pre_charge_enable = 1 self.pre_charge = val else self.pre_charge_enable = 0 end self end alias_method :set_precharge, :set_pre_charge # Set and enable the hi limit of a parametric test instance, passing in # nil or false as the lim parameter will disable the hi limit. def set_hi_limit(lim) if lim self.hi_lo_limit_valid = hi_lo_limit_valid | 2 self.hi_limit = lim else self.hi_lo_limit_valid = hi_lo_limit_valid & 1 end self end # Set and enable the hi limit of a parametric test instance, passing in # nil or false as the lim parameter will disable the hi limit. def set_lo_limit(lim) if lim self.hi_lo_limit_valid = hi_lo_limit_valid | 1 self.lo_limit = lim else self.hi_lo_limit_valid = hi_lo_limit_valid & 2 end self end # Set the current range of the test instance, the following are valid: # # Board PMU # * 2uA # * 20uA # * 200uA # * 2mA # * 20mA # * 200mA # * :smart # # Pin PMU # * 200nA # * 2uA # * 20uA # * 200uA # * 2mA # * :auto # * :smart # # Examples # instance.set_irange(:smart) # instance.set_irange(:ua => 2) # instance.set_irange(2.uA) # Same as above # instance.set_irange(:ma => 200) # instance.set_irange(0.2) # Same as above # instance.set_irange(:a => 0.2) # Same as above def set_irange(r = nil, options = {}) r, options = nil, r if r.is_a?(Hash) unless r # rubocop:disable AssignmentInCondition if r = options.delete(:na) || options.delete(:nA) r = r / 1_000_000_000 elsif r = options.delete(:ua) || options.delete(:uA) r = r / 1_000_000.0 elsif r = options.delete(:ma) || options.delete(:mA) r = r / 1000.0 elsif r = options.delete(:a) || options.delete(:A) else fail "Can't determine requested irange!" end # rubocop:enable AssignmentInCondition end if @type == :board_pmu if r == :smart self.irange = 6 else self.irange = case when r > 0.02 then 5 when r > 0.002 then 4 when r > 0.0002 then 3 when r > 0.00002 then 2 when r > 0.000002 then 1 else 0 end end else # :pin_pmu if r == :smart self.irange = 5 elsif r == :auto fail 'Auto range not available in FIMV mode!' if self.fimv? self.irange = 6 else if fimv? self.irange = case when r > 0.0002 then 2 else 4 end else self.irange = case when r > 0.0002 then 2 when r > 0.00002 then 4 when r > 0.000002 then 0 when r > 0.0000002 then 1 else 3 end end end end self end # Set the voltage range of the test instance, the following are valid: # # Board PMU # * 2V # * 5V # * 10V # * 24V # * :auto # * :smart # # Examples # instance.set_vrange(:auto) # instance.set_vrange(:v => 5) # instance.set_vrange(5) # Same as above def set_vrange(r = nil, options = {}) r, options = nil, r if r.is_a?(Hash) if r == :smart self.vrange = 4 elsif r == :auto self.vrange = 5 elsif !r r = options.delete(:v) || options.delete(:V) if r else fail "Can't determine requested vrange!" end end self.vrange = case when r > 10 then 3 when r > 5 then 2 when r > 2 then 1 else 0 end self end # Set the meaure mode of a parametric test instance, either: # * :voltage / :fimv # * :current / :fvmi def set_measure_mode(mode) if mode == :current || mode == :fvmi self.measure_mode = 0 elsif mode == :voltage || mode == :fimv self.measure_mode = 1 else fail "Unknown measure mode: #{mode}" end end # Returns true if instance configured for force current, measure voltage def fimv? measure_mode == 1 end # Returns true if instance configured for force voltage, measure current def fvmi? measure_mode == 0 end end end end end end