# Japanese translations for PACKAGE package
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Masao Mutoh <mutoh@highway.ne.jp>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: active_record 1.0.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-08-03 02:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-08-09 02:17+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Masao Mutoh <mutoh@highway.ne.jp>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"

#: fixtures/developer.rb:-
msgid "developer"
msgstr "開発者"

#: fixtures/developer.rb:-
msgid "Developer|Name"
msgstr "開発者名"

#: fixtures/developer.rb:-
msgid "Developer|Salary"
msgstr "給料"

#: fixtures/developer.rb:-
msgid "Developer|Created at"
msgstr "生成日"

#: fixtures/developer.rb:-
msgid "Developer|Updated at"
msgstr "更新日"

#: fixtures/developer.rb:2
msgid "Developer|Non existent"
msgstr "存在しない"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:- fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "topic"
msgstr "トピック"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:-
msgid "Topic|Title"
msgstr "タイトル"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:-
msgid "Topic|Author name"
msgstr "著者名"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:-
msgid "Topic|Author email address"
msgstr "著者Eメールアドレス"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:-
msgid "Topic|Written on"
msgstr "リテンオン"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:-
msgid "Topic|Bonus time"
msgstr "ボーナスタイム"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:-
msgid "Topic|Last read"
msgstr "最後の読み込み"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:-
msgid "Topic|Content"
msgstr "内容"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:-
msgid "Topic|Approved"
msgstr "承認"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:-
msgid "Topic|Replies count"
msgstr "リプライ数"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:-
msgid "Topic|Parent"
msgstr "親"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:-
msgid "Topic|Type"
msgstr "種別"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:35
msgid "Topic|Terms of service"
msgstr "利用規約"

#: fixtures/topic.rb:36 test_active_record.rb:530
msgid "must be abided"
msgstr "に従ってください。"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "reply"
msgstr "リプライ"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "Reply|Title"
msgstr "Replyタイトル"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "Reply|Author name"
msgstr "Reply著者名"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "Reply|Author email address"
msgstr "Reply著者Eメールアドレス"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "Reply|Written on"
msgstr ""

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "Reply|Bonus time"
msgstr "Replyボーナスタイム"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "Reply|Last read"
msgstr ""

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "Reply|Content"
msgstr "Reply内容"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "Reply|Approved"
msgstr "Reply承認"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "Reply|Replies count"
msgstr "Replyリプライ数"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "Reply|Parent"
msgstr "Reply親"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "Reply|Type"
msgstr "Reply種別"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "sillyreply"
msgstr "バカな承認"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "SillyReply|Title"
msgstr "Sillyタイトル"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "SillyReply|Author name"
msgstr "Silly著者名"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "SillyReply|Author email address"
msgstr "Silly著者Eメールアドレス"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "SillyReply|Written on"
msgstr ""

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "SillyReply|Bonus time"
msgstr "Sillyボーナスタイム"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "SillyReply|Last read"
msgstr ""

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "SillyReply|Content"
msgstr "Silly内容"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "SillyReply|Approved"
msgstr "Silly承認"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "SillyReply|Replies count"
msgstr "Sillyリプライ数"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "SillyReply|Parent"
msgstr ""

#: fixtures/reply.rb:-
msgid "SillyReply|Type"
msgstr "承認"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:4
msgid "Reply|Topic"
msgstr "Replyトピック"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:16 fixtures/reply.rb:20
msgid "Empty"
msgstr "空です。"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:25
msgid "is Content Mismatch"
msgstr "は内容がミスマッチです。"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:30
msgid "is Wrong Create"
msgstr "が不正に生成されました。"

#: fixtures/reply.rb:34
msgid "is Wrong Update"
msgstr "が不正に更新されました。"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "inept wizard"
msgstr "不器用な魔術師"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "conjurer"
msgstr "手品師"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "Conjurer|Name"
msgstr "手品師名"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "Conjurer|City"
msgstr "手品師町"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "Conjurer|Type"
msgstr "手品師タイプ"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "IneptWizard|Name"
msgstr "不器用な魔術師名"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "IneptWizard|City"
msgstr "不器用な魔術師名"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "IneptWizard|Type"
msgstr "不器用な魔術師タイプ"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "thaumaturgist"
msgstr "奇術師"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "Thaumaturgist|Name"
msgstr "奇術師名"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "Thaumaturgist|City"
msgstr "奇術師町"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "Thaumaturgist|Type"
msgstr "奇術師タイプ"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "person"
msgstr "人"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "protectedperson"
msgstr "守られた人"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "ProtectedPerson|First name"
msgstr "名前"

#: test_active_record.rb:-
msgid "ProtectedPerson|Lock version"
msgstr "ロックバージョン"

#: test_active_record.rb:416
msgid "gotcha"
msgstr "ごっちゃ"

#: test_active_record.rb:508
msgid "%{fn} must be abided"
msgstr "%{fn}に従ってください。"

#: test_active_record.rb:726 test_active_record.rb:780
msgid "%{fn} is bad data"
msgstr "%{fn}は悪いデータです。"

#: test_active_record.rb:747 test_active_record.rb:832
msgid "is bad data"
msgstr "は悪いデータです。"

#: test_active_record.rb:884
msgid "%{fn} can not be %{val}"
msgstr "%{val}は%{fn}ではありません。"

#: test_active_record.rb:898
msgid "can not be %{val}"
msgstr "は%{val}ではありません。"

#: test_active_record.rb:946
msgid "%{fn} option %{val} is not in the list"
msgstr "オプション%{val}は%{fn}一覧にありません。"

#: test_active_record.rb:968
msgid "option %{val} is not in the list"
msgstr "オプション%{val}は一覧にありません。"

#: test_active_record.rb:998
msgid "%{fn} option %{val} is restricted"
msgstr "オプション%{fn}%{val}は制限されています。"

#: test_active_record.rb:1020
msgid "option %{val} is restricted"
msgstr "オプション%{val}は制限されています。"

#: test_active_record.rb:1136 test_active_record.rb:1172
msgid "my string(%{fn}) is too short: %d"
msgstr "文字列:%{fn}は短すぎ: %d"

#: test_active_record.rb:1136 test_active_record.rb:1172
msgid "my string(%{fn}) is too long: %d"
msgstr "文字列:%{fn}は長すぎ: %d"

#: test_active_record.rb:1154 test_active_record.rb:1198
msgid "my string is too short: %d"
msgstr "文字列は短すぎ: %d"

#: test_active_record.rb:1154 test_active_record.rb:1198
msgid "my string is too long: %d"
msgstr "文字列は長すぎ: %d"

#: test_active_record.rb:1257
msgid "%{fn} %d dayo"
msgstr "%{fn}は%d以上だよ。"

#: test_active_record.rb:1274
msgid "%d dayo"
msgstr "は%d以上だよ。"

#: test_active_record.rb:1300 test_active_record.rb:1334
#: test_active_record.rb:1370 test_active_record.rb:1405
#: test_active_record.rb:1441 test_active_record.rb:2016
#: test_active_record.rb:2054 test_active_record.rb:2117
#: test_active_record.rb:2157 test_active_record.rb:2183
#: test_active_record.rb:2241 test_active_record.rb:2280
msgid "%{fn} hoo %d"
msgstr "%{fn}ふー%d"

#: test_active_record.rb:1317 test_active_record.rb:1352
#: test_active_record.rb:1388 test_active_record.rb:1423
#: test_active_record.rb:1458 test_active_record.rb:1475
#: test_active_record.rb:1492 test_active_record.rb:2035
#: test_active_record.rb:2073 test_active_record.rb:2098
#: test_active_record.rb:2137 test_active_record.rb:2203
#: test_active_record.rb:2223 test_active_record.rb:2260
#: test_active_record.rb:2300
msgid "hoo %d"
msgstr "ふー%d"

#: test_active_record.rb:1532
msgid "%{fn} will never be valid"
msgstr "%{fn}は決して正しくならないでしょう。"

#: test_active_record.rb:1549
msgid "will never be valid"
msgstr "は決して正しくならないでしょう。"

#: test_active_record.rb:1573 test_active_record.rb:1619
#: test_active_record.rb:1702 test_active_record.rb:1748
#: test_active_record.rb:1787 test_active_record.rb:1825
#: test_active_record.rb:1870 test_active_record.rb:1906
#: test_active_record.rb:1953
msgid "%{fn} contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes"
msgstr "%{fn}は'シングル' \"ダブル\"クオートを含む。"

#: test_active_record.rb:1596 test_active_record.rb:1644
#: test_active_record.rb:1725 test_active_record.rb:1771
#: test_active_record.rb:1809 test_active_record.rb:1847
#: test_active_record.rb:1893 test_active_record.rb:1930
#: test_active_record.rb:1984
msgid "This string contains 'single' and \"double\" quotes"
msgstr "この文字列は'シングル' \"ダブル\"クオートを含む。"

#: test_active_record.rb:2558
msgid "smaller than %d"
msgstr ""

#: test_active_record.rb:2565
msgid "greater than %d"
msgstr ""