module Metaslug module ActionControllerExtension extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # # Initialise the traduction hash, load every metas into it. # We only do this once, unless it is the development environment. # # @return [void] [Load metas of the current page] def load_metas_for_current_slug # initialize storage to an empty Hash, unless already exists initialize_metas_storage load_all_metas if Rails.env.development? or metas_storage.empty? set_metas_for_current_path end # # A locale corresponds to a YAML file. We load each YAML file individually # then merge then into a global hash. # # @return [Hash] [Global hash with all metas] def load_all_metas Thread.current[:metas] = I18n.available_locales.inject({}) do |acc, locale| acc.merge!(load_metas_for_locale(locale)) acc end end # # Load a YAML file corresponding to a locale after ensuring it exists. # @param locale [Symbol] [Locale] # # @return [Hash] [Metas] def load_metas_for_locale(locale) path = metas_path(locale) if File.exists?(path) YAML.load( else logger.error "[Metaslug] #{path} not found." {} end end # # Search and load metas of the current path. # # @return [void] def set_metas_for_current_path locale_metas_storage.keys.each do |k| if request.path.match(translate_key_into_regexp(k)) set_metas_from_hash(locale_metas_storage[k].dup) return end end # if no key match the current path, load default metas if present. if locale_metas_storage.has_key?('default') set_metas_from_hash(locale_metas_storage['default'].dup) else set_metas_from_hash({}) end end # # Load metas into an instance variable to have access to them in the helper. # Get the instance variables mark as accessible in the before_filter to interpolate # values in the liquid template. # @param values [Hash] [Metas] # # @return [Hash] [Metas] def set_metas_from_hash(values) @metaslug_vars ||= [] # For each meta we need to interpole the value if it use a dynamic content. values.each do |k ,v| if v.is_a?(Hash) # recursive call for nested hash like { 'og' => { 'locale' => { 'alternate' => 'fr_FR' } } } set_metas_from_hash(v) else # Looks like a liquid template if v =~ /{{.*}}/ if @metaslug_vars.empty? Rails.logger.debug "You provide a template but don't set access to your vars in the associated controller." values[k] = v else template = Liquid::Template.parse(v) h = @metaslug_vars.inject({}) do |acc, v| acc[v.to_s] = instance_variable_get("@#{v}") acc end values[k] = template.render(h) end end end end @metaslug = values end # # Return path of the YAML file of this locale. # @param locale [Symbol] [Locale] # # @return [Pathname] [Path of the YAML file] def metas_path(locale) # TODO: Let user configure it. Rails.root.join('config', 'metaslug', "#{locale}.yml") end # # Metas of the given locale # @param locale = I18n.locale [Symbol] [Locale] # # @return [Hash] [Metas] def locale_metas_storage(locale = I18n.locale) metas_storage[I18n.locale.to_s] end # # Backend storage of the metas. We store it in the current thread to avoid # reloading it. # # @return [Hash] [Global metas] def metas_storage Thread.current[:metas] end # # Initialize storage to an empty hash, unless already set. # # @return [Hash] [Global metas] def initialize_metas_storage Thread.current[:metas] ||= {} end # # YAML entries may looks like routes, like /categories/:id/edit. To be able # to test these entries, we convert them to regexp, replacing :id (and others sym) # @param k [String] [key] # # @return [Regexp] [Builded regexp] def translate_key_into_regexp(k) # replace :id with regular expression %r{^#{k.gsub /\:\w+/, '[a-z0-9_.-]+'}$}i end def self.metaslug_vars(*args) before_filter args.extract_options! do @metaslug_vars = args end end # # Overriding the default render method because we need to use the action # variables to render the liquid template. This had to be done after the # action and before the render. # @param *args [Array] [Default arguments] # # @return [type] [description] def render(*args) load_metas_for_current_slug super end end end end