knife-role(1) -- Group common configuration settings ======================================== ## SYNOPSIS __knife__ __role__ _sub-command_ _(options)_ ## ROLE SUB-COMMANDS The following `role` subcommands are available: ## LIST __knife role list__ _(options)_ * `-w`, `--with-uri`: Show corresponding URIs List roles. ## SHOW __knife role show ROLE__ _(options)_ * `-a`, `--attribute ATTR`: Show only one attribute Show a specific role. ## CREATE __knife role create ROLE__ _(options)_ * `-d`, `--description`: The role description Create a new role. ## EDIT __knife role edit ROLE__ _(options)_ Edit a role. ## FROM FILE __knife role from file FILE__ _(options)_ Create or update a role from a role Ruby DSL (`.rb`) or JSON file. ## DELETE __knife role delete ROLE__ _(options)_ Delete a role. ## BULK DELETE __knife role bulk delete REGEX__ _(options)_ Delete roles on the Chef Server based on a regular expression. The regular expression (_REGEX_) should be in quotes, not in //'s. ## DESCRIPTION Roles provide a mechanism to group repeated configuration settings. Roles are data structures that contain __default\_attributes__, and __override_attributes__, which are nested hashes of configuration settings, and a __run_list__, which is an ordered list of recipes and roles that should be applied to a host by chef-client. __default_attributes__ will be overridden if they conflict with a value on a node that includes the role. Conversely, __override_attributes__ will override any values set on nodes that apply them. When __chef-client__(8) configures a host, it will "expand" the __run_list__ included in that host's node data. The expansion process will recursively replace any roles in the run\_list with that role's run\_list. ## SEE ALSO __knife-node(1)__ __knife-environment(1)__ ## AUTHOR Chef was written by Adam Jacob with many contributions from the community. ## DOCUMENTATION This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman . Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License. ## CHEF Knife is distributed with Chef.