import "src/decidim/geocoding" import formatAddress from "src/decidim/geocoding/format_address" /** * For the available address format keys, refer to: * */ $(() => { const generateAddressLabel = formatAddress; $("[data-decidim-geocoding]").each((_i, el) => { const $input = $(el); const config = $"decidim-geocoding"); const queryMinLength = config.queryMinLength || 2; const addressFormat = config.addressFormat || [ ["street", "houseNumber"], "district", "city", "county", "state", "country" ]; const language = $("html").attr("lang"); let currentSuggestionQuery = null; if (!config.apiKey || config.apiKey.length < 1) { return; } $input.on("geocoder-suggest.decidim", (_ev, query, callback) => { clearTimeout(currentSuggestionQuery); // Do not trigger API calls on short queries if (`${query}`.trim().length < queryMinLength) { return; } // Changes to the autocomplete api call based on: // currentSuggestionQuery = setTimeout(() => { $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "", data: { apiKey: config.apiKey, // eslint-disable-next-line q: query, lang: language }, dataType: "json" }).done((resp) => { if (resp.items) { return callback( => { const label = generateAddressLabel(item.address, addressFormat); return { key: label, value: label, locationId: } })); } return null; }); }, 200); }); $input.on("geocoder-suggest-select.decidim", (_ev, selectedItem) => { $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "", data: { apiKey: config.apiKey, id: selectedItem.locationId }, dataType: "json" }).done((resp) => { if (!resp || Object.keys(resp).length < 1 ) { return; } const position = resp.position; if (!position || ! || !position.lng) { return } const coordinates = [, position.lng ]; $input.trigger( "geocoder-suggest-coordinates.decidim", [coordinates] ); }); }); }) })