require 'hashie/mash' module OmniAuth class NoSessionError < StandardError; end # The Strategy is the base unit of OmniAuth's ability to # wrangle multiple providers. Each strategy provided by # OmniAuth includes this mixin to gain the default functionality # necessary to be compatible with the OmniAuth library. module Strategy def self.included(base) OmniAuth.strategies << base base.extend ClassMethods base.class_eval do option :setup, false option :skip_info, false end end module ClassMethods # Returns an inherited set of default options set at the class-level # for each strategy. def default_options return @default_options if instance_variable_defined?(:@default_options) && @default_options existing = superclass.respond_to?(:default_options) ? superclass.default_options : {} @default_options = end # This allows for more declarative subclassing of strategies by allowing # default options to be set using a simple configure call. # # @param options [Hash] If supplied, these will be the default options (deep-merged into the superclass's default options). # @yield [Options] The options Mash that allows you to set your defaults as you'd like. # # @example Using a yield to configure the default options. # # class MyStrategy # include OmniAuth::Strategy # # configure do |c| # = 'bar' # end # end # # @example Using a hash to configure the default options. # # class MyStrategy # include OmniAuth::Strategy # configure foo: 'bar' # end def configure(options = nil) if block_given? yield default_options else default_options.deep_merge!(options) end end # Directly declare a default option for your class. This is a useful from # a documentation perspective as it provides a simple line-by-line analysis # of the kinds of options your strategy provides by default. # # @param name [Symbol] The key of the default option in your configuration hash. # @param value [Object] The value your object defaults to. Nil if not provided. # # @example # # class MyStrategy # include OmniAuth::Strategy # # option :foo, 'bar' # option # end def option(name, value = nil) default_options[name] = value end # Sets (and retrieves) option key names for initializer arguments to be # recorded as. This takes care of 90% of the use cases for overriding # the initializer in OmniAuth Strategies. def args(args = nil) if args @args = Array(args) return end existing = superclass.respond_to?(:args) ? superclass.args : [] (instance_variable_defined?(:@args) && @args) || existing end %w(uid info extra credentials).each do |fetcher| class_eval <<-RUBY def #{fetcher}(&block) return @#{fetcher}_proc unless block_given? @#{fetcher}_proc = block end def #{fetcher}_stack(context) compile_stack(self.ancestors, :#{fetcher}, context) end RUBY end def compile_stack(ancestors, method, context) stack = ancestors.inject([]) do |a, ancestor| a << context.instance_eval(&ancestor.send(method)) if ancestor.respond_to?(method) && ancestor.send(method) a end stack.reverse! end end attr_reader :app, :env, :options, :response # Initializes the strategy by passing in the Rack endpoint, # the unique URL segment name for this strategy, and any # additional arguments. An `options` hash is automatically # created from the last argument if it is a hash. # # @param app [Rack application] The application on which this middleware is applied. # # @overload new(app, options = {}) # If nothing but a hash is supplied, initialized with the supplied options # overriding the strategy's default options via a deep merge. # @overload new(app, *args, options = {}) # If the strategy has supplied custom arguments that it accepts, they may # will be passed through and set to the appropriate values. # # @yield [Options] Yields options to block for further configuration. def initialize(app, *args, &block) # rubocop:disable UnusedMethodArgument @app = app @env = nil @options = self.class.default_options.dup options.deep_merge!(args.pop) if args.last.is_a?(Hash) ||= self.class.to_s.split('::').last.downcase self.class.args.each do |arg| break if args.empty? options[arg] = args.shift end # Make sure that all of the args have been dealt with, otherwise error out. fail("Received wrong number of arguments. #{args.inspect}")) unless args.empty? yield options if block_given? end def inspect "#<#{self.class}>" end # Direct access to the OmniAuth logger, automatically prefixed # with this strategy's name. # # @example # log :warn, "This is a warning." def log(level, message) OmniAuth.logger.send(level, "(#{name}) #{message}") end # Duplicates this instance and runs #call! on it. # @param [Hash] The Rack environment. def call(env)!(env) end # The logic for dispatching any additional actions that need # to be taken. For instance, calling the request phase if # the request path is recognized. # # @param env [Hash] The Rack environment. def call!(env) # rubocop:disable CyclomaticComplexity, PerceivedComplexity unless env['rack.session'] error ='You must provide a session to use OmniAuth.') fail(error) end @env = env @env['omniauth.strategy'] = self if on_auth_path? return mock_call!(env) if OmniAuth.config.test_mode return options_call if on_auth_path? && options_request? return request_call if on_request_path? && OmniAuth.config.allowed_request_methods.include?(request.request_method.downcase.to_sym) return callback_call if on_callback_path? return other_phase if respond_to?(:other_phase) end # Responds to an OPTIONS request. def options_call if OmniAuth.config.before_options_phase verbs = OmniAuth.config.allowed_request_methods.collect(&:to_s).collect(&:upcase).join(', ') [200, {'Allow' => verbs}, []] end # Performs the steps necessary to run the request phase of a strategy. def request_call # rubocop:disable CyclomaticComplexity, MethodLength, PerceivedComplexity setup_phase log :info, 'Request phase initiated.' # store query params from the request url, extracted in the callback_phase session['omniauth.params'] = request.params if OmniAuth.config.before_request_phase if options.form.respond_to?(:call) log :info, 'Rendering form from supplied Rack endpoint.' elsif options.form log :info, 'Rendering form from underlying application.' call_app! else if request.params['origin'] env['rack.session']['omniauth.origin'] = request.params['origin'] elsif env['HTTP_REFERER'] && !env['HTTP_REFERER'].match(/#{request_path}$/) env['rack.session']['omniauth.origin'] = env['HTTP_REFERER'] end request_phase end end # Performs the steps necessary to run the callback phase of a strategy. def callback_call setup_phase log :info, 'Callback phase initiated.' @env['omniauth.origin'] = session.delete('omniauth.origin') @env['omniauth.origin'] = nil if env['omniauth.origin'] == '' @env['omniauth.params'] = session.delete('omniauth.params') || {} if OmniAuth.config.before_callback_phase callback_phase end # Returns true if the environment recognizes either the # request or callback path. def on_auth_path? on_request_path? || on_callback_path? end def on_request_path? if options.request_path.respond_to?(:call) else on_path?(request_path) end end def on_callback_path? on_path?(callback_path) end def on_path?(path) current_path.casecmp(path) == 0 end def options_request? request.request_method == 'OPTIONS' end # This is called in lieu of the normal request process # in the event that OmniAuth has been configured to be # in test mode. def mock_call!(*) return mock_request_call if on_request_path? return mock_callback_call if on_callback_path? call_app! end def mock_request_call setup_phase session['omniauth.params'] = request.params if OmniAuth.config.before_request_phase if request.params['origin'] @env['rack.session']['omniauth.origin'] = request.params['origin'] elsif env['HTTP_REFERER'] && !env['HTTP_REFERER'].match(/#{request_path}$/) @env['rack.session']['omniauth.origin'] = env['HTTP_REFERER'] end redirect(callback_url) end def mock_callback_call setup_phase mocked_auth = OmniAuth.mock_auth_for(name.to_s) if mocked_auth.is_a?(Symbol) fail!(mocked_auth) else @env['omniauth.auth'] = mocked_auth @env['omniauth.params'] = session.delete('omniauth.params') || {} @env['omniauth.origin'] = session.delete('omniauth.origin') @env['omniauth.origin'] = nil if env['omniauth.origin'] == '' if OmniAuth.config.before_callback_phase call_app! end end # The setup phase looks for the `:setup` option to exist and, # if it is, will call either the Rack endpoint supplied to the # `:setup` option or it will call out to the setup path of the # underlying application. This will default to `/auth/:provider/setup`. def setup_phase if options[:setup].respond_to?(:call) log :info, 'Setup endpoint detected, running now.' options[:setup].call(env) elsif options.setup? log :info, 'Calling through to underlying application for setup.' setup_env = env.merge('PATH_INFO' => setup_path, 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET') call_app!(setup_env) end end # @abstract This method is called when the user is on the request path. You should # perform any information gathering you need to be able to authenticate # the user in this phase. def request_phase fail(NotImplementedError) end def uid self.class.uid_stack(self).last end def info merge_stack(self.class.info_stack(self)) end def credentials merge_stack(self.class.credentials_stack(self)) end def extra merge_stack(self.class.extra_stack(self)) end def auth_hash hash = => name, :uid => uid) = info unless skip_info? hash.credentials = credentials if credentials hash.extra = extra if extra hash end # Determines whether or not user info should be retrieved. This # allows some strategies to save a call to an external API service # for existing users. You can use it either by setting the `:skip_info` # to true or by setting `:skip_info` to a Proc that takes a uid and # evaluates to true when you would like to skip info. # # @example # # use MyStrategy, :skip_info => lambda{|uid| User.find_by_uid(uid)} def skip_info? if options.skip_info? if options.skip_info.respond_to?(:call) return else return true end end false end def callback_phase env['omniauth.auth'] = auth_hash call_app! end def path_prefix options[:path_prefix] || OmniAuth.config.path_prefix end def custom_path(kind) if options[kind].respond_to?(:call) result = options[kind].call(env) return nil unless result.is_a?(String) result else options[kind] end end def request_path @request_path ||= options[:request_path].is_a?(String) ? options[:request_path] : "#{path_prefix}/#{name}" end def callback_path @callback_path ||= begin path = options[:callback_path] if options[:callback_path].is_a?(String) path ||= current_path if options[:callback_path].respond_to?(:call) && options[:callback_path].call(env) path ||= custom_path(:request_path) path ||= "#{path_prefix}/#{name}/callback" path end end def setup_path options[:setup_path] || "#{path_prefix}/#{name}/setup" end CURRENT_PATH_REGEX = /\/$/ EMPTY_STRING = ''.freeze def current_path @current_path ||= request.path_info.downcase.sub(CURRENT_PATH_REGEX, EMPTY_STRING) end def query_string request.query_string.empty? ? '' : "?#{request.query_string}" end def call_app!(env = @env) end def full_host case OmniAuth.config.full_host when String OmniAuth.config.full_host when Proc else # in Rack 1.3.x, request.url explodes if scheme is nil if request.scheme && request.url.match(URI::ABS_URI) uri = URI.parse(request.url.gsub(/\?.*$/, '')) uri.path = '' # sometimes the url is actually showing http inside rails because the # other layers (like nginx) have handled the ssl termination. uri.scheme = 'https' if ssl? # rubocop:disable BlockNesting uri.to_s else '' end end end def callback_url full_host + script_name + callback_path + query_string end def script_name @env['SCRIPT_NAME'] || '' end def session @env['rack.session'] end def request @request ||= end def name end def redirect(uri) r = if options[:iframe] r.write("<script type='text/javascript' charset='utf-8'>top.location.href = '#{uri}';</script>") else r.write("Redirecting to #{uri}...") r.redirect(uri) end r.finish end def user_info {} end def fail!(message_key, exception = nil) env['omniauth.error'] = exception env['omniauth.error.type'] = message_key.to_sym env['omniauth.error.strategy'] = self if exception log :error, "Authentication failure! #{message_key}: #{exception.class}, #{exception.message}" else log :error, "Authentication failure! #{message_key} encountered." end end class Options < Hashie::Mash; end protected def merge_stack(stack) stack.inject({}) do |a, e| a.merge!(e) a end end def ssl? request.env['HTTPS'] == 'on' || request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL'] == 'on' || request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME'] == 'https' || (request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] && request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'].split(',')[0] == 'https') || request.env['rack.url_scheme'] == 'https' end end end