## 1.4.1 **15 January 2018** Features: * Rename to vagrant-s3auth-mfa ## 1.4.0 **14 January 2018** Features: * Added support for MFA and Assume Role ## 1.3.2 **6 January 2016** Enhancements: * upgrade to AWS SDK v2.6.44 ## 1.3.1 **30 December 2016** Fixes: * suppress warning about invalid region with certain buckets ([#31]) ## 1.3.0 **18 January 2016** Enhancements: * upgrade to AWS SDK v2.2.10 Fixes: * allow box update checks when offline ([#26]) * support the Vagrant 1.8.x series ([#27]) ## 1.2.0 **20 August 2015** Enhancements: * output the discovered AWS access key and its source (environment variable or profile) when downloading an authenticated S3 box ([#21]) Thanks, [@Daemoen][Daemoen]! ## 1.1.1 **6 August 2015** Enhancements: * bump dependencies to latest patch versions and dev dependencies to latest versions ## 1.1.0 **1 June 2015** Enhancements: * upgrade to AWS SDK v2 ([#15]) * recommend the use of the AWS SDK's centralized credential file ([#14]) Fixes: * allow up to ten minutes of time skew ([#16]) * try an unauthenticated download before demanding AWS credentials ([#10]) Thanks, [@kimpepper][kimpepper] and [@companykitchen-dev][companykitchen-dev]! ## 1.0.3 **10 March 2015** Fixes: * fix namespace collisions with [vagrant-aws][vagrant-aws] ([#11]) Thanks, [@andres-rojas][andres-rojas]! ## 1.0.2 **25 December 2014** Enhancements: * provide better error messages when S3 API requests are denied ([#9]) * include IAM policy recommendations in README ## 1.0.1 **21 December 2014** Enhancements: * support bucket-in-host style S3 URLs to simplify usage instructions Fixes: * internal cleanup * improved detection of incompatible Vagrant versions ## 1.0.0 **16 December 2014** Enhancements: * passes a complete acceptance test suite * detects full and shorthand S3 URLs at all download stages Fixes: * automatically determines region for shorthand S3 URLs ([#1], [#7]) ## 0.1.0 **13 June 2014** Enhancements: * support buckets hosted in any S3 region ([#1]) Fixes: * properly authenticate requests for simple (non-metadata) S3 boxes ([#1]) ## 0.0.2 **6 June 2014** Enhancements: * formally license under MIT ## 0.0.1 * initial release [#1]: https://github.com/WhoopInc/vagrant-s3auth/issues/1 [#7]: https://github.com/WhoopInc/vagrant-s3auth/issues/7 [#9]: https://github.com/WhoopInc/vagrant-s3auth/issues/9 [#10]: https://github.com/WhoopInc/vagrant-s3auth/issues/10 [#11]: https://github.com/WhoopInc/vagrant-s3auth/pull/11 [#14]: https://github.com/WhoopInc/vagrant-s3auth/issues/14 [#15]: https://github.com/WhoopInc/vagrant-s3auth/issues/15 [#16]: https://github.com/WhoopInc/vagrant-s3auth/issues/16 [#21]: https://github.com/WhoopInc/vagrant-s3auth/issues/21 [#26]: https://github.com/WhoopInc/vagrant-s3auth/issues/26 [#27]: https://github.com/WhoopInc/vagrant-s3auth/issues/27 [#31]: https://github.com/WhoopInc/vagrant-s3auth/issues/31 [Daemoen]: https://github.com/Daemoen [andres-rojas]: https://github.com/andres-rojas [companykitchen-dev]: https://github.com/companykitchen-dev [kimpepper]: https://github.com/kimpepper [vagrant-aws]: https://github.com/mitchellh/vagrant-aws