describe "Mercury.Snippet", -> template 'mercury/snippet.html' afterEach -> Mercury.Snippet.all = [] describe "constructor", -> beforeEach -> @setOptionsSpy = spyOn(Mercury.Snippet.prototype, 'setOptions').andCallFake(=>) @snippet = new Mercury.Snippet('foo', 'identity', {foo: 'bar'}) it "expects name and identity", -> expect('foo') expect(@snippet.identity).toEqual('identity') it "sets the version", -> expect(@snippet.version).toEqual(0) expect(@snippet.identity).toEqual('identity') it "creates a history buffer", -> expect(@snippet.history).toBeDefined() it "calls setOptions", -> expect(@setOptionsSpy.callCount).toEqual(1) describe "#getHTML", -> beforeEach -> @loadPreviewSpy = spyOn(Mercury.Snippet.prototype, 'loadPreview').andCallFake(=>) @snippet = new Mercury.Snippet('foo', 'identity', {foo: 'bar'}) it "builds an element (in whatever context is provided", -> ret = @snippet.getHTML($(document)) html = $('
').html(ret).html() expect(html).toContain('class="mercury-snippet"') expect(html).toContain('contenteditable="false"') expect(html).toContain('data-snippet="identity"') expect(html).toContain('data-version="1"') it "sets the default content to the identity", -> ret = @snippet.getHTML($(document)) expect(ret.html()).toEqual('[identity]') it "calls loadPreview", -> @snippet.getHTML($(document)) expect(@loadPreviewSpy.callCount).toEqual(1) it "passes callback method to loadPreview", -> callback = => @snippet.getHTML($(document), callback) expect(@loadPreviewSpy.argsForCall[0][1]).toEqual(callback) describe "#getText", -> beforeEach -> @snippet = new Mercury.Snippet('foo', 'identity', {foo: 'bar'}) it "returns an identity string", -> expect(@snippet.getText()).toEqual('[--identity--]') describe "#loadPreview", -> beforeEach -> @ajaxSpy = spyOn($, 'ajax') @snippet = new Mercury.Snippet('foo', 'identity', {foo: 'bar'}) it "makes an ajax request", -> @ajaxSpy.andCallFake(=>) spyOn(Mercury, 'ajaxHeaders').andCallFake(=> {'X-CSRFToken': 'f00'}) @snippet.loadPreview() expect(@ajaxSpy.callCount).toEqual(1) expect(@ajaxSpy.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual("/mercury/snippets/foo/preview.html") expect(@ajaxSpy.argsForCall[0][1]['data']).toEqual({foo: 'bar'}) expect(@ajaxSpy.argsForCall[0][1]['type']).toEqual('POST') expect(@ajaxSpy.argsForCall[0][1]['headers']).toEqual({'X-CSRFToken': 'f00'}) describe "ajax success", -> beforeEach -> @ajaxSpy.andCallFake((url, options) => options.success('data')) it "sets the data", -> @snippet.loadPreview($('#snippet')) expect('data') it "puts the data into the element", -> @snippet.loadPreview($('#snippet')) expect($('#snippet').html()).toEqual('data') it "calls the callback if one was provided", -> callCount = 0 callback = => callCount += 1 @snippet.loadPreview($('#snippet'), callback) expect(callCount).toEqual(1) describe "ajax failure", -> beforeEach -> @ajaxSpy.andCallFake((url, options) => options.error()) it "alerts the error", -> spy = spyOn(window, 'alert').andCallFake(=>) @snippet.loadPreview($('#snippet')) expect(spy.callCount).toEqual(1) expect(spy.argsForCall[0]).toEqual(['Error loading the preview for the "foo" snippet.']) describe "#displayOptions", -> beforeEach -> @modalSpy = spyOn(Mercury, 'modal').andCallFake(=>) @snippet = new Mercury.Snippet('foo', 'identity', {foo: 'bar'}) it "sets the global snippet to itself", -> @snippet.displayOptions() expect(Mercury.snippet).toEqual(@snippet) it "opens a modal", -> @snippet.displayOptions() expect(@modalSpy.callCount).toEqual(1) describe "#setOptions", -> beforeEach -> @snippet = new Mercury.Snippet('foo', 'identity', {foo: 'bar'}) it "removes rails form default options that aren't for storing", -> @snippet.setOptions({foo: 'baz', utf8: 'check', authenticity_token: 'auth_token'}) expect(@snippet.options).toEqual({foo: 'baz'}) it "increases the version", -> @snippet.setOptions({foo: 'baz'}) expect(@snippet.version).toEqual(2) it "pushes the options to the history buffer", -> @snippet.setOptions({foo: 'baz'}) expect(@snippet.history.stack.length).toEqual(2) describe "#setVersion", -> beforeEach -> @snippet = new Mercury.Snippet('foo', 'identity', {foo: 'bar'}) @snippet.history.stack = [1, 2, {foo: 'baz'}, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] it "sets the version", -> @snippet.setVersion(5) expect(@snippet.version).toEqual(4) it "accepts a version (can be a string)", -> @snippet.setVersion('2') expect(@snippet.version).toEqual(1) it "pulls the version out of the history buffer", -> @snippet.setVersion(3) expect(@snippet.options).toEqual({foo: 'baz'}) it "returns true if successful", -> ret = @snippet.setVersion('2') expect(ret).toEqual(true) it "returns false if not successful", -> ret = @snippet.setVersion('abc') expect(ret).toEqual(false) describe "#serialize", -> beforeEach -> @snippet = new Mercury.Snippet('foo', 'identity', {foo: 'bar'}) it "returns an object with name and options", -> ret = @snippet.serialize() expect(ret).toEqual({name: 'foo', options: {foo: 'bar'}}) describe "Mercury.Snippet class methods", -> afterEach -> Mercury.Snippet.all = [] describe ".displayOptionsFor", -> beforeEach -> @modalSpy = spyOn(Mercury, 'modal').andCallFake(=>) it "opens a modal with the name in the url", -> Mercury.Snippet.displayOptionsFor('foo') expect(@modalSpy.callCount).toEqual(1) expect(@modalSpy.argsForCall[0]).toEqual(["/mercury/snippets/foo/options.html", {title: 'Snippet Options', handler: 'insertSnippet', snippetName: 'foo'}]) it "sets the snippet back to nothing", -> Mercury.snippet = 'foo' Mercury.Snippet.displayOptionsFor('foo') expect(Mercury.snippet).toEqual(null) describe ".create", -> beforeEach -> Mercury.Snippet.all = [] it "creates a new instance of Mercury.Snippet", -> ret = Mercury.Snippet.create('foo', {foo: 'bar'}) expect(ret.options).toEqual({foo: 'bar'}) it "generates an identity and passes it to the instance", -> ret = Mercury.Snippet.create('foo', {foo: 'bar'}) expect(ret.identity).toEqual('snippet_0') it "pushes into the collection array", -> Mercury.Snippet.create('foo', {foo: 'bar'}) expect(Mercury.Snippet.all.length).toEqual(1) describe ".find", -> beforeEach -> Mercury.Snippet.create('foo', {foo: 'bar'}) it "finds a snippet by identity", -> expect(Mercury.Snippet.find('snippet_0').options).toEqual({foo: 'bar'}) it "returns null if no snippet was found", -> expect(Mercury.Snippet.find('snippet_x')).toEqual(null) describe ".load", -> beforeEach -> @snippets = { snippet_1: {name: 'foo', options: {foo: 'bar'}} snippet_2: {name: 'bar', options: {baz: 'pizza'}} } it "creates a new instance for each item in the collection", -> Mercury.Snippet.load(@snippets) expect(Mercury.Snippet.all.length).toEqual(2)