--- title: Preparations tagline: Your Web in a Day description: Modern Jekyll Web site in a Day tags: [ Kickstarter, Introduction, Web, Day, Jekyll ] index: [] categories: [ pages ] permalink: /pages/public/start/kickstarter/web_in_a_day/preparations/ regenerate: false resources: [ lightbox, carousel ] resource_options: - toccer: collapseDepth: 2 --- // Enable the Liquid Preprocessor // :page-liquid: // Set other global page attributes here // ------------------------------------------------------------------- {% comment %} Liquid procedures --------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% capture set_env_entry_document %}themes/{{site.template.name}}/procedures/global/set_env_entry_document.proc{%endcapture%} // NOTE: Initialize entry document paths // {% include {{set_env_entry_document}} init_folders=all %} // Load tags and urls // include::{includedir}/attributes.asciidoc[tag=tags] include::{includedir}/attributes.asciidoc[tag=urls] // Additional Asciidoc page attributes goes here // *J1 Web in a Day* is the first in a series of tutorials to learn how to create modern web sites using Jekyll. This Kickstart focuses on the basics of Jekyll and J1 Template which all people needs to know for a successful way to Jekyll. It is highly recommended to read and work on this tutorial by everyone - independly from what level of knowledge they begin. Jekyll is different in compare to classic Content Management Systems (CMS) like Joomla, Wordpress or Drupal. No surprise: J1 Template is different as well. To not waste time, get through the turorial and find out what is the *Jekyll Way*. And if this the way you want to go. Have a good time, a good day learning Jekyll. == Web in a Day It sounds much, spending a whole day to get Jekyll to know - yes, it is much. You'll find a lot of Blog articles like *Jekyll in 15 minutes*. But what can be *learned* in 15 minutes? To be fair, most of these blogs are intended to help *installing Jekyll* and get the very first steps managed. If you run Jekyll out of the box, the resulting web site (from the build-in theme scaffold) might somewhat disillusioned. You'll get a very simple site created based on Jekyll's theme *minima*. And it is what the name of theme suggets. :theme-minima-data: "pages/kickstarter/web_in_a_day/jekyll-minima-theme.png, Web site based on Jekyll's Theme minima" .Web site based on Jekyll's Theme minima lightbox::pages/kickstarter/web_in_a_day/jekyll-minima-theme.png[ 700, {theme-minima-data} ] For good reasons, the default theme for a base Jekyll installation is minima. Jekyll is the core engine to create Webs but not a tool set to design a site. Not that much different to the CMS mentioned earlier as they provide very basic templates from a base installation as well. To have fun exploring Jekyll a whole day, a template is needed that give a good impression what can Jekyll do and what you can expect what is achiveable by an engine creating so-called static web sites. :theme-uno-data: "pages/kickstarter/web_in_a_day/j1-template-theme.png, J1 Theme Uno" .J1 Theme Uno lightbox::theme-uno[ 700, {theme-uno-data} ] lorem:sentences[5] lorem:sentences[2] === J1 QuickStart For a better start, J1 QuickStart can be used to install all the software components needed for Jekyll on Windows. It's done in *15 minutes*. And J1 Template pre-configured for your one-day-journey to Jekyll as well. :quickstart-windows-data: "pages/kickstarter/web_in_a_day/j1-quickstart-windows.png, J1 Quickstart for Windows" .J1 Quickstart for Windows lightbox::quickstart-windows[ 700, {quickstart-windows-data} ] [TIP] ==== If have'nt done already, you can download the J1 QuickStart package from the {quickstart-download}[J1 download page]. J1 QuickStart for Windows supports all modern Windows versions from Windows 7 and above. QuickStart versions for *Linux* and *MacOS* are being developed but not available, yet. For the time being, MacOS users can use e.g. {homebrew-home-en}[Homebrew] as a package manager to install OpenSource software on Apple PC's. Install and brew the current versions of Ruby and Python needed to run the latest version of Jekyll (at the time of writing version 3.3.0) and you'done. Linux users, a current Linux distribution assumed, can use J1 Template out of the box. Follow the installation instructions from the {quickstart-download}[J1 download page] described with chapter *Install J1 Template only* and you're done. ==== ==== Install J1 QuickStart lorem:sentences[5] lorem:sentences[2] ++++
++++ lorem:sentences[2] ==== Initialize J1 environment lorem:sentences[5] ++++ ++++ lorem:sentences[5] lorem:sentences[4] === J1 Page Layout lorem:sentences[5] :j1-page-layout-data: "pages/kickstarter/web_in_a_day/j1_layout.png, J1 Page Layout" .J1 Page Layout lightbox::theme-uno[ 700, {j1-page-layout-data} ] === Layout Inheritance lorem:sentences[5] :layout-inheritance-data: "pages/kickstarter/web_in_a_day/layout_inheritance.png, Layout Inheritance" .Layout Inheritance lightbox::layout-inheritance[ 700, {layout-inheritance-data} ] === Content Inheritance lorem:sentences[7] :content-inheritance-data: "pages/kickstarter/web_in_a_day/content_inheritance.png, Content Inheritance" .Content Inheritance lightbox::content-inheritance[ 700, {content-inheritance-data} ] === Lane Inheritance lorem:sentences[5] :lane-inheritance-data: "pages/kickstarter/web_in_a_day/lane_inheritance.png, J1 Lane Inheritance" .J1 Lane Inheritance lightbox::lane-inheritance[ 700, {lane-inheritance-data} ] lorem:sentences[3]