require_relative "unibits/version" require "io/console" require "paint" require "unicode/display_width" require "characteristics" require "symbolify" module Unibits SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS = Encoding.name_list.grep( Regexp.union( /^UTF-8$/, /^UTF8-/, /^UTF-...E$/, /^ASCII-8BIT$/, /^US-ASCII$/, /^ISO-8859-/, /^Windows-125/, /^IBM/, /^CP85/, /^mac/, /^TIS-620$/, /^Windows-874$/, /^KOI8/, /^GB1988$/, ) ).sort.freeze COLORS = { invalid: "#FF0000", control: "#0000FF", blank: "#33AADD", format: "#FF00FF", mark: "#228822", unassigned: "#FF5500", ignorable: "#FFAA00", } DEFAULT_TERMINAL_WIDTH = 80 def self.of(string, encoding: nil, convert: nil, stats: true, wide_ambiguous: false, width: nil) if !string || string.empty? raise ArgumentError, "no data given to unibits" end string = string.dup.force_encoding(encoding) if encoding string = string.encode(convert) if convert case when *SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS puts stats(string, wide_ambiguous: wide_ambiguous) if stats puts visualize(string, wide_ambiguous: wide_ambiguous, width: width) when 'UTF-16', 'UTF-32' raise ArgumentError, "unibits only supports #{} with specified endianess, please use #{}LE or #{}BE" else raise ArgumentError, "unibits does not support strings of encoding #{string.encoding}" end end def self.stats(string, wide_ambiguous: false) valid = string.valid_encoding? bytes = string.bytesize rescue "?" codepoints = string.size rescue "?" glyphs = string.scan(Regexp.compile('\X'.encode(string.encoding))).size rescue "?" width = Unicode::DisplayWidth.of(string, wide_ambiguous ? 2 : 1) rescue "?" "\n #{valid ? '' : Paint["Invalid ", :bold, :red]}#{Paint[, :bold]} (#{bytes}/#{codepoints}/#{glyphs}/#{width})" end def self.visualize(string, wide_ambiguous: false, width: nil) cols = width || determine_terminal_cols encoding_name = type = Characteristics.type_from_encoding_name(encoding_name) cp_buffer = [" "] enc_buffer = [" "] hex_buffer = [" "] bin_buffer = [" "] separator = [" "] current_encoding_error = nil puts string.each_char{ |char| char_info = Characteristics.create_for_type(char, type) if RUBY_VERSION >= "2.4.1" || RUBY_VERSION < "2.4.0" && RUBY_VERSION >= "2.3.4" || RUBY_VERSION < "2.3.0" && RUBY_VERSION >= "2.2.7" ||[0, 6] != "UTF-32" || !char_info.valid? # bug is fixed or not relevant else double_check_utf32_validness!(char, char_info) end current_color = determine_char_color(char_info) current_encoding_error = nil if char_info.valid? char.each_byte.with_index{ |byte, byteindex| if Paint.unpaint(hex_buffer[-1]).bytesize > cols - 12 cp_buffer << " " enc_buffer << " " hex_buffer << " " bin_buffer << " " separator << " " end if byteindex == 0 if char_info.valid? codepoint = "U+%04X" % char.ord else case encoding_name when "US-ASCII" codepoint = "invalid" when "UTF-8", /^UTF8/ # this tries to detect what is wrong with this utf-8 encoded string # sorry for this mess case char.unpack("B*")[0] when /^110.{5}$/ current_encoding_error = [:nec, 1, 1] codepoint = "n.e.con." when /^1110(.{4})$/ if $1 == "1101" current_encoding_error = [:nec, 2, 2, :maybe_surrogate] else current_encoding_error = [:nec, 2, 2] end codepoint = "n.e.con." when /^11110(.{3})$/ case $1 when "100" current_encoding_error = [:nec, 3, 3, :leading_at_max] when "101", "110", "111" current_encoding_error = [:nec, 3, 3, :too_large] else current_encoding_error = [:nec, 3, 3] end codepoint = "n.e.con." when /^11111.{3}$/ codepoint = "toolarge" when /^10(.{2}).{4}$/ # uglyhack to fixup that it is not n.e.c, but something different if current_encoding_error && current_encoding_error[0] == :nec if current_encoding_error[3] == :leading_at_max if $1 != "00" current_encoding_error[3] = :too_large else current_encoding_error[3] = nil end elsif current_encoding_error[3] == :maybe_surrogate if $1[0] == "1" current_encoding_error[3] = :surrogate else current_encoding_error[3] = nil end end if current_encoding_error[1] > 1 current_encoding_error[1] -= 1 codepoint = "n.e.con." else case current_encoding_error[3] when :too_large actual_error = "toolarge" when :surrogate actual_error = "sur.gate" else actual_error = "overlong" end current_cp_buffer_index = -1 (current_encoding_error[2]).times{ if index = cp_buffer[current_cp_buffer_index].rindex("n.e.con.") cp_buffer[current_cp_buffer_index][index..-1] = cp_buffer[current_cp_buffer_index][index..-1].sub("n.e.con.", actual_error) else current_cp_buffer_index -= 1 index = cp_buffer[current_cp_buffer_index].rindex("n.e.con.") cp_buffer[current_cp_buffer_index][index..-1] = cp_buffer[current_cp_buffer_index][index..-1].sub("n.e.con.", actual_error) end current_encoding_error = [:overlong] codepoint = actual_error } end else current_encoding_error = [:unexp] codepoint = "unexp.c." end else current_encoding_error = [:invallid] codepoint = "invalid" end when 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-16BE' if char.bytesize.odd? codepoint = "incompl." elsif char.b[encoding_name == 'UTF-16LE' ? 1 : 0].unpack("B*")[0][0, 5] == "11011" codepoint = "hlf.srg." else codepoint = "invalid" end when 'UTF-32LE', 'UTF-32BE' if char.bytesize % 4 != 0 codepoint = "incompl." elsif char.b.unpack("C*")[encoding_name == 'UTF-32LE' ? 2 : 1] > 16 || char.b.unpack("C*")[encoding_name == 'UTF-32LE' ? 3 : 0] > 0 codepoint = "toolarge" else codepoint = "sur.gate" end end end cp_buffer[-1] << Paint[ codepoint.ljust(10), current_color, :bold ] symbolified_char = Symbolify.symbolify(char, char_info) if char_info.unicode? padding = 10 - Unicode::DisplayWidth.of(symbolified_char, wide_ambiguous ? 2 : 1) else padding = 10 - symbolified_char.size end enc_buffer[-1] << Paint[ symbolified_char, current_color ] enc_buffer[-1] << " " * padding if padding > 0 else cp_buffer[-1] << " " * 10 enc_buffer[-1] << " " * 10 end hex_buffer[-1] << Paint[ ("%02X" % byte).ljust(10, " "), current_color ] bin_buffer[-1] << highlight_bits(byte, char, char_info, current_color, byteindex) bin_buffer[-1] << " " } } if type == :unicode, hex_buffer, bin_buffer, separator).flatten.join("\n") else, bin_buffer, separator).flatten.join("\n") end end def self.determine_terminal_cols STDIN.winsize[1] || DEFAULT_TERMINAL_WIDTH rescue Errno::ENOTTY return DEFAULT_TERMINAL_WIDTH end def self.determine_char_color(char_info) if !char_info.valid? COLORS[:invalid] elsif !char_info.assigned? if char_info.unicode? && char_info.ignorable? COLORS[:ignorable] else COLORS[:unassigned] end elsif char_info.blank? COLORS[:blank] elsif char_info.control? COLORS[:control] elsif char_info.format? COLORS[:format] elsif char_info.unicode? && char_info.category[0] == "M" COLORS[:mark] else random_color end end def self.random_color "%.2x%.2x%.2x" % [rand(90) + 60, rand(90) + 60, rand(90) + 60] end def self.highlight_bits(byte, char, char_info, current_color, byteindex) bin_byte_complete = byte.to_s(2).rjust(8, "0") if !char_info.valid? bin_byte_1 = bin_byte_complete bin_byte_2 = "" else case when 'US-ASCII' bin_byte_1 = bin_byte_complete[0...1] bin_byte_2 = bin_byte_complete[1...8] when 'ASCII-8BIT' bin_byte_1 = "" bin_byte_2 = bin_byte_complete when 'UTF-8', /^UTF8/ if byteindex == 0 if bin_byte_complete =~ /^(0|1{2,4}0)([01]+)$/ bin_byte_1 = $1 bin_byte_2 = $2 else bin_byte_1 = "" bin_byte_2 = bin_byte_complete end else bin_byte_1 = bin_byte_complete[0...2] bin_byte_2 = bin_byte_complete[2...8] end when 'UTF-16LE' if char.ord <= 0xFFFF || byteindex == 0 || byteindex == 2 bin_byte_1 = "" bin_byte_2 = bin_byte_complete else bin_byte_complete =~ /^(11011[01])([01]+)$/ bin_byte_1 = $1 bin_byte_2 = $2 end when 'UTF-16BE' if char.ord <= 0xFFFF || byteindex == 1 || byteindex == 3 bin_byte_1 = "" bin_byte_2 = bin_byte_complete else bin_byte_complete =~ /^(11011[01])([01]+)$/ bin_byte_1 = $1 bin_byte_2 = $2 end else bin_byte_1 = "" bin_byte_2 = bin_byte_complete end end res = "" res << Paint[ bin_byte_1, current_color ] unless !bin_byte_1 || bin_byte_1.empty? res << Paint[ bin_byte_2, current_color, :underline ] unless !bin_byte_2 || bin_byte_2.empty? res end def self.double_check_utf32_validness!(char, char_info) byte_values = char.b.unpack("C*") le = == 'UTF-32LE' if byte_values[le ? 2 : 1] > 16 || byte_values[le ? 3 : 0] > 0 || byte_values[le ? 1 : 2] >= 216 && byte_values[le ? 1 : 2] <= 223 char_info.instance_variable_set(:@is_valid, false) end end end