if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9.0'
  OrderedHash = Hash
  require 'hashery/orderedhash'

require 'clevic/table_model.rb'
require 'clevic/cache_table.rb'
require 'clevic/field.rb'

module Clevic

=begin rdoc

== View definition

Clevic::ModelBuilder defines the DSL used to create a UI definition (which is 
actually a set of Clevic::Field instances), including any related tables, 
restrictions on data entry, formatting and so on. The intention was to make
specifying a UI as painless as possible, with framework overhead only where
you need it.

To that end, there are 2 ways to define UIs:

- an Embedded View as part of the model (Sequel::Model) object (which is useful if you 
  want minimal framework overhead). Just show me the data, dammit.

- a Separate View in a separate class (which is useful when you want several 
  diffent views of the same underlying table). I want a neato-nifty UI that does
  (relatively) complex things.

I've tried to consistently refer to an instance of an Sequel::Model subclass as an 'entity'.

==Embedded View

Minimal embedded definition is

  class Position < Sequel::Model
    include Clevic::Record

which will build a fairly sensible default UI from the
entity's metadata. Obviously you can use open classes to do

  class Position < Sequel::Model
    one_to_many :transactions
    many_to_one :account

  class Position
    include Clevic::Record

A full-featured UI for an entity called Entry (part of an accounting database)
could be defined like this:

  class Entry < Sequel::Model
    belongs_to :invoice
    belongs_to :activity
    belongs_to :project
    include Clevic::Record
    # spans of time more than 8 ours are coloured violet
    # because they're often the result of typos.
    def time_color
      return if self.end.nil? || start.nil?
      'darkviolet' if self.end - start > 8.hours
    # tooltip for spans of time > 8 hours
    def time_tooltip
      return if self.end.nil? || start.nil?
      'Time interval greater than 8 hours' if self.end - start > 8.hours
    define_ui do
      plain       :date, :sample => '28-Dec-08'
      # The project field
      relational  :project do |field|
        field.display = 'project'
        # see Sequel::Dataset docs
        field.dataset.filter( :active => true ).order{ lower(project) }
        # handle data changed events. In this case,
        # auto-fill-in the invoice field.
        field.notify_data_changed do |entity_view, table_view, model_index|
          if model_index.entity.invoice.nil?
            entity_view.invoice_from_project( table_view, model_index ) do
              # move here next if the invoice was changed
              table_view.override_next_index model_index.choppy( :column => :start )
      relational  :invoice, :display => 'invoice_number', :conditions => "status = 'not sent'", :order => 'invoice_number'
      # call time_color method for foreground color value
      plain       :start, :foreground => :time_color, :tooltip => :time_tooltip
      # another way to call time_color method for foreground color value
      plain       :end, :foreground => lambda{|x| x.time_color}, :tooltip => :time_tooltip
      # multiline text
      text        :description, :sample => 'This is a long string designed to hold lots of data and description'
      relational :activity do
        display    'activity'
        order      'lower(activity)'
        sample     'Troubleshooting'
        conditions 'active = true'
      distinct    :module, :tooltip => 'Module or sub-project'
      plain       :charge, :tooltip => 'Is this time billable?'
      distinct    :person, :default => 'John', :tooltip => 'The person who did the work'
      records     :order => 'date, start, id'

    def self.define_actions( view, action_builder )
      action_builder.action :smart_copy, 'Smart Copy', :shortcut => 'Ctrl+"' do
        smart_copy( view )
      action_builder.action :invoice_from_project, 'Invoice from Project', :shortcut => 'Ctrl+Shift+I' do
        invoice_from_project( view, view.current_index ) do
          # execute the block if the invoice is changed
          # save this before selection model is cleared
          current_index = view.current_index
          view.current_index = current_index.choppy( :column => :start )
    # do a smart copy from the previous line
    def self.smart_copy( view )
      # need a reference to current_index here, because selection_model.clear will
      # invalidate view.current_index. And anyway, its shorter and easier to read.
      current_index = view.current_index
      if current_index.row >= 1
        # fetch previous item
        previous_item = view.model.collection[current_index.row - 1]
        # copy the relevant fields
        current_index.entity.date = previous_item.date if current_index.entity.date.blank?
        # depends on previous line
        current_index.entity.start = previous_item.end if current_index.entity.date == previous_item.date
        # copy rest of fields
        [:project, :invoice, :activity, :module, :charge, :person].each do |attr|
          current_index.entity.send( "#{attr.to_s}=", previous_item.send( attr ) )
        # tell view to update
        view.model.data_changed do |change|
          change.top_left = current_index.choppy( :column => 0 )
          change.bottom_right = current_index.choppy( :column => view.model.fields.size - 1 )
        # move to the first empty time field
        next_field =
        if current_index.entity.start.blank?
        # next cursor location
        view.current_index = current_index.choppy( :column => next_field )

    # Auto-complete invoice number field from project.
    # &block will be executed if an invoice was assigned
    # If block takes one parameter, pass the new invoice.
    def self.invoice_from_project( table_view, current_index, &block )
      if current_index.entity.project != nil
        # most recent entry, ordered in reverse
        invoice = current_index.entity.project.latest_invoice
        unless invoice.nil?
          # make a reference to the invoice
          current_index.entity.invoice = invoice
          # update view from top_left to bottom_right
          table_view.model.data_changed( current_index.choppy( :column => :invoice ) )
          unless block.nil?
            if block.arity == 1
              block.call( invoice )

== Separate View

To define a separate ui class, do something like this:
  class Prospect < Clevic::View
    # This is the Sequel::Model descendant
    entity_class Position
    # This must return a ModelBuilder instance, which is made easier
    # by putting the block in a call to model_builder.
    # With no parameter, the block
    # will be evaluated in the context of a Clevic::ModelBuilder instance,
    # otherwise the parameter will have the Clevic::ModelBuilder instance
    # so you can still access the surrounding scope.
    def define_ui
      model_builder do |mb|
        # use the define_ui block from Position
        mb.exec_ui_block( Position )
        # any other ModelBuilder code can go here too
        # use a different recordset
        mb.records :conditions => "status in ('prospect','open')", :order => 'date desc,code'
And you can even inherit UIs:

  class Extinct < Prospect
    def define_ui
      # reuse all UI definitions from Prospect
      # and again another recordset
      model_builder do |mb|
        mb.records :conditions => "status in ('dead')", :order => 'date desc,code'

Obviously you can use any of the Clevic::ModelBuilder calls described above, and exemplified
in the embedded example, inside of the model_builder block.

== DSL detail

This section describes the syntax of the DSL.

=== Field Types and specifiers

There are only a few field types, with lots of options. All field definitions
start with a field type, have an attribute, and take either a hash of options,
or a block for options. If the block specifies a parameter, an instance of
Clevic::Field will be passed. If the block has no parameter, it will be
evaluated in the context of a Clevic::Field instance. All the options specified
can use DSL-style acessors (no assignment =) or assignment statement.

is an ordinary editable field. Boolean values are displayed as checkboxes.

is a multiline editable field.

displays a set of values pulled from a many-to-one relationship.
In other words all the possible related entities that this one could be related to. Some
concise representation of the related entities are displayed in a combo box.
:display is mandatory.

fetches the set of values already in the field, so you don't have to re-type them.
New values are added in the text field part of the combo box. There is some prefix matching.

is a combo box that is not editable in the text field part - the user must select
a value from the :set (an array of strings) supplied. If :set has a hash as its value, the field
will display the hash values, and the hash keys will be stored in the db.

you won't see this field. Actually, it's only useful after a default_ui, or pulling the
definition from somewhere else. It may go away and be replaced by remove.

=== Attribute

The attribute symbol is required, and is the first parameter after the field type. It must refer
to a method already defined in the entity. In other words any of:
- a db column
- a relationship (one_to_many, etc)
- a plain method that takes no parameters.

will work.

You can do things like this:

  plain :entries, :label => 'First Entry', :display => 'first.date', :format => '%d-%b-%y'
  plain :entries, :label => 'Last Entry', :display => 'last.date', :format => '%d-%b-%y'

Where the attribute fetches a collection of related entities, and :display will cause
exactly one of those values to be passed to :format.

=== Options

Optional specifiers follow the attribute, as hash parameters, or as a block. Many of them will
accept as a value one of:
- String, some kind of value
- Symbol, referring to a method on the entity
- Proc which takes the entity as a parameter

See Clevic::Field properties for available options.

=== Menu Items

You can define view/model specific menu items.
These will be added to the Edit menu, show up on context-click in the table
display, and can have optional keyboard shortcuts:

  def define_actions( table_view, action_builder )
    action_builder.action :smart_copy, 'Smart Copy', :shortcut => 'Ctrl+"' do
      # a method in the class containing define_actions
      # view.current_index.entity will return the entity instance.
      smart_copy( view )
    action_builder.action :invoice_from_project, 'Invoice from Project', :shortcut => 'Ctrl+Shift+I' do
      # a method in the class containing define_actions
      invoice_from_project( view.current_index, view )
=== Notifications

Key presses will be sent here:

  # may also be defined as class methods on an entity class.
  def notify_key_press( table_view, key_press_event, current_model_index )

Fields have a property called notify_data_changed, which is called whenever
the field value changes. There is also an view method:

  def notify_data_changed( table_view, top_left_model_index, bottom_right_model_index )

But note that this will override the delegation to the field notify_data_changed
unless super is called.

=== Tab Order

Using an embedded definition, tab order in the browser is defined by the order in which view definitions
are encountered. Which is really useful if you want to have several view definitions in one file and
just execute clevic on that file.

For more complex situations where your code needs to be separated into
multiple files, as is traditional and useful for most non-trivial projects,
the order can be accessed in Clevic::View.order, and specified by

  Clevic::View.order = [Position, Target, Account]


class ModelBuilder
  # Create a definition for entity_view (subclass of Clevic::View).
  # Then execute block using self.instance_eval.
  # entity_view must respond to entity_class, and if title is called, it
  # must respond to title.
  def initialize( entity_view, &block )
    @entity_view = entity_view
    @auto_new = true
    @read_only = false
    # TODO not needed for 1.9
    @fields = OrderedHash.new
    exec_ui_block( &block )
  attr_accessor :entity_view
  attr_accessor :find_options
  # execute a block containing method calls understood by Clevic::ModelBuilder
  # arg can be something that responds to define_ui_block,
  # or just the block will be executed. If both are present,
  # values in the block will overwrite values in arg's block.
  def exec_ui_block( arg = nil, &block )
    if !arg.nil? and arg.respond_to?( :define_ui_block )
      exec_ui_block( &arg.define_ui_block )

    unless block.nil?
      if block.arity == -1
        instance_eval( &block )
        block.call( self )
  # The collection of Clevic::Field instances where visible == true.
  # the visible may go away.
  def fields
    #~ @fields.reject{|id,field| !field.visible}
  # return the index of the named field in the collection of fields.
  def index( field_name_sym )
    retval = nil
    fields.each_with_index{|id,field,i| retval = i if field.attribute == field_name_sym.to_sym }
  # The ORM class
  def entity_class
  # set read_only to true
  def read_only!
    @read_only = true
  # should this table automatically show a new blank record?
  def auto_new( bool )
    @auto_new = bool
  # should this table automatically show a new blank record?
  def auto_new?; @auto_new; end
  # DSL for changing the title
  def title( value )
    entity_view.title = value

  # an ordinary field, edited in place with a text box
  def plain( attribute, options = {}, &block )
    read_only_default!( attribute, options )
    field = Clevic::Field.new( attribute.to_sym, entity_class, options, &block )
    # plain_delegate will be defined in a framework-specific file.
    # This is becoming a kind of poor man's inheritance. I don't
    # think I like that.
    field.delegate = plain_delegate( field )
    @fields[attribute] = field
  # an ordinary field like plain, except that a larger edit area can be used
  def text( attribute, options = {}, &block )
    read_only_default!( attribute, options )
    field = Clevic::Field.new( attribute.to_sym, entity_class, options, &block )
    field.delegate = TextAreaDelegate.new( field )
    @fields[attribute] = field
  # Returns a Clevic::Field with a DistinctDelegate, in other words
  # a combo box containing all values for this field from the table.
  def distinct( attribute, options = {}, &block )
    field = Clevic::Field.new( attribute.to_sym, entity_class, options, &block )
    field.delegate = DistinctDelegate.new( field )
    @fields[attribute] = field
  # a combo box with a set of supplied values
  def combo( attribute, options = {}, &block )
    field = Clevic::Field.new( attribute.to_sym, entity_class, options, &block )
    # TODO this really belongs in a separate 'map' field?
    # or maybe put it in SetDelegate?
    if field.set.is_a? Hash
      field.format ||= lambda{|x| field.set[x]}
    field.delegate = SetDelegate.new( field )
    @fields[attribute] = field

  # Returns a Clevic::Field with a restricted SetDelegate, 
  def restricted( attribute, options = {}, &block )
    options[:restricted] = true
    combo( attribute, options, &block )
  # For many_to_one relationships.
  # Edited with a combo box using values from the specified
  # path on the foreign key model object
  # if options[:format] has a value, it's used either as a block
  # or as a dotted path
  def relational( attribute, options = {}, &block )
    field = Clevic::Field.new( attribute.to_sym, entity_class, options, &block )
    field.delegate = RelationalDelegate.new( field )
    @fields[attribute] = field
  def tags( attribute, options = {}, &block )
    field = Clevic::Field.new( attribute.to_sym, entity_class, options, &block )
    # build a collection setter if necessary
    unless entity_class.instance_methods.include? "#{attribute}="
      raise NotImplementedError, "Need to build a collection setter for '#{attribute}='"
    field.delegate = TagDelegate.new( field )
    @fields[attribute] = field

  # force a checkbox
  def check( attribute, options = {}, &block )
    read_only_default!( attribute, options )
    field = @fields[attribute] = Clevic::Field.new( attribute.to_sym, entity_class, options, &block )
    field.delegate = BooleanDelegate.new( field )
  # specify the dataset but just calling and chaining, thusly
  #  dataset.order( :some_field ).filter( :active => true )
  def dataset
    @dataset_roller = DatasetRoller.new( entity_class.dataset )
  def records( *args )
    puts "ModelBuilder#records is deprecated. Use ModelBuilder#dataset instead"
    require 'clevic/sequel_ar_adapter.rb'
    entity_class.plugin :ar_methods
    @cache_table = CacheTable.new( entity_class, entity_class.translate( args.first ) )

  # Tell this field not to show up in the UI.
  # Mainly intended to be called after default_ui has been called.
  def hide( attribute )
    field( attribute ).visible = false

  # Build a default UI. All fields except the primary key are displayed
  # as editable in the table. Any belongs_to relations are used to build
  # combo boxes. Default ordering is the primary key.
  # Subscriber is already defined elsewhere as a subclass
  # of an ORM class ie Sequel::Model:
  #   class Subscriber
  #     include Clevic::Record
  #     define_ui do
  #       default_ui
  #       plain :password # this field does not exist in the DB
  #       hide :password_salt # these should be hidden
  #       hide :password_hash
  #     end
  #   end
  # An attempt to use a sensible :display option for the related class. In order:
  # * the name of the class
  # * :name
  # * :title
  # * :username
  # * :to_s
  def default_ui
    # don't create an empty record, because sometimes there are
    # validations that will cause trouble
    auto_new false
    # build columns
    entity_class.attributes.each do |column,model_column|
        if model_column.association?
          relational column do |f|
            # TODO this should be tableize or equivalent
            %W{#{model_column.related_class.name.downcase} name title username}.each do |name|
              if model_column.related_class.instance_methods.include?( name )
                f.display = name.to_sym
          plain column
        puts $!.message
        puts $!.backtrace
        # just do a plain
        puts "Doing plain for #{entity_class}.#{column}"
        plain column
  # return the named Clevic::Field object
  def field( attribute )
    @fields.find {|id,field| field.attribute == attribute }
  # This takes all the information collected
  # by the other methods, and returns a new TableModel
  # with the given parent (usually a TableView) as its parent.
  def build( parent )
    # build the model with all it's collections
    # using @model here because otherwise the view's
    # reference to this very same model is garbage collected.
    @model = Clevic::TableModel.new
    @model.builder = self
    @model.entity_view = entity_view
    @model.fields = @fields.values
    @model.read_only = @read_only
    @model.auto_new = auto_new?
    # set view name
    parent.object_name = @object_name if parent.respond_to? :object_name
    # set UI parent for all delegates
    # and model for each field
    fields.each do |id,field|
      field.delegate.parent = parent unless field.delegate.nil?
      field.model = @model
    # the data
    @model.collection = create_cache_table

  # set a sensible read-only value if it isn't already specified in options
  def read_only_default!( attribute, options )
    # sensible defaults for read-only-ness
    options[:read_only] ||= 
      when options[:display].respond_to?( :call )
        # it's a Proc or a Method, so we can't set it
      when entity_class.column_names.include?( options[:display].to_s )
        # it's a DB column, so it's not read only
      when entity_class.reflections.include?( attribute )
        # one-to-one relationships can be edited. many-to-one certainly can't
        entity_class.meta[attribute].type != :many_to_one
      when entity_class.instance_methods.include?( attribute.to_s )
        # read-only if there's no setter for the attribute
        !entity_class.instance_methods.include?( "#{attribute.to_s}=" )
        # default to not read-only

  def create_cache_table
    if @dataset_roller
      @cache_table = CacheTable.new( entity_class, @dataset_roller.dataset )
    # otherwise just default it
    @cache_table ||= CacheTable.new( entity_class )
