# encoding: utf-8 # Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Phusion # # "Phusion Passenger" is a trademark of Hongli Lai & Ninh Bui. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. module PhusionPassenger FILE_LOCATION = File.expand_path(__FILE__) ###### Names and version numbers ###### PACKAGE_NAME = 'passenger' # Run 'rake ext/common/Constants.h' after changing this number. VERSION_STRING = '4.0.21' PREFERRED_NGINX_VERSION = '1.4.3' NGINX_SHA256_CHECKSUM = 'ae123885c923a6c3f5bab0a8b7296ef21c4fdf6087834667ebbc16338177de84' PREFERRED_PCRE_VERSION = '8.32' PCRE_SHA256_CHECKSUM = 'd5d8634b36baf3d08be442a627001099583b397f456bc795304a013383b6423a' STANDALONE_INTERFACE_VERSION = 1 ###### Directories ###### GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME = "passenger" # Subdirectory under $HOME to use for storing stuff. USER_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME = ".passenger" # Directories in which to look for plugins. PLUGIN_DIRS = [ "/usr/share/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/plugins", "/usr/local/share/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/plugins", "~/#{USER_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/plugins" ] REQUIRED_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS = [ :bin_dir, :agents_dir, :lib_dir, :helper_scripts_dir, :resources_dir, :include_dir, :doc_dir, :ruby_libdir, :node_libdir, :apache2_module_path, :ruby_extension_source_dir, :nginx_module_source_dir ].freeze OPTIONAL_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS = [ # Directory in which downloaded Phusion Passenger binaries are stored. # Only available when originally packaged. :download_cache_dir ].freeze # Follows the logic of ext/common/ResourceLocator.h, so don't forget to modify that too. def self.locate_directories(source_root_or_location_configuration_file = nil) source_root_or_location_configuration_file ||= find_location_configuration_file root_or_file = @source_root = source_root_or_location_configuration_file if root_or_file && File.file?(root_or_file) filename = root_or_file options = parse_ini_file(filename) @natively_packaged = get_bool_option(filename, options, 'natively_packaged') REQUIRED_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS.each do |field| instance_variable_set("@#{field}", get_option(filename, options, field.to_s).freeze) end OPTIONAL_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS.each do |field| instance_variable_set("@#{field}", get_option(filename, options, field.to_s, false).freeze) end else @source_root = File.dirname(File.dirname(FILE_LOCATION)) @natively_packaged = false @bin_dir = "#{@source_root}/bin".freeze @agents_dir = "#{@source_root}/buildout/agents".freeze @lib_dir = "#{@source_root}/buildout".freeze @helper_scripts_dir = "#{@source_root}/helper-scripts".freeze @resources_dir = "#{@source_root}/resources".freeze @include_dir = "#{@source_root}/ext".freeze @doc_dir = "#{@source_root}/doc".freeze @ruby_libdir = File.dirname(FILE_LOCATION) @node_libdir = "#{@source_root}/node_lib".freeze @apache2_module_path = "#{@source_root}/buildout/apache2/mod_passenger.so".freeze @ruby_extension_source_dir = "#{@source_root}/ext/ruby" @nginx_module_source_dir = "#{@source_root}/ext/nginx" @download_cache_dir = "#{@source_root}/download_cache" REQUIRED_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS.each do |field| if instance_variable_get("@#{field}").nil? raise "BUG: @#{field} not set" end end end end # Returns whether this Phusion Passenger installation is in the 'originally packaged' # configuration (as opposed to the 'natively packaged' configuration. def self.originally_packaged? return !@natively_packaged end def self.natively_packaged? return @natively_packaged end # Whether the current Phusion Passenger installation is installed # from a release package, e.g. an official gem or official tarball. # Retruns false if e.g. the gem was built by the user, or if this # install is from a git repository. def self.installed_from_release_package? File.exist?("#{resources_dir}/release.txt") end # When originally packaged, returns the source root. # When natively packaged, returns the location of the location configuration file. def self.source_root return @source_root end # Generate getters for the directory types in locations.ini. getters_code = "" @ruby_libdir = File.dirname(FILE_LOCATION) (REQUIRED_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS + OPTIONAL_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS).each do |field| getters_code << %Q{ def self.#{field} return @#{field} end } end eval(getters_code, binding, __FILE__, __LINE__) def self.index_doc_path return "#{doc_dir}/#{INDEX_DOC_NAME}" end def self.apache2_doc_path return "#{doc_dir}/#{APACHE2_DOC_NAME}" end def self.nginx_doc_path return "#{doc_dir}/#{NGINX_DOC_NAME}" end def self.standalone_doc_path return "#{doc_dir}/#{STANDALONE_DOC_NAME}" end ###### Other resource locations ###### BINARIES_URL_ROOT = "https://oss-binaries.phusionpassenger.com/binaries/passenger/by_release" INDEX_DOC_NAME = "Users guide.html" APACHE2_DOC_NAME = "Users guide Apache.html" NGINX_DOC_NAME = "Users guide Nginx.html" STANDALONE_DOC_NAME = "Users guide Standalone.html" def self.binaries_ca_cert_path return "#{resources_dir}/oss-binaries.phusionpassenger.com.crt" end if !$LOAD_PATH.include?(ruby_libdir) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(ruby_libdir) $LOAD_PATH.uniq! end private def self.find_location_configuration_file filename = ENV['PASSENGER_LOCATION_CONFIGURATION_FILE'] return filename if filename && !filename.empty? filename = File.dirname(FILE_LOCATION) + "/phusion_passenger/locations.ini" return filename if filename && File.exist?(filename) require 'etc' if !defined?(Etc) begin home_dir = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir rescue ArgumentError # Unknown user. home_dir = ENV['HOME'] end if home_dir && !home_dir.empty? filename = "#{home_dir}/#{USER_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/locations.ini" return filename if File.exist?(filename) end filename = "/etc/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/locations.ini" return filename if File.exist?(filename) return nil end def self.parse_ini_file(filename) options = {} in_locations_section = false File.open(filename, 'r') do |f| while !f.eof? line = f.readline line.strip! next if line.empty? if line =~ /\A\[(.+)\]\Z/ in_locations_section = $1 == 'locations' elsif in_locations_section && line =~ /=/ key, value = line.split(/ *= */, 2) options[key.freeze] = value.freeze end end end return options end def self.get_option(filename, options, key, required = true) value = options[key] if value return value elsif required raise "Option '#{key}' missing in file '#{filename}'" else return nil end end def self.get_bool_option(filename, options, key) value = get_option(filename, options, key) return value == 'yes' || value == 'true' || value == 'on' || value == '1' end end if !defined?(PhusionPassenger::VERSION_STRING)