require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe Typhoeus::Easy do describe "#supports_zlib" do before(:each) do @easy = end it "should return true if the version string has zlib" do @easy.stub!(:curl_version).and_return("libcurl/7.20.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8l zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.16") @easy.supports_zlib?.should be_true end it "should return false if the version string doesn't have zlib" do @easy.stub!(:curl_version).and_return("libcurl/7.20.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8l libidn/1.16") @easy.supports_zlib?.should be_false end end describe "curl errors" do it "should provide the CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT return code when a request times out" do e = e.url = "http://localhost:3001/?delay=1" e.method = :get e.timeout = 100 e.perform e.curl_return_code.should == 28 e.curl_error_message.should == "Timeout was reached" e.response_code.should == 0 end it "should provide the CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT return code when trying to connect to a non existent port" do e = e.url = "http://localhost:3999" e.method = :get e.connect_timeout = 100 e.perform e.curl_return_code.should == 7 e.curl_error_message.should == "Couldn't connect to server" e.response_code.should == 0 end it "should not return an error message on a successful easy operation" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002" easy.method = :get easy.curl_error_message.should == nil easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 easy.curl_return_code.should == 0 easy.curl_error_message.should == "No error" end end describe "options" do it "should not follow redirects if not instructed to" do e = e.url = "http://localhost:3001/redirect" e.method = :get e.perform e.response_code.should == 302 end it "should allow for following redirects" do e = e.url = "http://localhost:3001/redirect" e.method = :get e.follow_location = true e.perform e.response_code.should == 200 JSON.parse(e.response_body)["REQUEST_METHOD"].should == "GET" end it "should allow you to set the user agent" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002" easy.method = :get easy.user_agent = "myapp" easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 JSON.parse(easy.response_body)["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].should == "myapp" end it "should provide a timeout in milliseconds" do e = e.url = "http://localhost:3001/?delay=1" e.method = :get e.timeout = 10 e.perform e.timed_out?.should == true end it "should allow the setting of the max redirects to follow" do e = e.url = "http://localhost:3001/redirect" e.method = :get e.follow_location = true e.max_redirects = 5 e.perform e.response_code.should == 200 end it "should handle our bad redirect action, provided we've set max_redirects properly" do e = e.url = "http://localhost:3001/bad_redirect" e.method = :get e.follow_location = true e.max_redirects = 5 e.perform e.response_code.should == 302 end end describe "authentication" do it "should allow to set username and password" do e = username, password = 'foo', 'bar' e.auth = { :username => username, :password => password } e.url = "http://localhost:3001/auth_basic/#{username}/#{password}" e.method = :get e.perform e.response_code.should == 200 end it "should allow to query auth methods support by the server" do e = e.url = "http://localhost:3001/auth_basic/foo/bar" e.method = :get e.perform e.auth_methods.should == Typhoeus::Easy::AUTH_TYPES[:CURLAUTH_BASIC] end it "should allow to set authentication method" do e = e.auth = { :username => 'username', :password => 'password', :method => Typhoeus::Easy::AUTH_TYPES[:CURLAUTH_NTLM] } e.url = "http://localhost:3001/auth_ntlm" e.method = :get e.perform e.response_code.should == 200 end end describe "get" do it "should perform a get" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002" easy.method = :get easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 JSON.parse(easy.response_body)["REQUEST_METHOD"].should == "GET" end end describe "purge" do it "should set custom request to purge" do easy = easy.should_receive(:set_option).with(Typhoeus::Easy::OPTION_VALUES[:CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST], "PURGE").once easy.method = :purge end end describe "head" do it "should perform a head" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002" easy.method = :head easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 end end describe "start_time" do it "should be get/settable" do time = easy = easy.start_time.should be_nil easy.start_time = time easy.start_time.should == time end end describe "params=" do it "should handle arrays of params" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002/index.html" easy.method = :get easy.request_body = "this is a body!" easy.params = { :foo => 'bar', :username => ['dbalatero', 'dbalatero2'] } easy.url.should =~ /\?.*foo=bar&username=dbalatero&username=dbalatero2/ end end describe "put" do it "should perform a put" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002" easy.method = :put easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 JSON.parse(easy.response_body)["REQUEST_METHOD"].should == "PUT" end it "should send a request body" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002" easy.method = :put easy.request_body = "this is a body!" easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 easy.response_body.should include("this is a body!") end it "should be able perform put with empty bodies on the same easy handle" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002" easy.method = :put easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 JSON.parse(easy.response_body)["REQUEST_METHOD"].should == "PUT" easy.reset easy.url = "http://localhost:3002" easy.method = :put easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 JSON.parse(easy.response_body)["REQUEST_METHOD"].should == "PUT" end end describe "post" do it "should perform a post" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002" easy.method = :post easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 JSON.parse(easy.response_body)["REQUEST_METHOD"].should == "POST" end it "should send a request body" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002" easy.method = :post easy.request_body = "this is a body!" easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 easy.response_body.should include("this is a body!") end it "should handle params" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002" easy.method = :post easy.params = {:foo => "bar"} easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 easy.response_body.should =~ /foo=bar/ end it "should use Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded for normal posts" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002/normal_post" easy.method = :post easy.params = { :a => 'b', :c => 'd', :e => { :f => { :g => 'h' } } } easy.perform request = JSON.parse(easy.response_body) request['CONTENT_TYPE'].should == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' request['rack.request.form_vars'].should == 'a=b&c=d&e[f][g]=h' end it "should handle a file upload, as multipart" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002/file" easy.method = :post easy.params = {:file => + "/../fixtures/placeholder.txt"), "r")} easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 result = JSON.parse(easy.response_body) { 'content-type' => 'text/plain', 'filename' => 'placeholder.txt', 'content' => 'This file is used to test uploading.' }.each do |key, val| result[key].should == val end result['request-content-type'].should =~ /multipart/ end end describe "delete" do it "should perform a delete" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002" easy.method = :delete easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 JSON.parse(easy.response_body)["REQUEST_METHOD"].should == "DELETE" end it "should send a request body" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002" easy.method = :delete easy.request_body = "this is a body!" easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 easy.response_body.should include("this is a body!") end end describe "encoding/compression support" do it "should send valid encoding headers and decode the response" do easy = easy.url = "http://localhost:3002/gzipped" easy.method = :get easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 JSON.parse(easy.response_body)["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"].should == "deflate, gzip" end it "should send valid encoding headers and decode the response after reset" do easy = easy.reset easy.url = "http://localhost:3002/gzipped" easy.method = :get easy.perform easy.response_code.should == 200 JSON.parse(easy.response_body)["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"].should == "deflate, gzip" end end end