Feature: Basic UI functionality Background: Given a mocked home directory Scenario: App just runs When I get help for "lolcommits" Then the exit status should be 0 And the banner should be present Scenario: Help should show the animate option on a Mac platform Given I am using a "darwin" platform When I get help for "lolcommits" Then the following options should be documented: | --animate | which is optional | | -a | which is optional | Scenario: Help should not show the animate option on a Windows plaftorm Given I am using a "win32" platform When I get help for "lolcommits" Then the output should not match /\-a\, \-\-animate\=SECONDS/ Scenario: Enable in a naked git repo Given I am in a git repo When I successfully run `lolcommits --enable` Then the output should contain "installed lolcommit hook to:" And the lolcommits git post-commit hook should be properly installed And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Enable in a git repo that already has a git post-commit hook Given I am in a git repo And a git post-commit hook with "#!/bin/sh\n\n/my/own/script" When I successfully run `lolcommits --enable` Then the output should contain "installed lolcommit hook to:" And the lolcommits git post-commit hook should be properly installed And the git post-commit hook should contain "#!/bin/sh" And the git post-commit hook should contain "/my/own/script" And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Enable in a git repo that has git post-commit hook with a bad shebang Given I am in a git repo And a git post-commit hook with "#!/bin/ruby" And I run `lolcommits --enable` Then the output should contain "doesn't start with a good shebang" And the git post-commit hook should not contain "lolcommits --capture" And the exit status should be 1 Scenario: Enable in a git repo passing capture arguments Given I am in a git repo When I successfully run `lolcommits --enable -w 5 --fork` Then the git post-commit hook should contain "lolcommits --capture -w 5 --fork" And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Disable in a enabled git repo Given I am in a git repo with lolcommits enabled When I successfully run `lolcommits --disable` Then the output should contain "uninstalled" And a file named ".git/hooks/post-commit" should exist And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Trying to enable while not in a git repo fails Given I am in a directory named "svnrulez" When I run `lolcommits --enable` Then the output should contain: """ You don't appear to be in the base directory of a supported vcs project. """ And the exit status should be 1 Scenario: Capture doesnt break in forked mode Given I am in a git repo named "forked" And I do a git commit When I successfully run `lolcommits --capture --fork` Then there should be exactly 1 pid in "~/.lolcommits/forked" When I wait for the child process to exit in "forked" Then a directory named "~/.lolcommits/forked" should exist And a file named "~/.lolcommits/forked/tmp_snapshot.jpg" should not exist And there should be exactly 1 jpg in "~/.lolcommits/forked" Scenario: Commiting in an enabled git repo triggers successful capture Given I am in a git repo named "myrepo" with lolcommits enabled When I do a git commit Then the output should contain "*** Preserving this moment in history." And a directory named "~/.lolcommits/myrepo" should exist And a file named "~/.lolcommits/myrepo/tmp_snapshot.jpg" should not exist And there should be exactly 1 jpg in "~/.lolcommits/myrepo" Scenario: Commiting in enabled git repo subdirectory triggers successful capture Given I am in a git repo named "testcapture" with lolcommits enabled And a directory named "subdir" And an empty file named "subdir/FOOBAR" When I cd to "subdir/" And I do a git commit Then the output should contain "*** Preserving this moment in history." And a directory named "~/.lolcommits/testcapture" should exist And a directory named "~/.lolcommits/subdir" should not exist And there should be exactly 1 jpg in "~/.lolcommits/testcapture" Scenario: Stealth mode does not alert the user Given I am in a git repo named "teststealth" And I do a git commit When I run `lolcommits --stealth --capture` Then the output should not contain "*** Preserving this moment in history." And there should be exactly 1 jpg in "~/.lolcommits/teststealth" Scenario: Commiting in stealth mode captures without alerting the committer Given I am in a git repo with lolcommits enabled And I have environment variable LOLCOMMITS_STEALTH set to 1 When I do a git commit Then the output should not contain "*** Preserving this moment in history." And there should be exactly 1 jpg in its loldir Scenario: Show plugins When I successfully run `lolcommits --plugins` Then the output should contain a list of plugins Scenario: Configuring loltext plugin Given I am in a git repo named "config-test" When I run `lolcommits --config` interactively And I wait for output to contain "Name of plugin to configure:" Then I type "loltext" And I wait for output to contain "enabled:" Then I type "true" And I wait for output to contain "message:" And I wait for output to contain "color" Then I type "red" And I wait for output to contain "font" Then I type "my-font.ttf" And I wait for output to contain "position" Then I type "SE" And I wait for output to contain "size" Then I type "32" And I wait for output to contain "stroke color" Then I type "white" And I wait for output to contain "uppercase" Then I type "true" And I wait for output to contain "sha" Then I type "" Then I type "" Then I type "" Then I type "" Then I type "" Then I type "" And I wait for output to contain "overlay:" Then I type "true" And I wait for output to contain "overlay colors" Then I type "#2884ae,#7e231f" And I wait for output to contain "overlay percent" Then I type "40" Then the output should contain "Successfully configured plugin: loltext" And the output should contain a list of plugins And a file named "~/.lolcommits/config-test/config.yml" should exist When I successfully run `lolcommits --show-config` Then the output should match /enabled: true/ And the output should match /:font: my-font\.ttf/ And the output should match /:size: 32/ And the output should match /:position: S/ And the output should match /:color: red/ And the output should match /:stroke_color: white/ And the output should match /:uppercase: true/ And the output should match /:overlay:.*\n.*:enabled: true/ And the output should match /:overlay_colors:.*\n.*['"]#2884ae['"].*\n.*['"]#7e231f['"].*\n/ And the output should match /:overlay_percent: 40/ Scenario: Configuring loltext plugin in test mode affects test loldir not repo loldir Given I am in a git repo named "testmode-config-test" When I run `lolcommits --config --test -p loltext` interactively And I wait for output to contain "enabled:" Then I type "false" Then the output should contain "Successfully configured plugin: loltext" And a file named "~/.lolcommits/test/config.yml" should exist When I successfully run `lolcommits --test --show-config` Then the output should match /loltext:\s+enabled: false/ Scenario: test capture should work regardless of whether in a lolrepo Given I am in a directory named "nothingtoseehere" When I run `lolcommits --test --capture` Then the output should contain "*** Capturing in test mode." And the output should not contain "path does not exist (ArgumentError)" And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: test capture should store in its own test directory Given I am in a git repo named "randomgitrepo" with lolcommits enabled When I successfully run `lolcommits --test --capture` Then a directory named "~/.lolcommits/test" should exist And a directory named "~/.lolcommits/randomgitrepo" should not exist Scenario: last command should work properly when in a git lolrepo Given I am in a git repo And its loldir has 2 lolimages When I run `lolcommits --last` Then the exit status should be 0 Scenario: last command should work properly when in a git lolrepo subdirectory Given I am in a git repo And its loldir has 2 lolimages And a directory named "randomdir" And I cd to "randomdir" When I run `lolcommits --last` Then the output should not contain: """ You don't appear to be in a directory of a supported vcs project. """ And the exit status should be 0 @in-tempdir Scenario: last command should fail gracefully if not in a lolrepo Given I am in a directory named "gitsuxcvs4eva" When I run `lolcommits --last` Then the output should contain: """ You don't appear to be in a directory of a supported vcs project. """ And the exit status should be 1 @in-tempdir Scenario: Configuring loltext plugin if not in a lolrepo Given I am in a directory named "gitsuxcvs4eva" When I run `lolcommits --config` Then the output should contain: """ You don't appear to be in a directory of a supported vcs project. """ And the exit status should be 1 Scenario: last command should fail gracefully if zero lolimages in lolrepo Given I am in a git repo And its loldir has 0 lolimages When I run `lolcommits --last` Then the output should contain: """ No lolcommits have been captured for this repository yet. """ Then the exit status should be 1 Scenario: browse command should work properly when in a git lolrepo Given I am in a git repo And its loldir has 2 lolimages When I run `lolcommits --browse` Then the exit status should be 0 Scenario: browse command should work properly when in a git lolrepo subdirectory Given I am in a git repo And its loldir has 2 lolimages And a directory named "subdir" And I cd to "subdir" When I run `lolcommits --browse` Then the output should not contain: """ You don't appear to be in a directory of a supported vcs project. """ And the exit status should be 0 @in-tempdir Scenario: browse command should fail gracefully when not in a lolrepo Given I am in a directory named "gitsuxcvs4eva" When I run `lolcommits --browse` Then the output should contain: """ You don't appear to be in a directory of a supported vcs project. """ And the exit status should be 1 Scenario: handle git commit messages with quotation marks Given I am in a git repo with lolcommits enabled When I successfully run `git commit --allow-empty -m 'no "air quotes" bae'` Then the exit status should be 0 And there should be exactly 1 jpg in its loldir Scenario: generate gif should store in its own archive directory Given I am in a git repo named "giffy" with lolcommits enabled And a loldir named "giffy" with 2 lolimages When I successfully run `lolcommits -g` Then the output should contain "Generating animated gif." And a directory named "~/.lolcommits/giffy/archive" should exist And a file named "~/.lolcommits/giffy/archive/archive.gif" should exist Scenario: generate gif with argument 'today' Given I am in a git repo named "sunday" with lolcommits enabled And a loldir named "sunday" with 2 lolimages When I successfully run `lolcommits -g today` Then there should be exactly 1 gif in "~/.lolcommits/sunday/archive" @mac-only Scenario: should generate an animated gif on the Mac platform Given I am in a git repo named "animate" And I do a git commit When I run `lolcommits --capture --animate=1` Then the output should contain "*** Preserving this moment in history." And a directory named "~/.lolcommits/animate" should exist And a file named "~/.lolcommits/animate/tmp_video.mov" should not exist And a directory named "~/.lolcommits/animate/tmp_frames" should not exist And there should be exactly 1 gif in "~/.lolcommits/animate" @fake-no-ffmpeg Scenario: gracefully fail when ffmpeg not installed and --animate is used Given I am using a "darwin" platform When I run `lolcommits --animate=3` Then the output should contain: """ ffmpeg does not appear to be properly installed """ And the exit status should be 1 Scenario: Enable on windows platform setting PATH in git post-commit hook Given I am using a "win32" platform And I am in a git repo When I successfully run `lolcommits --enable` Then the git post-commit hook should contain "set path" And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Enable in a naked mercurial repo Given I am in a mercurial repo When I successfully run `lolcommits --enable` Then the output should contain "installed lolcommit hook to:" And the lolcommits mercurial post-commit hook should be properly installed And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Enable in a mercurial repo that already has a mercurial post-commit hook Given I am in a mercurial repo And a mercurial post-commit hook with "[hooks]\npost-commit.mine = /my/own/script" When I successfully run `lolcommits --enable` Then the output should contain "installed lolcommit hook to:" And the lolcommits mercurial post-commit hook should be properly installed And the mercurial post-commit hook should contain "post-commit.mine = /my/own/script" And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Enable in a mercurial repo passing capture arguments Given I am in a mercurial repo When I successfully run `lolcommits --enable -w 5 --fork` Then the mercurial post-commit hook should contain "lolcommits --capture -w 5 --fork" And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Disable in a enabled mercurial repo Given I am in a mercurial repo with lolcommits enabled When I successfully run `lolcommits --disable` Then the output should contain "uninstalled" And a file named ".hg/hgrc" should exist And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: Commiting in an enabled mercurial repo triggers successful capture Given I am in a mercurial repo named "myrepo" with lolcommits enabled When I do a mercurial commit Then the output should contain "*** Preserving this moment in history." And a directory named "~/.lolcommits/myrepo" should exist And a file named "~/.lolcommits/myrepo/tmp_snapshot.jpg" should not exist And there should be exactly 1 jpg in "~/.lolcommits/myrepo" Scenario: Commiting in enabled mercurial repo subdirectory triggers successful capture Given I am in a mercurial repo named "testcapture" with lolcommits enabled And a directory named "subdir" And an empty file named "subdir/FOOBAR" When I cd to "subdir/" And I do a mercurial commit Then the output should contain "*** Preserving this moment in history." And a directory named "~/.lolcommits/testcapture" should exist And a directory named "~/.lolcommits/subdir" should not exist And there should be exactly 1 jpg in "~/.lolcommits/testcapture" Scenario: last command should work properly when in a mercurial lolrepo Given I am in a mercurial repo And its loldir has 2 lolimages When I run `lolcommits --last` Then the exit status should be 0 Scenario: last command should work properly when in a mercurial lolrepo subdirectory Given I am in a mercurial repo And its loldir has 2 lolimages And a directory named "randomdir" And I cd to "randomdir" When I run `lolcommits --last` Then the output should not contain: """ You don't appear to be in a directory of a supported vcs project. """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: browse command should work properly when in a mercurial lolrepo Given I am in a mercurial repo And its loldir has 2 lolimages When I run `lolcommits --browse` Then the exit status should be 0 Scenario: browse command should work properly when in a mercurial lolrepo subdirectory Given I am in a mercurial repo And its loldir has 2 lolimages And a directory named "subdir" And I cd to "subdir" When I run `lolcommits --browse` Then the output should not contain: """ You don't appear to be in a directory of a supported vcs project. """ And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: handle mercurial commit messages with quotation marks Given I am in a mercurial repo with lolcommits enabled When I successfully run `touch meh` And I successfully run `hg add meh` And I successfully run `hg commit -m 'no "air quotes" bae'` Then the exit status should be 0 And there should be exactly 1 jpg in its loldir