require File.expand_path("../test_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) class RakeTaskTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation def setup require "rake" load "rails_erd/tasks.rake" RailsERD.options.filetype = :dot RailsERD.options.warn = false Rake.application.options.silent = true end def teardown FileUtils.rm "" rescue nil end define_method :create_app do Object::Quux = Object::Quux::Application = Object::Rails = Rails.class_eval do define_method :backtrace_cleaner do do |cleaner| cleaner.add_filter { |line| line.sub(File.dirname(__FILE__), "test/unit") } cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line !~ /^test\/unit/ } end end end end # Diagram generation ======================================================= test "generate task should create output based on domain model" do create_simple_domain Diagram.any_instance.expects(:save) Rake::Task["erd:generate"].execute end test "generate task should not create output if there are no connected models" do Rake::Task["erd:generate"].execute rescue nil assert !File.exist?("") end test "generate task should eager load application environment" do eager_loaded, environment_loaded = nil create_app Rails.application.class_eval do define_method :eager_load! do eager_loaded = true end end Rake::Task.define_task :environment do environment_loaded = true end create_simple_domain Rake::Task["erd:generate"].invoke assert_equal [true, true], [eager_loaded, environment_loaded] end test "generate task should complain if active record is not loaded" do create_app Rails.application.class_eval do define_method :eager_load! do end end Rake::Task.define_task :environment Object.send :remove_const, :ActiveRecord message = nil begin Rake::Task["erd:generate"].invoke rescue => e message = e.message end assert_equal "Active Record was not loaded.", message end test "generate task should complain with simplified stack trace if application could not be loaded" do create_app l1, l2 = nil, nil Rails.application.class_eval do define_method :eager_load! do l1 = __LINE__ + 1 raise "FooBar" end end Rake::Task.define_task :environment message = nil begin l2 = __LINE__ + 1 Rake::Task["erd:generate"].invoke rescue => e message = e.message end assert_match(/#{Regexp.escape(<<-MSG.strip).gsub("xxx", ".*?")}/, message Loading models failed! Error occurred while loading application: FooBar (RuntimeError) test/unit/rake_task_test.rb:#{l1}:in `xxx' test/unit/rake_task_test.rb:#{l2}:in `xxx' MSG ) end test "generate task should reraise if application could not be loaded and trace option is enabled" do create_app Rails.application.class_eval do define_method :eager_load! do raise "FooBar" end end Rake::Task.define_task :environment message = nil begin old_stderr, $stderr = $stderr, Rake.application.options.trace = true Rake::Task["erd:generate"].invoke rescue => e message = e.message ensure $stderr = old_stderr end assert_equal "FooBar", message end # Option processing ======================================================== test "options task should ignore unknown command line options" do ENV["unknownoption"] = "value" Rake::Task["erd:options"].execute assert_nil RailsERD.options.unknownoption end test "options task should set known command line options" do ENV["filetype"] = "myfiletype" Rake::Task["erd:options"].execute assert_equal :myfiletype, RailsERD.options.filetype end test "options task should set known boolean command line options if false" do ENV["title"] = "false" Rake::Task["erd:options"].execute assert_equal false, RailsERD.options.title end test "options task should set known boolean command line options if true" do ENV["title"] = "true" Rake::Task["erd:options"].execute assert_equal true, RailsERD.options.title end test "options task should set known boolean command line options if no" do ENV["title"] = "no" Rake::Task["erd:options"].execute assert_equal false, RailsERD.options.title end test "options task should set known boolean command line options if yes" do ENV["title"] = "yes" Rake::Task["erd:options"].execute assert_equal true, RailsERD.options.title end test "options task should set known array command line options" do ENV["attributes"] = "content,timestamps" Rake::Task["erd:options"].execute assert_equal %w[content timestamps], RailsERD.options.attributes end test "options task should set known integer command line options when value is only digits" do ENV["only_recursion_depth"] = "2" Rake::Task["erd:options"].execute assert_equal 2, RailsERD.options.only_recursion_depth end test "options task sets known command line options as symbols when not boolean or numeric" do ENV["only_recursion_depth"] = "test" Rake::Task["erd:options"].execute assert_equal :test, RailsERD.options.only_recursion_depth end test "options task should set single parameter to only as array xxx" do ENV["only"] = "model" Rake::Task["erd:options"].execute assert_equal ["model"], RailsERD.options.only end end