require 'imgix/param_helpers' module Imgix class Path include ParamHelpers ALIASES = { width: :w, height: :h, rotation: :rot, noise_reduction: :nr, sharpness: :sharp, exposure: :exp, vibrance: :vib, saturation: :sat, brightness: :bri, contrast: :con, highlight: :high, shadow: :shad, gamma: :gam, pixelate: :px, halftone: :htn, watermark: :mark, text: :txt, format: :fm, quality: :q } def initialize(prefix, token, path = '/') @prefix = prefix @token = token @path = path @options = {} @path = "/#{@path}" if @path[0] != '/' end def to_url(opts={}) prev_options = @options.dup @options.merge!(opts) url = @prefix + path_and_params # Weird bug in imgix. If there are no params, you still have # to put & in front of the signature or else you will get # unauthorized. url += "&s=#{signature}" @options = prev_options return url end def defaults @options = {} return self end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) key = method.to_s.gsub('=', '') if args.length == 0 return @options[key] elsif args.first.nil? && @options.has_key?(key) @options.delete(key) and return self end @options[key] = args.join(',') return self end ALIASES.each do |from, to| define_method from do |*args| self.send(to, *args) end define_method "#{from}=" do |*args| self.send("#{to}=", *args) return self end end private def signature Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@token + @path + '?' + query) end def path_and_params "#{@path}?#{query}" end def query { |k, v| "#{k.to_s}=#{v}" }.join('&') end end end