require "fileutils" require "pathname" module IsoDoc module Function module ToWordHtml def set_termdomain(termdomain) @termdomain = termdomain end def note? @note end def init_file(filename, debug) filepath = filename = filepath.sub_ext("").sub(/\.presentation$/, "").to_s dir = init_dir(filename, debug) @filename = filename @localdir = @baseassetpath || filepath.parent.to_s @localdir += "/" @sourcedir = @localdir @sourcefilename and @sourcedir = "#{}/" [filename, dir] end def init_dir(filename, debug) dir = "#{filename}#{@tmpfilesdir_suffix}" unless debug FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) FileUtils.chmod 0o777, dir FileUtils.rm_rf "#{dir}/*" end dir end # tmp image dir is same directory as @filename def tmpimagedir @filename + @tmpimagedir_suffix end def rel_tmpimagedir + @tmpimagedir_suffix end # isodoc.css overrides any CSS injected by Html2Doc, which # is inserted before this CSS. def define_head(head, _filename, _dir) if @standardstylesheet do |style| stylesheet = style.comment "\n#{stylesheet}\n" end end end def body_attr { lang: @lang.to_s } end def make_body(xml, docxml) xml.body **body_attr do |body| make_body1(body, docxml) make_body2(body, docxml) make_body3(body, docxml) end end def make_body1(body, _docxml) body.div class: "title-section" do |div1| div1.p { |p| p << " " } # placeholder end section_break(body) end def make_body2(body, _docxml) body.div class: "prefatory-section" do |div2| div2.p { |p| p << " " } # placeholder end section_break(body) end TOP_ELEMENTS = "//preface/*[@displayorder] | //sections/*[@displayorder] | " \ "//annex[@displayorder] | //bibliography/*[@displayorder] | " \ "//colophon/*[@displayorder] | //indexsect[@displayorder]" .freeze def make_body3(body, docxml) body.div class: "main-section" do |div3| boilerplate docxml, div3 content(div3, docxml, ns(self.class::TOP_ELEMENTS)) footnotes div3 comments div3 end end # xpath presumed to list elements with displayorder attribute def content(body, docxml, xpath) docxml.xpath(xpath).sort_by { |c| c["displayorder"].to_i } .each do |c| top_element_render(c, body) end end def top_element_render(e, out) case when "abstract" then abstract e, out when "foreword" then foreword e, out when "introduction" then introduction e, out when "executivesummary" then executivesummary e, out when "acknowledgements" then acknowledgements e, out when "annex" then annex e, out when "definitions" then symbols_abbrevs e, out when "indexsect" then indexsect e, out when "references" if e["normative"] == "true" then norm_ref e, out else bibliography e, out end when "clause" if == "preface" then preface e, out elsif == "colophon" then colophon e, out elsif e["type"] == "scope" then scope e, out elsif".//terms")) then terms_defs e, out elsif".//references[@normative = 'true']")) norm_ref e, out elsif".//references")) then bibliography e, out else clause e, out end else parse(e, out) end end def info(isoxml, out) @meta.code_css isoxml, out @meta.title isoxml, out @meta.subtitle isoxml, out @meta.docstatus isoxml, out @meta.docid isoxml, out @meta.otherid isoxml, out @meta.docnumeric isoxml, out @meta.doctype isoxml, out isoxml, out @meta.bibdate isoxml, out @meta.relations isoxml, out @meta.version isoxml, out @meta.url isoxml, out @meta.keywords isoxml, out @meta.note isoxml, out @meta.presentation isoxml, out @meta.get end def boilerplate(node, out) @bare and return boilerplate ="//boilerplate")) or return out.div class: "authority" do |s| boilerplate.children.each do |n| if == "title" s.h1 do |h| n.children.each { |nn| parse(nn, h) } end else parse(n, s) end end end end def parse(node, out) if node.text? then text_parse(node, out) else case when "em" then em_parse(node, out) when "strong" then strong_parse(node, out) when "sup" then sup_parse(node, out) when "sub" then sub_parse(node, out) when "tt" then tt_parse(node, out) when "strike" then strike_parse(node, out) when "underline" then underline_parse(node, out) when "keyword" then keyword_parse(node, out) when "smallcap" then smallcap_parse(node, out) when "br" then br_parse(node, out) when "hr" then hr_parse(node, out) when "bookmark" then bookmark_parse(node, out) when "pagebreak" then pagebreak_parse(node, out) when "callout" then callout_parse(node, out) when "stem" then stem_parse(node, out) when "clause" then clause_parse(node, out) when "xref" then xref_parse(node, out) when "eref" then eref_parse(node, out) when "origin" then origin_parse(node, out) when "link" then link_parse(node, out) when "ul" then ul_parse(node, out) when "ol" then ol_parse(node, out) when "li" then li_parse(node, out) when "dl" then dl_parse(node, out) when "fn" then footnote_parse(node, out) when "p" then para_parse(node, out) when "quote" then quote_parse(node, out) when "source" then source_parse(node, out) when "tr" then tr_parse(node, out) when "note" then note_parse(node, out) when "review" then review_note_parse(node, out) when "admonition" then admonition_parse(node, out) when "formula" then formula_parse(node, out) when "table" then table_parse(node, out) when "figure" then figure_parse(node, out) when "example", "termexample" then example_parse(node, out) when "image" then image_parse(node, out, nil) when "sourcecode" then sourcecode_parse(node, out) when "pre" then pre_parse(node, out) when "annotation" then annotation_parse(node, out) when "term" then termdef_parse(node, out) when "preferred" then term_parse(node, out) when "admitted" then admitted_term_parse(node, out) when "deprecates" then deprecated_term_parse(node, out) when "domain" then set_termdomain(node.text) when "definition" then definition_parse(node, out) when "termsource" then termref_parse(node, out) when "modification" then modification_parse(node, out) when "termnote" then termnote_parse(node, out) when "terms" then terms_parse(node, out) when "definitions" then symbols_parse(node, out) when "references" then bibliography_parse(node, out) when "termdocsource" then termdocsource_parse(node, out) when "requirement" then requirement_parse(node, out) when "recommendation" then recommendation_parse(node, out) when "permission" then permission_parse(node, out) when "div" then div_parse(node, out) when "index" then index_parse(node, out) when "index-xref" then index_xref_parse(node, out) when "termref" then termrefelem_parse(node, out) when "copyright-statement" then copyright_parse(node, out) when "license-statement" then license_parse(node, out) when "legal-statement" then legal_parse(node, out) when "feedback-statement" then feedback_parse(node, out) when "passthrough" then passthrough_parse(node, out) when "amend" then amend_parse(node, out) when "tab" then clausedelimspace(node, out) # in Presentation XML only when "svg" then svg_parse(node, out) # in Presentation XML only when "add" then add_parse(node, out) when "del" then del_parse(node, out) when "form" then form_parse(node, out) when "input" then input_parse(node, out) when "select" then select_parse(node, out) when "label" then label_parse(node, out) when "option" then option_parse(node, out) when "textarea" then textarea_parse(node, out) when "toc" then toc_parse(node, out) when "variant-title" then variant_title(node, out) when "span" then span_parse(node, out) when "location" then location_parse(node, out) when "columnbreak" then columnbreak_parse(node, out) else error_parse(node, out) end end end end end end