require 'util/xml/xml_utils' require 'util/miq-xml' require 'util/miq-logger' require 'metadata/util/win32/peheader' module MiqWin32 class Software attr_reader :applications, :patches, :product_keys PRODUCT_KEY_MAPPING = [ 'DigitalProductId', :product_key, 'ProductName', :name, # 'ProductId', 'version', ] PRODUCTS_MAPPING = [ 'DisplayName', :name, 'Publisher', :vendor, 'DisplayVersion', :version, 'Comments', :description, 'InstallLocation', :path, # 'PackageName', :package_name, # 'ProductIcon', :product_icon, # 'PackageName', :package_name, ] APP_PATHS_MAPPING = [ 'FileDescription', :name, 'CompanyName', :vendor, 'ProductVersion', :version, 'FileDescription', :description, 'ProductName', :package_name, 'lang', :language, 'path', :path, ] UNINSTALL_MAPPING = [ 'DisplayName', :name, 'Publisher', :vendor, 'DisplayVersion', :version, 'FileDescription', :description, 'ReleaseType', :release_type, 'InstallDate', :installed_on ] HOTFIX_MAPPING = [ 'Fix Description', :description, # Check Fix Decription, and then if 'Comments', :description2, # not found, check Comments 'Installed', :installed, 'Service Pack', :service_pack, 'Valid', :valid, ] HOTFIX_MAPPING_VISTA = [ 'CurrentState', :current_state, 'Visibility', :visibility, 'InstallTimeHigh', :install_time_high, 'InstallTimeLow', :install_time_low ] def initialize(_c, fs) @applications = [] @patches = [] @product_keys = {} @patch_install_dates = {} regHnd =, true) # reg_doc = regHnd.loadHive("software", ["Microsoft"]) reg_doc = regHnd.loadHive('software', [{:key => 'Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Hotfix', :value => ['fix description', 'comments', 'installed', 'service pack', 'valid']}, {:key => 'Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Installer/UserData', :value => ['DisplayName', 'Publisher', 'DisplayVersion', 'Comments', 'InstallLocation']}, {:key => 'Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall', :value => ['DisplayName', 'Publisher', 'DisplayVersion', 'FileDescription', 'ReleaseType', 'InstallDate']}, {:key => 'Wow6432Node/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall', :value => ['DisplayName', 'Publisher', 'DisplayVersion', 'FileDescription', 'ReleaseType', 'InstallDate']}, {:key => 'Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/App Paths', :value => ['(Default)', 'FileDescription', 'CompanyName', 'ProductVersion', 'FileDescription', 'ProductName', 'lang', 'path']}, {:key => 'Wow6432Node/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/App Paths', :value => ['(Default)', 'FileDescription', 'CompanyName', 'ProductVersion', 'FileDescription', 'ProductName', 'lang', 'path']}, # These locations are used to check for Product keys {:key => 'Microsoft/Internet Explorer/Registration', :value => ['digitalproductid']}, {:key => 'Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Component Based Servicing/Packages', :value => ['CurrentState', 'Visibility', 'InstallTimeHigh', 'InstallTimeLow']}, {:key => 'Microsoft/Office', :value => ['digitalproductid']}]) @digital_product_keys = regHnd.digitalProductKeys regHnd.close @product_keys = collectProductKeys(@digital_product_keys) # Get the applications reg_node = MIQRexml.findRegElement("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer\\UserData", reg_doc.root) if reg_node reg_node.each_element_with_attribute(:keyname) do |users| users.each_element_with_attribute(:keyname) do |components| if components.attributes[:keyname].downcase == "products" components.each_element_with_attribute(:keyname) do |products| attrs = XmlFind.decode(products, PRODUCTS_MAPPING) attrs.merge!(:typename => "win32_product", :product_key => @product_keys[attrs[:name]]) clean_up_path(attrs) @applications << attrs end end end end end ["HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths"].each do |reg_path| reg_node = MIQRexml.findRegElement(reg_path, reg_doc.root) if reg_node postProcessApps(reg_node, fs) reg_node.each_element_with_attribute(:keyname) do |e| attrs = XmlFind.decode(e, APP_PATHS_MAPPING) next if attrs[:name].nil? attrs.merge!(:typename => "app_path", :product_key => @product_keys[attrs[:name]]) clean_up_path(attrs) @applications << attrs unless isDupApp?(attrs) end end end ["HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall"].each do |reg_path| reg_node = MIQRexml.findRegElement(reg_path, reg_doc.root) if reg_node reg_node.each_element_with_attribute(:keyname) do |e| attrs = XmlFind.decode(e, UNINSTALL_MAPPING) next if attrs[:name].nil? if ["security update", "update"].include?(attrs.delete(:release_type).to_s.downcase) @patch_install_dates[e.attributes[:keyname]] = Time.parse(attrs[:installed_on]) unless attrs[:installed_on].nil? next else attrs.delete(:installed_on) end attrs.merge!(:typename => "uninstall", :product_key => @product_keys[attrs[:name]]) @applications << attrs unless isDupApp?(attrs) end end end # Get the patches (Win2000, Win2003, WinXP) reg_node = MIQRexml.findRegElement("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Hotfix", reg_doc.root) if reg_node reg_node.each_element_with_attribute(:keyname) do |e| attrs = XmlFind.decode(e, HOTFIX_MAPPING) # Check both descriptions and take the first one with a value attrs.delete(:description2) if attrs[:description] || attrs[:description2].blank? attrs[:description] = attrs.delete(:description2) if attrs[:description2] attrs.merge!(:name => e.attributes[:keyname], :vendor => "Microsoft Corporation", :installed_on => @patch_install_dates[e.attributes[:keyname]]) @patches << attrs end end # Get the patches (Vista, Win2008, Windows 7) reg_node = MIQRexml.findRegElement("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Component Based Servicing\\Packages", reg_doc.root) if reg_node hotfix = {} reg_node.each_element do |e| if e.attributes[:keyname][0, 8] == 'Package_' # Expected pattern: Package_for_KBxxx_RTM~xxxx # Get the hotfix id (KB #) out of the keyname package = e.attributes[:keyname].split("_") # If the package identifier starts with KB, use this # otherwise grab the ID from the end of the string (if it's long enough) hotfix_id = nil if (package[2][0, 2] == 'KB') hotfix_id = package[2] elsif package.size >= 4 hotfix_id = package[3] else # Unknown package ID pattern, print this out str = '' e.write(str) $log.warn "Win32Software::initialize - Can't determine patch element's hotfix id: #{str}" end # don't add this package if the ID is nil next if hotfix_id.nil? hotfix_id = hotfix_id.split('~')[0] unless hotfix.key?(hotfix_id) attrs = XmlFind.decode(e, HOTFIX_MAPPING_VISTA) install_time = wtime2time(attrs[:install_time_high], attrs[:install_time_low]) @patches << {:name => hotfix_id, :vendor => "Microsoft Corporation", :installed_on => install_time, :installed => 1} hotfix[hotfix_id] = true end end end end end # # Process application images # e.find_each("./descendant::image") { |i| nh[:image_md5] = i.attributes['md5']; validate_image(i, nh)} # # def self.validate_image(imageNode, nh) # #logger.warn("MIQ(applications-add_elements): Checking application image [#{nh.inspect}] -- [#{imageNode.to_s}]") # x = ApplicationImage.find_by_md5(imageNode.attributes['md5']) # if x # #logger.warn("MIQ(applications-add_elements): Application image found [#{imageNode.attributes['md5']}]") # else # #logger.warn("MIQ(applications-add_elements): Application image NOT found [#{imageNode.attributes['md5']}]") # ApplicationImage.create({:md5=>imageNode.attributes['md5'], :name=>nh['name'], :vendor=>nh['vendor'], :version=>nh['version']}) # end # end def to_xml(doc = nil) doc = MiqXml.createDoc(nil) unless doc applicationsToXml(doc) patchesToXml(doc) doc end def applicationsToXml(doc = nil) doc = MiqXml.createDoc(nil) unless doc unless @applications.empty? node = doc.add_element("applications") @applications.each { |a| node.add_element("application", XmlHelpers.stringify_keys(a)) } end doc end def patchesToXml(doc = nil) doc = MiqXml.createDoc(nil) unless doc unless @patches.empty? node = doc.add_element("patches") @patches.each { |p| node.add_element("patch", XmlHelpers.stringify_keys(p)) } end doc end def isDupApp?(attrs) findDupApp(attrs) ? true : false end def findDupApp(attrs) @applications.each do |app| return app if app[:name] == attrs[:name] end nil end def clean_up_path(attrs) if attrs[:path] ["\\", ";"].each { |c| attrs[:path].chomp!(c) } attrs[:path].gsub!(/^"/, "") attrs[:path].gsub!(/"$/, "") end end def self.DecodeProductKey(product_key) return if product_key.blank? || product_key.length < 67 y = []; product_key.split(",")[52..67].each { |b| y << b.hex } return MIQEncode.base24Decode(y) rescue => err $log.error "MIQ(DecodeProductKey): [#{err}]" end private def postProcessApps(appPath, fs) # The icon sections below will need to be uncommented when we are ready to start # implementing application image uploading. # iconNode = MIQRexml.findElement("Applications/images", xmlCol.root) appPath.each_element do |app| app.each_element_with_attribute(:name, '(Default)') do |appNode| begin next if appNode.text.nil? # st = fh = nil fileName = appNode.text!("\\", "/") fileName = fileName[1..-2] if fileName[0, 1] == "\"" && fileName[-1, 1] == "\"" fileName = "C:/" + fileName if fileName[0..0] == "/" fh = fs.fileOpen(fileName) vi = unless viNode = app.add_element(:versioninfo) vi.each_pair { |k, v| viNode.add_element(:value, {:name => k}).add_text(v.to_s) } end # Access application icons # peData = # if peData.icons.length > 0 # ie = e1.add_element("image",{"file"=>fileName, "count"=>peData.icons.length.to_s, "md5"=>Digest::MD5.hexdigest(peData.icons[0])}) # addIconData(ie, peData, iconNode) # end rescue Exception # => err # $log.debug "(Win32Software-postProcessApps) - file:[#{fileName}] - error:[#{err.to_s}]" ensure fh.close if fh end end end end def collectProductKeys(prodKeys) prodKeys.inject({}) do |pks, pk| # if e.parent && e.parent.attributes[:fqname] && e.parent.attributes[:fqname].downcase != 'software\\microsoft\\windows nt\\currentversion' reg_path = build_reg_path(pk) unless reg_path[-1].to_s.downcase == 'currentversion' pks[reg_path[-2]] = MiqWin32::Software.DecodeProductKey(pk.text) end pks end end def build_reg_path(node) path = [] p = node.parent while p && path << p.attributes[:keyname] if p.respond_to?(:attributes) # Skip document class p = p.parent end path.compact.reverse end def wtime2time(high_time, low_time) th = [high_time.to_i].pack('L').unpack('L')[0] << 32 tl = [low_time.to_i].pack('L').unpack('L')[0] time_int = ((th + tl) - 116444736000000000) / 10000000 return nil if time_int < 0 rescue nil end end # Class Software end # Module MiqWin32