class ReportBuilder # Creates a Graph. API based on: # * jqPlot: [] # # == API Reference # All options could be not available on specifics builder. # See documentation and source code for specific information # * height # * width # * data: Array for a specific data serie. The first parameter # should be the id, and the next elements could be single values, # with automatic # asignation on x axis (from 1 to n), or an array of values. Normally, # they correspond to x, y and z axis, but may change according to specific # series type # * series_defaults: Options for all series. The options are: # * type: could be :line, :bar, :scatter, :pie. Depending on engine, # is a shorthand designed to set several options at once or set # the 'real' type of plot # * label: String # * color: String # * lines: Hash # * show: boolean # * color: String # * width: integer # * fill: boolean # * fill_color: string # * shadow: boolean # * shadow_angle # * shadow_offset # * shadow_depth # * shadow_alpha # * markers: Hash # * show: boolean # * color: boolean # * style: style # * line_width # * size: integer (diameter) # * diameter: # * radius: # * shadow: boolean # * shadow_angle # * shadow_offset # * shadow_depth # * shadow_alpha # * bars: Hash # * color # * width # * padding # * margin # * direction # * align: 'left' or 'center' # * serie_options: Options for a specific serie. The first argument should # be the id of serie, and the second parameter should be a hash with # options according to series_options # * serie: Shorthand for :data and :serie_options. The first element is the # id, the second a hash with options for serie, including :data key to # assign data to a serie. # * legend: hash of options # * show # * position: # * margin # * background_color # * title # * show # * text: by default, equal to name of element # * axes_defaults: hash of options # * show # * min # * max # * autoscale # * label_width # * label_height # * ticks: number of ticks or array # * xaxes: Same as axes_defaults # * yaxes: Same as axes_defaults # * grid # * show # * color # * background_color # * tick_color # * border_width # * border_color # * shadow: boolean # * shadow_angleel # * shadow_offset # * shadow_depth # * shadow_alpha # == Usage #>"Graph", ) do |g| # g.serie :x1, :data=>[1,2,3,4], :label=>"Data 1" # Automatic asignation of x axis # :x2, :data=>[[1,2],[2,3],[4,5]], :label=>"Data 2" # Manual asignation of x axis # g.xaxis :label=>"X axis", :autoscale=>true # jqPlot like asignation # end class Graph # Allows to define an reader/writer function # Without parameters, retrieve the value for a instance variable # With parameters, set the value for instance variable def self.attr_accessor_dsl(*attr) attr.each do |sym| sym_w_sm=sym.to_s.gsub(":","") define_method(sym) do |*args| if args.size==0 instance_variable_get("@#{sym_w_sm}") else instance_variable_set("@#{sym_w_sm}", args[0]) end end define_method(sym.to_s+"=") do |*args| instance_variable_set("@#{sym_w_sm}", args[0]) end end end @@n=1 # :nodoc: attr_reader :name attr_reader :number, :series_data_hash, :series_options_hash attr_accessor_dsl :height, :width, :series_defaults, :title, :xaxis, :yaxis, :grid, :html_engine, :generic_engine, :legend, :axes_defaults attr_reader :xmin,:xmax,:ymin, :ymax def initialize(, &block) @number=@@n @@n+=1 if !options.has_key? :name @name="Graph #{@@n}" else @name=options.delete(:name) end @title={:text=>@name} default_options={ :width=>600, :height=>400, :html_engine=>:jqplot, :generic_engine=>:rchart } @options=default_options.merge(options) @options.each {|k,v| self.send("#{k}=",v) if self.respond_to? k } if block block.arity<1 ? self.instance_eval(&block) : end end def name=(v) @name=v @title[:text]=v unless @title[:text] end def series_id @series_data_hash.keys.sort {|a,b| a.to_s<=>b.to_s} end def series_data {|v| @series_data_hash[v] } end def series_options {|v| @series_options_hash[v] } end def data(name, *d) i=0 if d.size==0 @series_data_hash[name] else @series_data_hash[name] {|v| i+=1 if v.is_a? Array v else [i,v] end } end end def set_marker_size(h) d=h[:markers][:diameter] if h[:markers][:diameter] d=h[:markers][:size] if h[:markers][:size] d=2*h[:markers][:radius] if h[:markers][:radius] h[:markers][:diameter]=d h[:markers][:radius]=d/2.0 h[:markers][:size]=d end def serie_options(name, h) set_marker_size(h) if h[:markers] and (h[:markers].keys & [:size, :radius, :diameter]).size > 0 @series_options_hash[name]=h end def serie(name,d) raise "You should define :data key" unless d[:data] da=d.delete(:data) data(name,*da) serie_options(name,d) end def actuals_minmax if @actuals_minmax.nil? series_data.each do |data| data.each do |v| @actuals_minmax[:xmin]||=v[0] @actuals_minmax[:xmax]||=v[0] @actuals_minmax[:ymin]||=v[1] @actuals_minmax[:ymax]||=v[1] @actuals_minmax[:xmin]=v[0] if @actuals_minmax[:xmin]>v[0] @actuals_minmax[:xmax]=v[0] if @actuals_minmax[:xmax]v[1] @actuals_minmax[:ymax]=v[1] if @actuals_minmax[:ymax]