require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helper.rb') describe Attributor::Model do subject(:chicken) { Chicken } # TODO: should move most of these specs to hash spec context 'attributes' do context 'with an exception from the definition block' do subject(:broken_model) do do attributes do raise 'sorry :(' end end end it 'throws original exception upon first run' do expect do broken_model.attributes raise_error(RuntimeError, 'sorry :(') end it 'throws InvalidDefinition for subsequent access' do begin broken_model.attributes rescue nil end expect do broken_model.attributes raise_error(Attributor::InvalidDefinition) end it 'throws for any attempts at using of an instance of it' do begin broken_model.attributes rescue nil end instance = expect do raise_error(Attributor::InvalidDefinition) end end end context 'class methods' do let(:context) { %w(root subattr) } its(:native_type) { should eq(Chicken) } context '.example' do subject(:chicken) { Chicken.example } let(:age_opts) { { options: Chicken.attributes[:age].options } } let(:age) { /\d{2}/.gen.to_i } context 'for a simple model' do it { should be_kind_of(Chicken) } context 'and attribute without :example option' do before do expect(Attributor::Integer).to receive(:example).with(kind_of(Array), age_opts).and_return(age) end its(:age) { should eq age } end context 'and attribute with :example options' do before do expect(Attributor::Integer).not_to receive(:example) # due to lazy-evaluation of examples expect(Attributor::String).not_to receive(:example) # due to the :example option on the attribute end its(:email) { should match(/\w+@.*\.example\.org/) } end context 'with given values' do let(:name) { 'Sir Clucksalot' } subject(:example) { Chicken.example(name: name) } its(:name) { should eq(name) } end end context 'generating multiple examples' do context 'without a context' do subject(:other_chicken) { Chicken.example } its(:attributes) { should_not eq(chicken.attributes) } end context 'with identical contexts' do let(:example_context) { 'some context' } let(:some_chicken) { Chicken.example(example_context) } subject(:another_chicken) { Chicken.example(example_context) } its(:attributes) { should eq(some_chicken.attributes) } end end context 'with attributes that are also models' do subject(:turducken) { Turducken.example } its(:attributes) { should have_key(:chicken) } its(:chicken) { should be_kind_of(Chicken) } end context 'with infinitely-expanding sub-attributes' do let(:model_class) do do this = self attributes do attribute :name, String attribute :child, this end end end subject(:example) { model_class.example } it 'terminates example generation at MAX_EXAMPLE_DEPTH' do # call .child on example MAX_EXAMPLE_DEPTH times terminal_child = Attributor::Model::MAX_EXAMPLE_DEPTH.times.inject(example) do |object, _i| object.child end # after which .child will return nil expect(terminal_child.child).to be(nil) # but simple attributes will be generated expect( be(nil) end end end context '.definition' do subject(:definition) { Chicken.definition } context '#attributes' do subject(:attributes) { Chicken.attributes } it { should have_key :age } it { should have_key :email } end end context '.load' do let(:age) { 1 } let(:email) { '' } let(:hash) { { age: age, email: email } } subject(:model) { Chicken.load(hash) } context 'with an instance of the model' do it 'returns the instance' do expect(Chicken.load(model)).to be(model) end end context 'with a nil value' do it 'returns nil' do expect(Chicken.load(nil)).to be_nil end context 'with recurse: true' do subject(:turducken) { Turducken.load(nil, [], recurse: true) } it 'loads with default values' do expect( eq('Turkey McDucken') expect(turducken.chicken.age).to be(1) end end end context 'with a JSON-serialized hash' do let(:context) { %w(root subattr) } let(:expected_hash) { { 'age' => age, 'email' => email } } let(:json) { hash.to_json } before do expect(Chicken).to receive(:from_hash) .with(expected_hash, context, recurse: false) expect(JSON).to receive(:parse).with(json).and_call_original end it 'deserializes and calls from_hash' do Chicken.load(json, context) end end context 'with an invalid JSON string' do let(:json) { "{'invalid'}" } it 'catches the error and reports it correctly' do expect(JSON).to receive(:parse).with(json).and_call_original expect do Chicken.load(json, context) raise_error(Attributor::DeserializationError, /Error deserializing a String using JSON.*#{context.join('.')}/) end end context 'with an invalid object type' do it 'raises some sort of error' do expect do Chicken.load(, context) raise_error(Attributor::IncompatibleTypeError, /Type Chicken cannot load values of type Object.*#{context.join('.')}/) end end context 'with an instance of different model' do it 'raises some sort of error' do expect do turducken = Turducken.example Chicken.load(turducken, context) raise_error(Attributor::AttributorException, /Unknown key received/) end end context 'with a hash' do context 'for a complete set of attributes' do it 'loads the given attributes' do expect(model.age).to eq age expect( eq email end end context 'for a subset of attributes' do let(:hash) { } it 'sets the defaults' do expect(model.age).to eq 1 expect( be nil end end context 'for a superset of attributes' do let(:hash) { { 'invalid_attribute' => 'value' } } it 'raises an error' do expect do Chicken.load(hash, context) raise_error(Attributor::AttributorException, /Unknown key received/) # raise_error(Attributor::AttributorException, /Unknown attributes.*#{context.join('.')}/) end end context 'loading with default values' do let(:reference) { Post } let(:options) { { reference: reference } } let(:attribute_definition) do proc do attribute :title attribute :tags, default: %w(stuff things) end end let(:struct) { Attributor::Struct.construct(attribute_definition, options) } let(:data) { { title: 'my post' } } subject(:loaded) { struct.load(data) } it 'validates' do expect(loaded.validate).to be_empty end end end end end context 'instance methods' do subject(:chicken) { } context '#respond_to?' do [:age, :email, :age=, :email=].each do |method| it { should respond_to(method) } end end context 'initialize' do subject(:chicken) { } context 'supports passing an initial hash object for attribute values' do let(:attributes_data) { { age: '1', email: '' } } it 'and sets them in loaded format onto the instance attributes' do expect(Chicken).to receive(:load).with(attributes_data).and_call_original attributes_data.keys.each do |attr_name| expect(Chicken.attributes[attr_name]).to receive(:load) .with(attributes_data[attr_name], instance_of(Array), recurse: false) .and_call_original end expect(subject.age).to be(1) expect( be(attributes_data[:email]) end end context 'supports passing a JSON encoded data object' do let(:attributes_hash) { { age: 1, email: '' } } let(:attributes_data) { JSON.dump(attributes_hash) } it 'and sets them in loaded format onto the instance attributes' do expect(Chicken).to receive(:load).with(attributes_data).and_call_original attributes_hash.keys.each do |attr_name| expect(Chicken.attributes[attr_name]).to receive(:load) .with(attributes_hash[attr_name], instance_of(Array), recurse: false) .and_call_original end expect(subject.age).to be(1) expect( eq attributes_hash[:email] end end context 'supports passing a native model for the data object' do let(:attributes_data) { Chicken.example } it 'sets a new instance pointing to the exact same attributes (careful about modifications!)' do attributes_data.attributes.each do |attr_name, attr_value| expect(subject.send(attr_name)).to be(attr_value) end end end end context 'getting and setting attributes' do context 'for valid attributes' do let(:age) { 1 } it 'gets and sets attributes' do chicken.age = age expect(chicken.age).to eq age end end context 'setting nil' do it 'assigns the default value if there is one' do chicken.age = nil expect(chicken.age).to eq 1 end it 'sets the value to nil if there is no default' do = nil expect( be nil end end context 'for unknown attributes' do it 'raises an exception' do expect do chicken.invalid_attribute = 'value' raise_error(NoMethodError, /undefined method/) end end context 'for false attributes' do subject(:person) { Person.example(okay: false) } it 'properly memoizes the value' do expect(person.okay).to be(false) expect(person.okay).to be(false) # second call to ensure we hit the memoized value end end end end context 'validation' do context 'for simple models' do context 'that are valid' do subject(:chicken) { Chicken.example } its(:validate) { should be_empty } end context 'that are invalid' do subject(:chicken) { Chicken.example(age: 150) } its(:validate) { should_not be_empty } end end context 'for models using the "requires" DSL' do subject(:address) { Address.load({state: 'CA'}) } its(:validate) { should_not be_empty } its(:validate) { should include 'Attribute $.key(:name) is required.' } end context 'for models with non-nullable attributes' do subject(:address) { Address.load({name: nil, state: nil}) } its(:validate) { should_not be_empty } its(:validate) { should include 'Attribute $.state is not nullable.' } # name is nullable end context 'for models with circular sub-attributes' do context 'that are valid' do subject(:person) { Person.example } its(:validate) { should be_empty } end context 'that are both invalid' do subject(:person) { Person.load({name: 'Joe', title: 'dude', okay: true}) } let(:address) { Address.load({name: '1 Main St', state: 'ME'}) } before do person.address = address address.person = person end its(:validate) { should have(2).items } it 'recursively-validates sub-attributes with the right context' do title_error, state_error = person.validate('person') expect(title_error).to match(/^Attribute person\.title:/) expect(state_error).to match(/^Attribute person\.address\.state:/) end end end end context '#dump' do context 'with circular references' do subject(:person) { Person.example } let(:output) { person.dump } it 'terminates' do expect do Person.example.dump end.to_not raise_error end it 'outputs "..." for circular references' do expect(person.address.person).to be(person) expect(output[:address][:person]).to eq(Attributor::Model::CIRCULAR_REFERENCE_MARKER) end it 'passes kwargs' do person.class.attributes.values.each do |attr| expect(attr).to receive(:dump).with( anything, context: anything, custom_arg: :custom_value ) end person.dump(custom_arg: :custom_value) end end end context 'extending' do subject(:model) do do attributes do attribute :id, Integer attribute :timestamps do attribute :created_at, DateTime end end end end context 'adding a top-level attribute' do before do model.attributes do attribute :name, String end end it 'adds the attribute' do expect(model.attributes.keys).to match_array [:id, :name, :timestamps] end end context 'adding to an inner-Struct' do before do model.attributes do attribute :timestamps, Struct do attribute :updated_at, DateTime end end end it 'merges with sub-attributes' do expect(model.attributes[:timestamps].attributes.keys).to match_array [:created_at, :updated_at] end end context 'for collections of models' do let(:attributes_block) do proc do attribute :neighbors, required: true do attribute :name, required: true attribute :age, Integer end end end subject(:struct) { Attributor::Struct.construct(attributes_block, reference: Cormorant) } it 'supports defining sub-attributes using the proper reference' do expect(struct.attributes[:neighbors].options[:required]).to be true expect(struct.attributes[:neighbors].options[:null]).to be false expect(struct.attributes[:neighbors].type.member_attribute.type.attributes.keys).to match_array [:name, :age] name_options = struct.attributes[:neighbors].type.member_attribute.type.attributes[:name].options expect(name_options[:required]).to be true expect(name_options[:description]).to eq 'Name of the Cormorant' end end context 'redefining an attribute' do context 'for simple types' do before do model.attributes do attribute :id, String end end it 'updates the type properly' do expect(model.attributes[:id].type).to be(Attributor::String) end end end end context 'with no defined attributes' do let(:model_class) do do attributes do end end end subject(:example) { model_class.example } its(:attributes) { should be_empty } it 'dumps as an empty hash' do expect(example.dump).to eq({}) end end context '#to_hash' do let(:model_type) do do attributes do attribute :name, String attribute :subkey do attribute :id, Integer end end end end subject { 'Praxis', subkey: { id: 1 }).to_hash } it 'returns the top keys as a hash' do expect(subject.keys).to eq([:name, :subkey]) end it 'does not recurse down' do expect(subject[:subkey]).to be_kind_of Attributor::Struct end end end