require 'sprockets' require 'sass' require 'coffee_script' require 'compass' require 'autoprefixer-rails' require 'open3' module Locomotive::Steam class YUICompressorRuntimeError < RuntimeError attr_reader :errors #:nocov: def initialize(msg, errors) super(msg) @errors = errors end end module YUICompressorErrors #:nocov: def compress(stream_or_string) streamify(stream_or_string) do |stream| tempfile = new_tempfile(stream) full_command = "%s %s" % [command, tempfile.path] output, errors, exit_status = _compress(full_command, tempfile) if output else # Bourne shells tend to blow up here when the command fails, usually # because java is missing raise"Command '%s' returned non-zero exit status" % full_command, errors) end end end #:nocov: def _compress(command, tempfile) begin # FIXME: catch only useful information from the stderr output # output, errors, exit_status = '', [], nil output, errors, exit_status = Open3.capture3(command) errors = errors.split("\n").find_all { |l| l =~ /\s+[0-9]/ } [output, errors, exit_status] rescue Exception => e # windows shells tend to blow up here when the command fails raise RuntimeError, "compression failed: %s" % e.message ensure tempfile.close! end end #:nocov: def new_tempfile(stream)'yui_compress').tap do |tempfile| tempfile.write tempfile.flush end end end class SprocketsEnvironment < ::Sprockets::Environment def initialize(root, options = {}) super(root) @steam_path = root append_steam_paths install_yui_compressor(options) install_autoprefixer end private def append_steam_paths %w(fonts stylesheets javascripts).each do |name| append_path File.join(@steam_path, name) end Compass::Frameworks::ALL.each { |f| append_path(f.stylesheets_directory) } end def install_yui_compressor(options) return unless options[:minify] if is_java_installed? require 'yui/compressor' [YUI::JavaScriptCompressor, YUI::CssCompressor].each do |klass| klass.send(:include, YUICompressorErrors) end # minify javascripts and stylesheets self.js_compressor = self.css_compressor = else message = "[Important] YUICompressor requires java to be installed. The JAVA_HOME variable should also be set.\n" Locomotive::Common::Logger.warn false end end def install_autoprefixer file = File.join(root, '..', 'config', 'autoprefixer.yml') if File.exists?(file) params = (::YAML.load_file(file) || {}).symbolize_keys AutoprefixerRails.install(self, params) "[Autoprefixer] detected and installed".light_white if ENV['EXECJS_RUNTIME'].blank? Locomotive::Common::Logger.warn "[Autoprefixer]".light_white + " [Warning] if you notice bad performance, install NodeJS and run \"export EXECJS_RUNTIME=Node\" in your shell" end "\n" end end def is_java_installed? `which java` != '' && (!ENV['JAVA_HOME'].blank? && File.exists?(ENV['JAVA_HOME'])) end end end