# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # File: stacklayout.rb # Description: # Author: j kepler http://github.com/mare-imbrium/canis/ # Date: 2014-05-08 - 18:33 # License: MIT # Last update: 2014-05-09 19:58 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # stacklayout.rb Copyright (C) 2012-2014 j kepler require 'canis/core/include/layouts/abstractlayout' # ---- # This does a simple stacking of objects. Or all objects. # Some simple layout managers may not require objects to be passed to # it, others that are complex may require the same. class StackLayout < AbstractLayout # @param [Form] optional give a form # @param [Hash] optional give settings/attributes which will be set into variables def initialize arg, config={}, &block @wts = {} super end # in case user does not wish to add objects, but wishes to specify the weightage on one, # send in the widget and its weightage. # # @param [Widget] widget whose weightage is to be specified # @param [Float, Fixnum] weightage for the given widget (@see add_with_weight) def weightage item, wt @wts[item] = wt end # This program lays out the widgets deciding their row and columm and height and weight. # This program is called once at start of application, and again whenever a RESIZE event happens. def do_layout _init_layout r = @top_margin c = @left_margin # # determine fixed widths and how much is left to share with others, # and how many variable width components there are. ht = 0 # accumulate fixed height fixed_ctr = 0 # how many items have a fixed wt var_ctr = 0 var_wt = 0.0 @components.each do |e| $log.debug " looping 1 #{e.name} " _tmpwt = @wts[e] || 0 # what of field and button placed side by side if e.is_a? Field or e.is_a? Button or e.is_a? Label @wts[e] ||= 1 ht += @wts[e] || 1 fixed_ctr += 1 elsif _tmpwt >= 1 ht += @wts[e] || 0 fixed_ctr += 1 elsif _tmpwt > 0 and _tmpwt <= 1 # FIXME how to specify 100 % ??? var_ctr += 1 var_wt += @wts[e] end end unaccounted = @components.count - (fixed_ctr + var_ctr) $log.debug " unacc #{unaccounted} , fixed #{fixed_ctr} , var : #{var_ctr} , ht #{ht} height #{@height} " balance_ht = @height - ht # use this for those who have specified a % balance_ht1 = balance_ht * (1 - var_wt ) average_ht = (balance_ht1 / unaccounted).floor # give this to those who have not specified ht average_ht = (balance_ht1 / unaccounted) # give this to those who have not specified ht $log.debug " #{balance_ht} , #{balance_ht1} , #{average_ht} " # not accounted for gap in heights rem = 0 # remainder to be carried over @components.each do |e| $log.debug " looping 2 #{e.name} #{e.class.to_s.downcase} " next if @ignore_list.include? e.class.to_s.downcase $log.debug " looping 3 #{e.name} " e.row = r e.col = c wt = @wts[e] if wt if wt.is_a? Fixnum e.height = wt elsif wt.is_a? Float e.height = (wt * balance_ht).floor end else # no wt specified, give average of balance wt e.height = average_ht hround = e.height.floor rem += e.height - hround e.height = hround # see comment in prev block regarding remaininder if rem >= 1 e.height += 1 rem = 0 end end $log.debug " layout #{e.name} , h: #{e.height} r: #{e.row} , c = #{e.col} " e.width = @width r += e.height.floor r += @gap end $log.debug " layout finished " end end