Workarea Google Product Feed 3.2.0 (2020-06-16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Use image that matches the SKU * now using variant images if one exists * memoized image in google_product_feed_sku_view_model * Moved methods to private, calling product_view_model primary_image instead of directly going to the ImageCollection * Getting variant image the workarea way JurgenHahn * Added inventory column. Inventory returns 0 if no inventory_sku present. JurgenHahn * Update README Matt Duffy Workarea Google Product Feed 3.1.4 (2019-08-22) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Open Source! For real! Workarea Google Product Feed 3.1.3 (2019-08-21) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Open Source! lol jk Workarea Google Product Feed 3.1.2 (2019-06-25) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Update image urls in google product feed * change image size to be :detail so the images are larger than 250 (googles requirement for apparel products) * fix problems with tests failing with multi-site GOOGPROD-22 Eric Pigeon Workarea Google Product Feed 3.1.1 (2018-09-19) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fix config values not being reset in tests Tests can fail because values aren't reset properly. GOOGPROD-20 Ben Crouse Google Product Feed 3.1.0 (2018-03-21) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Add a configuration for static values in google merchant feed GOOGPROD-16 Eric Pigeon * Use a product's default category first update the google taxonomy to prefer using it's default category first GOOGPROD-18 Eric Pigeon Google Product Feed 3.0.2 (2018-01-11) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Product feed does not include inactive products GOOGPROD-10 Jake Beresford * Improve implementation of Google category field * check product, then category, then fall back to a configuration GOOGPROD-11 Jake Beresford * Do not export non-displayable skus to google feed GOOGPROD-10 Jake Beresford Google Product Feed 3.0.0 (2017-05-25) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixes final test. GOOGPROD-7 Beresford, Jake * Upgrade plugin for v3 compatibility * Rename * Convert rspec to minitest * Use Variant#active? instead of Variant#purchasable? GOOGPROD-7 Beresford, Jake Google Product Feed 2.0.5 (2016-12-07) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Send the correct price for a variant If a product has different pricers per variant we should use the correct sell price for the sku rather than the minimal selling price of the product GOOGPROD-6 Eric Pigeon